Setting Yourself Up for Success: First Steps

Just beginning law school? The Law Library can help set you up for success. Monday is “Taking Care of Business.” This day is set aside for new students to complete some of the administrative tasks needed to start at the College of Law. Among those tasks are three important ones that the Law Library can help you check off your list: (1) Law Library tours, (2) passwords, and (3) accessing TWEN.

On Monday, we’ll be giving library tours at 1pm, 2pm, and 3pm. These tours are a great time to learn about study carrels, study rooms, print study aids, where the bathrooms are, and how to get in and out of the library after closing.

Also on Monday, we’ll have a table in the atrium where you can receive your Law Library packet. That packet will have registration information for your Lexis, Westlaw, and Bloomberg Law passwords. Those are the 3 biggest legal research vendors. You will be using them a lot in law school and after. The packet will also provide information on accessing online study aids and TWEN. LLM students are welcome to stop by and say hello but they received their packets at Thursday’s LLM Introduction to the Law Library.

We can’t wait to see you!


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