This week in the Law Library, we look at five more resources to help you prepare for the Bar Exam, summer legal research tips on researching uniform laws, and we continue exploring Disability Pride Month resources.
Bar Exam Preparation
The Bar Exam is not a sprint, it’s a marathon so pace yourself! Now that the bar exam is so close, your stress levels might be spiking. Stress can be a motivator but too much stress has a negative impact on your health, well being, and ability to perform well on exams. This week we’re going to focus on ways to control exam stress and anxiety.
Chris Osborn, The 4-7-8 Breathing Exercise (Yep, Breathing!), Well-Being Week in Law Activity Planning Guide (PDF)
The way you breathe (yep, breathe!) may be making you anxious. Learn stress-calming techniques in the 4-7-8 Breathing Exercise Activity Guide.
ABA Law Student Division, Rewiring Your Brain for Stress Resilience (YouTube)
In this webinar, you will learn: how stress affects the brain; how we can change the brain; how common coping strategies do not serve; and what strategies we can use instead to improve our brain’s stress resilience. You’ll then be guided in applying them to your own situation.
Alice Boyes, Feeling Overwhelmed? Here’s How To Get Through The Workday, Harvard Business Review (Nov. 2, 2020)
You know those days when it feels as though life is kicking you in the teeth? We all have those days. And yet we still need to get things done. Here are some tips for pushing through.
Michael Kahn, Gretchen Rose, Anne Brafford, Retraining Unhelpful Thoughts, Well-Being Week in Law Activity Planning Guide (PDF)
Much research has established that cognitive behavioral therapy techniques can prevent or reduce symptoms of mental health conditions. According to cognitive behavioral therapy, our thoughts impact how we feel, which impacts our behaviors. By intentionally pushing back on automatic unhelpful thoughts we will feel better and also be able to choose behaviors (rather than acting on automatic pilot) that are in better alignment with our goals and values.
UNC Learning Center, Text Anxiety (YouTube)
Test anxiety is a real thing! If you think you have it, check out this video for tips for how to manage it.
Summer Legal Research Tips
Last week we looked at researching statutes from multiple jurisdictions — survey tools. This week, we’re going to look at researching uniform laws.
Just as the Restatements are an attempt to give a uniform statement of the common law, there are also attempts to establish uniform statutory laws across jurisdictions. In 1892, the National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws, also sometimes referred to as NCCUSL was organized. NCCUSL has now been renamed the Uniform Law Commission. A uniform law is so designated when it has a reasonable chance of enactment in a substantial number of states. One of the most well-known uniform laws is the Uniform Commercial Code. Many jurisdictions will adopt a uniform law completely or adopt a modified version of that law. Use Uniform Laws to research uniform statutory language, locate state codifications from jurisdictions that have adopted the uniform language, and explore jurisdictional variations in the adoption of the law.
Uniform Laws Annotated
One of the best known sources of uniform laws is Uniform Laws Annotated. This is a set that is similar in many ways to an annotated code only it covers uniform laws instead of actual statutes. In addition to the text of the uniform law, you will also find cases interpreting the law and tables letting you know which jurisdictions have adopted those uniform laws and where they can be found in that state’s code. Uniform Laws Annotated is also available on Westlaw.
Uniform & Model Laws on Lexis
Lexis does not have the Uniform Laws Annotated, but it does have some databases of uniform and model laws. To find them on Lexis, click on Statutes and Codes on the Lexis front page and then select Model Acts and Uniform Laws.
The Uniform Law Commission
The Uniform Law Commission also has a website where you can access uniform laws information. While this is a good source to find drafts of uniform laws and jurisdictions adopting uniform laws, it is not a good source to find case law interpreting those uniform laws. For case law, you want to use that Uniform Laws Annotated or go to your state annotated codes.
HeinOnline American Law Institute Library
HeinOnline has an archival collection of uniform laws. The archive publications include the Handbook, Annual Conference Proceedings, Uniform Evidence Rules, and texts of many uniform laws, listed in alphabetical order by subject.
More Resources on Uniform Laws
For more on researching uniform laws, check out our guide, Advanced Legal Research: Researching Statutes, 50-State Surveys, Uniform Laws & Municipal Codes, or our Uniform & Model Laws Video.
July Is Disability Pride Month!
Disability Pride Flag. A black flag with a lightning bolt of blue, yellow, white, red, and green. Source: Ann Magill/Public Domain
About Disability Pride Month
Disability Pride Month is an annual worldwide observance holiday during the month of July. It promotes awareness of disability as an identity, a community, a culture & the positive pride felt by disabled people. It directly challenges systematic ableism and discrimination.
5 More Resources on Accessibility & Disability Issues
ABA Commission on Disability Rights, Planning Accessible Meetings and Events: A Toolkit(PDF) (2015)
Planning fully accessible meetings and events might at first glance seem overwhelming, but with proper planning can become second nature. An effective approach begins with raising planners’ awareness of disability diversity within the legal profession, as well as the barriers that limit or preclude participation by persons with disabilities. This toolkit is intended to assist entities in planning meetings and events that are accessible to persons with disabilities. It provides recommendations and checklists for all phases of a meeting or an event, from choosing the venue to promotion, registration, presentations, materials, social events, meals, and staff and volunteer training.
US Department of Justice, Web Page Accessibility Checklist
This Checklist is based on the September 18, 1998 Working Draft of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines(2) of the World Wide Web Consortium’s (“W3C”) Web Accessibility Initiative (“WAI”). This Checklist should help you evaluate the extent to which Web pages are accessible to most people with disabilities.
UC Accessibility Network, How to Create Accessible Microsoft Word Documents
Provides strategies for creating accessible Microsoft Word documents and resources for using the Accessibility Checker on Word.
UC Accessibility Network, Accessibility Microsoft PowerPoint Presentations
Provides strategies for creating accessible PowerPoint presentations and resources for using the Accessibility Checker on PowerPoint.
UC Accessibility Network, PDF Documents
PDFs are the most challenging file formats for accessibility. This page provides guidance on how to create, remediate and select alternative formats that are more accessible than a PDF.
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