Michael’s article, The Solicitor General Unbound: Amicus Curiae Activism and Deference in the Supreme Court, 45 Ariz. St. L.J. 1183 (2013), was highlighted in the Academic Round-Up section of the Scotusblog on January 28, 2014.
MIchael was a signatory to an amicus curiae brief of legal scholars filed in the U.S. Supreme Court case of Haliburton Co. v. Erica P. John Fund., No. 13-317. The case will be orally argued in March. The brief concerns issues of statutory construction and cites Michael’s article, The Next Word: Congressional Response to Supreme Court Statutory Decisions, 65 Temp. L. Rev. 425 (1992) (with James L. Walker).
Several of MIchael’s books and article were cited in December and January:
- The Next Word: Congressional Response to Supreme Court Statutory Decisions, 65 Temp. L. Rev. 425 (1992), in Ryan Eric Emenaker, Constitutional Interpretation and Congressional Overrides, 3 J.L.: Periodical Laboratory of Leg. Scholarship 197 (2013);
- Voting Rights and Election Law (LexisNexis 2010) (with Michael Dimino & Bradley Smith), in Spencer Overton, Political Law, 81 Geo. Wash. L. Rev. 1783 (2013);
- Interstate Recognition of Same-Sex Marriage, the Public Policy Exception, and Clear Statements of Extraterritorial Effect, 41 Cal. W. Int’l L.J. 105 (2010), in Steve Sanders, Is The Full Faith and Credit Clause Still “Irrelevant” to Same-Sex Marriage?: Toward a Reconsideration of the Conventional Wisdom, 89 Ind. L.J. 95 (2014);
- Shoring Up Article III Legislative Court Doctrine in the Post-CFTC v. Schor Era, 68 B.U. L. Rev. 85 (1988) (with Richard B. Saphire), in Mila Sohoni, Agency Adjudication and Judicial Nondelegation: An Article III Canon, 107 Nw. U. L. Rev. 1569 (2013);
- The Supreme Court and the DIG: An Empirical and Institutional Analysis, 2005 Wis. L. Rev. 1421 (with Rafael Gely), in Tonja Jacobi, Obamacare as a Window on Judicial Strategy, 80 Tenn. L. Rev. 763 (2013); and
- Newsmagazine Coverage of the Supreme Court, 57 Journalism Q. 661 (1980), in Richard L. Vining, Jr. & Phil Marcin, An Economic Theory of Supreme Court News, 31 Pol. Comm. 94 (2014).