Professor Aaron presented a session on Teaching Negotiation Micro-skills with Professor Dwight Golann at the American Bar Association Section on Dispute Resolution, Legal Educators’ Colloquium. The session featured clips from new videos produced in Cincinnati, with videography and editing by Michael Mimms. Our “actors” were great Cincinnati Lawyers: Lori Landrum, Carl Stich, Jeanne Geoppinger McCoy, Kevin Byrne, Julie Pugh, and Bryan Fox. These were shot “on location” at the Graydon firm, thanks to Graydon’s gracious hospitality. These three videos will soon be available through the ABA/Suffolk teaching video website: Value Pharming – Targeted Negotiation Takes: Micro Strategies and Skills; Independent Immunities: A Multi-Issue Transactional Negotiation; and Settle for More or Less II.
Professor Aaron completed a solicited chapter for a book project of Professors Schneider, of Marquette, and Hinsha, of Arizona State University Law School. Her piece is tentatively titled “Seminal by What Measure” and will be part of a segment reflecting on Professor Owen Fiss’s early impact on dispute resolution.
Professor Aaron completed the manuscript for her book titled: Risk and Rigor: A Lawyers’ Guide to Decision Trees for Assessing Cases and Advising Clients. It will be published by Dispute Resolution Institute Press and will be available open access for downloading and as a P.O.D. book. The book includes links to short video-instructional segments demonstrating how to draw decision trees for readers to better learn the concepts in the initial “how to” section of the book.
Professor Aaron began work on a website, “Risk and Rigor,” in collaboration with Professors Keet and Heavin of the University of Saskatchewan. The website will collect a variety of print, video, and teaching resources for lawyers seeking to better inform and advise their clients regarding risks, cost, and consequences in litigation.