Celebrating Dean Williams

Dean Williams
After 21 years, Dean Verna Williams is leaving the College of Law. Yesterday we celebrated all of her wonderful accomplishments and thanked her for her leadership. It has been my pleasure and privilege to have served with Dean Williams at UC Law for over a decade,working first with her when she was a faculty colleague and then as dean. Whether as a faculty member, co-director of the Judge Nathaniel Jones Center for Race, Gender, and Social Justice, or dean, Dean Williams has continually demonstrated her care for students and colleagues even during the most difficult times. She helped to heal the College of Law and shepherded us through COVID and a new building. Truly, she will be missed.

Learn more about Dean Verna Williams


Dean Williams Scholarship (Cincinnati Law Scholarship Repository)

Dean Verna Williams in Her Own Words (Selected Video Interviews and Remarks)

2020 YWCA Career Woman of Achievement, Verna L. Williams

Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber, Making Black History, Verna Williams

Local 12, Making Black History: Verna Williams Inspires as First Black Dean of UC College of Law

Black Pre-Law Talks: Verna L. Williams, Esq., Dean, University of Cincinnati College of Law, The 15th Annual National Black Pre-Law Conference and Law Fair 2019, Columbia Law School, New York, New York

Interview with a Law School Dean, Prelaw Magazine, National Jurist

Cincinnati Bar Association, 10-Minute Mentoring: The Future of Legal Education with Dean Verna Williams



This Week in the Law Library …

This week in the Law Library, we’re teaching about cases and citators, teaching technology in law practice, remembering 9/11, and highlighting civil liberties and national security law resources.

This Week’s Research Sessions

Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Technology in Law Practice

Shannon Kemen, Legal Technology & Research Instructional Services Librarian
Room 107
11:10am – 12:05pm

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Lawyering I, sec. 2

Susan Boland, Interim Director & Laura Dixon-Caldwell, Instructional & Reference Services Librarian
Room 135
9:00am – 10:25pm
Research Using Cases & Citators

Lawyering I, sec. 4

Michael Whiteman, Associate Dean of Library Services
Room 170A
10:40am – 12:05pm
Research Using Cases & Citators

Technology in Law Practice

Shannon Kemen, Legal Technology & Research Instructional Services Librarian
Room 208
11:10am – 12:05pm

Lawyering I, secs. 5 & 6

Susan Boland, Interim Director & Laura Dixon-Caldwell, Instructional & Reference Services Librarian
Room 170
1:30pm – 2:55pm
Research Using Cases & Citators

Remembering 9/11

According to the Pew Research Center, Americans who are old enough to recall September 11th remember where they were and what they were doing when they heard the news; however, many Americans have no personal memory of that day, either because they were too young or not yet born. Despite this, and despite the lack of recent outside terrorist attacks on domestic soil, Pew Research Center polls show that National Security is still a top political priority. Unfortunately, 9/11 also had a profound effect on civil liberties. Last year, the United States withdrew from Afghanistan and last September also marked the 21st anniversary of 9/11. Learn more about the Pew Research Center’s polls on 9/11 in Two Decades Later, the Enduring Legacy of 9/11 and the exit from Afghanistan at A Year Later, a Look Back at Public Opinion about the U.S. Military Exit from Afghanistan.

9/11 Memorial Stair Run

The 9/11 Memorial Stair Run began in 2015 as a way to commemorate the lives of those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. Each year students, staff, and community members attempt to run 2,071 stairs of Nippert Stadium. The eighth annual Memorial Stair Run will take place on Friday, September 9th, 2022. Registration will begin at 5:30am and the run will begin at 6:46am. Learn more on the Veterans Programs & Services Memorial Stair Run page.

Featured Study Aids

Principles of Counter-Terrorism

Available via the West Academic subscription, this book examines the military and law enforcement responses to international terrorism. Subjects include the legal authority to use military force; determining when the law of armed conflict comes into force; the law of targeting and how this authority is applied to terrorist operatives; preventive detention; prosecution of terrorists by military commission; the legal framework for gathering counter-terrorism intelligence information; prosecuting terrorists and their sponsors; freezing terrorist assets; and civil liability for personal injury or death caused by acts of international terrorism.

Understanding the Law of Terrorism

Available via the LexisNexis Digital Library (Overdrive), this text provides a compact review of the three main approaches to combating terrorism: criminal proceedings, intelligence and prevention, and military action. The three modes of responses are not the same; each has benefits and limitations, and it will be difficult to find the proper balance among them. Understanding the Law of Terrorism contributes to the search for balance by providing the tools for analysis and application of each of the three modes of response.

Featured Database

Bloomberg Law Privacy & Data Security Practice Center

From EU GDPR to CCPA and beyond, the Bloomberg Law Privacy & Data Security Law is a platform for practitioners to track the latest developments– with actionable guidance. It features primary and secondary sources, practice tools, and analysis across data privacy law and other key topics. It contains data privacy news. It provides checklists and sample forms, as well as In Focus resource pages providing analysis of critical issues.

Featured Treatise

National Security Investigations & Prosecutions

Available on Westlaw, National Security Investigations and Prosecutions presents the law governing, and related to, national security investigations (NSIs). An NSI is an investigation conducted by the United States government to acquire information about foreign threats to the national security, e.g., international terrorism. This treatise explores the full background of NSIs, both from a pre-911 and a post-911 perspective, providing a powerful tool for any attorney handling a case involving a national security investigation or prosecution.

Featured Video

9/11 – 20 Years Later – A PBS NewsHour Special Report

Two decades after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, PBS NewsHour explores how the world has changed since that day. This documentary compiles a series of special reports to help viewers understand how the attacks on the World Trade Center towers, the Pentagon and Flight 93 have left a lasting mark on victim’s families, first responders, survivors and the nation as a whole.

Featured Website

National Archives, Remembering 9/11

Materials from the National Archives about 9/11.


Study Aids to Help in the First Year and Throughout Law School: Part 2

The selected resources below are available through the Law Library’s study aid subscriptions. For more information on accessing our study aids, view our Introduction to Study Aids video and our 1-L Study Aids page on the 1-L Survival Guide.

CALI Lessons for Law School Success

What Is CALI?

CALI stands for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction.  CALI.org is a non-profit consortium of law schools – of which UC Law is a member – that develops and distributes legal education lessons to the consortium members.

How to Access CALI

You will need to set up a username and password to use CALI online. Go to the CALI Registration page and click the Create an Account link. You will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. You can get this code from any reference librarian or at the Circulation Desk. Once you have entered the authorization code, you can set up your username and password. Read more at the CALI FAQs.

Time Management: Creating Your Plan

This lesson provides time management strategies for law students.It will help you create a daily, weekly, and semester time management plan.

Common Law Basics: What Faculty May Assume You Know

A basic introduction (or refresher!) about sources of law, court structure, and precedent.

Law School Lingo: How to Navigate A Brand New Vocabulary

If you are just starting law school, or thinking about doing so soon, it can often feel like you need to learn a foreign language. Not to mention all the abbreviations, odd acronyms, and more! This lesson is designed to help you get started on mastering the brand new language that is the field of law.

Note-Taking in Law School 101: The Basics

This lesson will walk you through things to consider before setting “foot” (physically or virtually!) in a law school doctrinal classroom. You’ll learn about how to listen for and capture the most important information, how to maximize your note-taking efficiency by using symbols and shorthand, and the various software options available for taking notes. It is recommended by the author that this lesson be completed before Note-Taking 101: Case-Based Content, which tests your note-taking skills in practice.

Note-Taking in Law School 101: Case-Based Content

This lesson, intended for incoming and current 1L law students, guides participants through the process of note-taking in law school classes with a focus on case-based information. Using a series of cross-doctrinal audio lecture examples and integrating periodic checks for understanding, students have the opportunity to develop their note-taking skills and practice categorizing the pieces of case-based information. This lesson is equally suitable for full-time, part-time, evening, or remote law students.

Class Participation Tips: Discussions in Law School Success

This podcast discusses methods to use to make you more comfortable with class participation, including case briefing templates. The podcast will provide you with the opportunity to do a freewriting exercise, explore some research in the field, and learn a few tips on how to hone your approach to speaking out loud in class.

Help! I am Zoning Out!

This lesson is designed to provide students with data about why their attention levels may dip during class or studying, including recent research regarding the effects of digital distractions on concentration. The lesson invites students to reflect upon the reasons they may lose focus and/or concentration while in class or while studying, and provides a robust set of strategies students can use to anticipate and control for that loss of focus, incorporating several free-writes.

Study Groups: Best Practices

This lesson gives best practices on whether and how to form a law school study group.

Creating Study Aids

Creating Study Aids is part of the Academic Support series of CALI Lessons. This lesson introduces you to law school study aids. It begins with a brief overview of self-regulated learning and Bloom’s learning taxonomy. Then, the lesson introduces law school study aids by pairing them with learning objectives at each level of the taxonomy. Finally, the lesson concludes with an activity designed to help you reflect on your learning. It can be used as an introduction, supplement, or as review.

Grit, Growth, and Why it Matters. Or, How to be Gritty!

This lesson will teach you what grit and growth mindset are, and why they are important for learning and mastering success, specifically as they pertain to law school.

What to Expect in Law School: Discussions in Law School Success

Law school is a vastly different experience from undergraduate work. In this podcast, four Academic Support professionals reflect on what came as a surprise to them when they entered law school, and share things they wish they would have known then.


This Week in the Law Library …

This week in the Law Library we’re introducing 1Ls to legal research and sources of legal authority and secondary sources, teaching technology in law practice, and highlighting Labor Law resources.

This Week’s Research Sessions

Monday, August 29, 2022

Legal Research and Writing for LLM Students

Shannon Kemen, Legal Technology & Research Instructional Services Librarian
Room 230
8:00am – 9:25pm
Cases & Citators

Tuesday, August 30, 2022

Lawyering I, sec. 2

Susan Boland, Interim Director & Laura Dixon-Caldwell, Instructional & Reference Services Librarian
Room 135
9:00am – 10:25pm
Researching Secondary Sources

Lawyering I, sec. 4

Michael Whiteman, Associate Dean of Library Services
Room 170A
10:40am – 12:05pm
Researching Secondary Sources

Technology in Law Practice

Shannon Kemen, Legal Technology & Research Instructional Services Librarian
Room 107
11:10am – 12:05pm

Lawyering I, sec. 3

Ron Jones, Electronic Resources Instructional Services Librarian
Room 145
10:40am – 12:05pm
Introduction to Legal Research & Legal Authority

Lawyering I, secs. 5 & 6

Susan Boland, Interim Director & Laura Dixon-Caldwell, Instructional & Reference Services Librarian
Room 170
1:30pm – 2:55pm
Researching Secondary Sources

Lawyering I, sec. 1

Ron Jones, Electronic Resources Instructional Services Librarian
Room 145
1:30pm – 2:55pm
Introduction to Legal Research & Legal Authority

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Lawyering I, sec. 3

Ron Jones, Electronic Resources Instructional Services Librarian
Room 145
10:40am – 12:05pm
Researching Secondary Sources

Technology in Law Practice

Shannon Kemen, Legal Technology & Research Instructional Services Librarian
Room 107
11:10am – 12:05pm

Lawyering I, sec. 1

Ron Jones, Electronic Resources Instructional Services Librarian
Room 145
1:30pm – 2:55pm
Researching Secondary Sources

Happy Labor Day! It’s More than Just a Holiday!

American flag with tools in background

The Law Library Service Suite will be closed Monday, September 5th. Law students, faculty, and staff will have their 24/7 access to physical spaces and to electronic databases but circulation and reference services will not be available.

In honor of Labor Day, please check out some of our Employment and Labor Law resources below!

Featured Study Aids

Labor Law (Concepts & Insights)

Available via the West Academic subscription, this one-volume, concise treatise on labor law explains the analytical structure that governs how employees form workplace organizations and bargain over the terms and conditions of employment. It covers new forms of labor organizing, such as the corporate campaign, card check/neutrality agreements, and worker centers. It is designed to complement leading labor law casebooks with analysis of the principal decisions, context, and social justice policy. It reflects decisional and other developments through August 2019.

Understanding Labor Law

Available via the LexisNexis Digital Library (Overdrive), this Understanding text examines the multifaceted and complex law of private-sector Labor Law. Because Understanding Labor Law focuses on relations between management and labor in the private sector, it deals primarily with the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, and its interpretation and application by the federal courts and the National Labor Relations Board. The book is organized in a format that is consistent with the organization of most Labor Law courses. At the end of each chapter is a section titled “Chapter Highlights,” summarizing some of the major doctrines discussed in the chapter.

Featured Database

VitalLaw Labor & Employment Law

VitalLaw’s Labor & Employment Practice Center gives comprehensive access to primary and selected secondary authorities on labor and employment law, and to transactional and other practice tools.

Featured Guide

Employment & Labor Law Research Guide

This guide, authored by Shannon Kemen, Legal Technology & Research Instructional Services Librarian, provides a quick overview of general and law materials related to labor and employment law. It covers browsing for materials by call number range, textbooks, treatises, statutory law, administrative materials, news and forms.

Featured Treatise

Employee and Union Member Guide to Labor Law

Available on Westlaw, this 3-volume set provides proven strategies for labor activists, as well as the text of major federal statutes. It includes approximately 500 pages dealing with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Rehabilitation Act, and relevant case law, as well as other federal employment discrimination laws.

Featured Video

Intro to U.S. Federal Labor and Employment Agencies Webinar (U.S. Department of Labor on YouTube)

Learn about the roles and responsibilities of four federal agencies and their sub-agencies that enforce workplace rights: U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division and Occupational Safety and Health Administration, the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Special Counsel on Immigration-Related Unfair Employment Practices, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and the National Labor Relations Board.


Study Aids to Help in the First Year and Throughout Law School: Part 1

The selected resources below are available through the Law Library’s study aid subscriptions. For more information on accessing our study aids, view our Introduction to Study Aids video and our 1-L Study Aids page on the 1-L Survival Guide.

1L of a Ride by Andrew J. McClurg

This book, available through the West Academic study aid subscription, covers topics such as pre-planning, top student fears, first-year curriculum, the Socratic and case methods of teaching, effective class participation, top habits of successful students, essential study techniques, legal research and writing, exam strategies, maintaining well-being, and much more. Combines anecdotes, comments from law students, empirical research, and authentic samples of signature documents from the 1L experience, including exam questions, Socratic dialogue, and student case-briefs, class notes, and course outlines. McClurg is an award-winning professor who has taught at six different law schools.

Applying Law by Bradley J. Charles

This book, available through the Lexis Nexis Digital Library study aid subscription (Lexis Overdrive), teaches students the skill of applying law to fact—the skill that determines law-school grades and effective advocacy after law school. The author explains with examples and exercises nine reasoning techniques that the justices of the United States Supreme Court primarily use. The nine reasoning techniques come from classifying arguments in every sentence from an entire year’s worth of their cases.

Coming to Law School: How to Prepare Yourself for the Next Three Years by Ian Gallacher

This book, available through the Lexis Nexis Digital Library study aid subscription (Lexis Overdrive), demystifies law school and the process of studying the law. The book shows how study skills such as case briefing, taking notes in class, and preparing exam outlines are interrelated and how an incoming student can practice them before coming to law school, making the transition from prospective to actual law student easier and as painless as possible. The book also contains information about many practical issues, including the law school process, how to do well in a summer job, and taking the bar exam.

Cracking the Case Method, Legal Analysis for Law School Success

This book, available through the West Academic study aid subscription, provides an in-depth examination of these critical topics: 1) how the case method relates to Socratic-style questioning, and 2) how it helps develop analytical skills. It provides semester-long strategies for learning how to “think like a lawyer” by getting the most out of reading judicial opinions, attending classes, outlining, and preparing for exams. The analytical framework that helps students read appellate court cases to focus on legal issues, legal principles, and judges’ reasons for adopting and applying those principles. Twenty examples illustrate this analytical framework; these examples discuss essential legal principles from first-year courses and use judicial opinions often assigned in these courses. The text discusses how to develop case briefs and use them to prepare for class discussions, outlining, and exams—with illustrations drawn from two sample annotated briefs; the major types of legal argument—with illustrations drawn from cases; how to use class discussions to practice legal analysis, demonstrated with annotated excerpts from actual first-year class discussions; how to prepare for exams, covering outlining, analyzing hypotheticals, creating checklists and flowcharts, and practicing exam-taking skills.

Critical Reading for Success in Law School and Beyond by Jane Grise

Reading cases and statutes is challenging for students and attorneys. However, everybody can learn critical reading strategies and become effective legal readers and advocates. This book, available through the West Academic study aid subscription, identifies the reading strategies used by expert legal readers and presents the strategies in a systematic sequence. It is written in an easy to read style with lots of examples. Readers will learn: the purpose for reading cases, how to read with focus, case structure and important civil and criminal procedure terms, techniques for understanding complex text, strategies for identifying the parts of a case, how to brief a case, legal analysis skills such as analogical reasoning and case synthesis, and strategies for reading statutes. The second edition adds chapters that address reading on screens and techniques for reading bar prep materials. The second edition also has a seventeen part video series with PowerPoint slides. Each video introduces a reading strategy, provides helpful tips, includes a short student exercise, and gives students the opportunity to self-assess their proficiency.

Expert Learning for Law Students by Michael Hunter Schwartz & Paula J. Manning

The third edition of Expert Learning for Law Students, available through the Lexis Nexis Digital Library study aid subscription (Lexis Overdrive), is a reorganization and rethinking of this highly regarded law school success text. It retains the core insights and lessons from prior editions while updating the materials to reflect recent insights such as mindset theory, attribution theory, chunking for use, and interleaving learning. The text includes exercises and step-by-step guides to engage readers in the process of becoming expert learners—including specific strategies for succeeding in law school.

Finding Your Voice in Law School: Mastering Classroom Cold Calls, Job Interviews, and Other Verbal Challenges by Molly Bishop Shadel

Drawn from interviews with students and attorneys from leading law schools and firms, this text, available through the Lexis Nexis Digital Library study aid subscription (Lexis Overdrive), provides strategies for succeeding in law school and beyond. Many college graduates aren’t prepared for the new challenges they will face in law school. Intense classroom discussion, mock trials and moot courts, learning the language of law, and impressing potential employers in a range of interview situations. Finding Your Voice in Law School offers a step-by-step guide to the most difficult tests you will confront as a law student, from making a speech in front of a room full of lawyers to arguing before a judge and jury. Author Molly Shadel, a former Justice Department attorney and Columbia law graduate who now teaches advocacy at the University of Virginia School of Law, also explains how to lay a strong foundation for your professional reputation. Communicating effectively–with professors, at social gatherings, with supervisors and colleagues at summer jobs, and as a leader of a student organization–can have a lasting impact on your legal career.

Law 101: What Law School’s Really Like by Chad Noreuil

Law 101, available through the Lexis Nexis Digital Library study aid subscription (Lexis Overdrive), gives a behind-the-scenes look at what law school’s really like. The advice covers all aspects of law school, and ranges from academic advice on such topics as study techniques, classroom skills, and tips for exam success, to the best ways to participate in extracurricular activities, maintain healthy relationships outside of law school, and get a job after graduation.

Starting off Right in Law School by Carolyn J. Nygren

This text is available through the Lexis Nexis Digital Library study aid subscription (Lexis Overdrive). Law school is different. Incoming students, confronted with an entirely new vocabulary and unfamiliar with the discipline’s unique and demanding educational methods, are often disoriented. This book is designed to give these students a head start, both by introducing them to the fundamentals of the legal process and by helping them acquire the study skills necessary for success. Starting Off Right in Law School introduces new law students to the practice and study of law by following a lawsuit from its inception through the appeals process, illustrating what lawyers actually do, how they prepare, how they interact with clients and in courtrooms, how a lawsuit proceeds, and how students can effectively read and analyze cases, outline, and apply what they have learned on the exams.

A Weekly Guide to Being a Model Law Student by Alex Ruskell

This book, available through the West Academic study aid subscription, gives law students weekly checklists explaining the skills necessary to successfully navigate their first year of law school. Each chapter provides a checklist of things to do that week, such as briefing cases, going over notes, outlining classes, or doing practice questions. When a new concept is introduced, this book clearly explains the concept and its purpose and provides examples. It also includes a bank of over 100 short, medium, and long practice questions in six first year subjects.

This Week in the Law Library …

Welcome back! This week in the Law Library we welcome everyone back, introduce 1Ls to legal research and sources of legal authority, teach technology in law practice, train Law Review cite checkers, and highlight useful law school survival resources.

Welcome Back

Welcome back, we missed you! Sign up for building tours and view building maps.

Law Library Hours & Services

Library Access

Building doors are unlocked Monday – Friday 8am – 5pm. 2L and 3L law students, law faculty, and law staff have key card access 24/7. New students who received their Bearcat ID card prior to 8/19/22 should have access to the building with your ID card. Student who have not yet secured their Bearcat ID card, or obtained it after 8/19/22, will not have key card access to the building. Please contact Justin Ellis, Law Library Circulation Manager to arrange for access.

The Law Library is still under construction and currently our stacks are closed. Please request books through UCLID, the online catalog.

Circulation hours

Monday — Friday 8:00am – 6:00pm
Closed Saturday and Sunday
Closed Monday, Sept. 5

Research & Library Help

Take advantage of librarian expertise! Schedule an appointment, email us, or stop by our offices. We’ll be happy to help with suggestions for sources and tips. Also, don’t forget the Library’s Web page and many research guides.

Library Study Areas

Seats are available on a first come, first serve basis. We are not reserving group study rooms at this time. The quiet reading room is on the 4th floor, room 445.

This Week’s Research Sessions

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Lawyering I, sec. 2

Susan Boland, Interim Director & Laura Dixon-Caldwell, Instructional & Reference Services Librarian
Room 135
9:00am – 10:25pm
Introduction to Legal Research

Lawyering I, sec. 4

Michael Whiteman, Associate Dean of Library Services
Room 170A
10:40am – 12:05pm
Introduction to Legal Research

Lawyering I, secs. 5 & 6

Susan Boland, Interim Director & Laura Dixon-Caldwell, Instructional & Reference Services Librarian
Room 230
1:30pm – 2:55pm
Introduction to Legal Research

Technology in Law Practice

Shannon Kemen, Legal Technology & Research Instructional Services Librarian
Room 107
11:10am – 12:05pm

Friday, August 26, 2022

Law Review CiteChecker Training

Susan Boland, Interim Director
Room 140
12:15pm – 1:15pm

Featured Study Aid


CALI stands for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction. CALI.org is a non-profit consortium of law schools – of which UC Law is a member – that develops and distributes legal education lessons to the consortium members. If using CALI, you will need to create an account (if you have not already done so) using a Cincinnati Law authorization code. You can obtain this code from a librarian.

There are over 400 CALI lessons dealing with First Year topics. You can also browse lessons tied to a specific casebook.CALI also publishes a selected number of free e-books. Of particular note are the Federal Rules.

Featured Database

Preview of United States Supreme Court Cases on HeinOnline

Preview is an eight-issue subscription publication that provides, in advance of oral argument, expert, plain-language analysis of all cases given plenary review by the Supreme Court. Preview Issues 1-7 precede the Court’s seven argument sessions from October to April. Published in July following the close of the Court’s term at the end of June, Preview Issue 8 reviews the term using a combination of charts, statistics, case summaries, and essays.

Featured Videos

Sources of Law & Legal Authority Video Part 1

This video discusses sources of law and legal authority among the different branches of government and looks at the weight of different primary law authority. The video is 8:11 minutes long and features closed captioning and a table of contents.

Sources of Law & Legal Authority Video Part 2: Hierarchy of Case Law

This video focuses on the hierarchy of case law and looks at the federal court system and several different state court systems. The video is 7:30 minutes long and features closed captioning and a table of contents.

Featured Guides

1-L Survival Guide
This guide provides vital information on library resources and services for first year law students.

LLM Survival Guide
This guide provides vital information on law library resources and services for LL.M. students.

Law Student Guide to the Law Library
This guide provides an overview of the Law Library for law students.

This Week in the Law Library …

This week in the Law Library we are welcoming our 1L, transfer students, and those taking short courses! We are so happy you are here!

Law Library Orientation

Join us on Thursday, Aug. 18th from 9:00am – 10:00am in room 160 for an introduction to the law library and library resources.

Hours & Access

Law Library Circulation Desk

Currently, building access is restricted to Monday — Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm. UC Bearcat cards do not currently work at the entrance doors. The Law Library is still under construction and currently our stacks are closed. Please request print books through UCLID, the online catalog. When they arrive you will be notified by email and you can pick them up at the Circulation Desk. E-books and electronic materials are available to you 24/7.

Law School Success

5 Resources to Help Prepare for the Year Ahead

The resources below are available through the Law Library’s study aid subscriptions. For more information on accessing our study aids, view our Introduction to Study Aids video and our 1-L Study Aids page on the 1-L Survival Guide.

1L of a Ride by Andrew J. McClurg

This book, available through the West Academic study aid subscription, covers topics such as pre-planning, top student fears, first-year curriculum, the Socratic and case methods of teaching, effective class participation, top habits of successful students, essential study techniques, legal research and writing, exam strategies, maintaining well-being, and much more. Combines anecdotes, comments from law students, empirical research, and authentic samples of signature documents from the 1L experience, including exam questions, Socratic dialogue, and student case-briefs, class notes, and course outlines. McClurg is an award-winning professor who has taught at six different law schools.

Coming to Law School: How to Prepare Yourself for the Next Three Years by Ian Gallacher

This book, available through the Lexis Nexis Digital Library study aid subscription (Lexis Overdrive), demystifies law school and the process of studying the law. The book shows how study skills such as case briefing, taking notes in class, and preparing exam outlines are interrelated and how an incoming student can practice them before coming to law school, making the transition from prospective to actual law student easier and as painless as possible. The book also contains information about many practical issues, including the law school process, how to do well in a summer job, and taking the bar exam.

Law 101: What Law School’s Really Like by Chad Noreuil

Law 101, available through the Lexis Nexis Digital Library study aid subscription (Lexis Overdrive), gives a behind-the-scenes look at what law school’s really like. The advice covers all aspects of law school, and ranges from academic advice on such topics as study techniques, classroom skills, and tips for exam success, to the best ways to participate in extracurricular activities, maintain healthy relationships outside of law school, and get a job after graduation.

Starting off Right in Law School by Carolyn J. Nygren

This text is available through the Lexis Nexis Digital Library study aid subscription (Lexis Overdrive). Law school is different. Incoming students, confronted with an entirely new vocabulary and unfamiliar with the discipline’s unique and demanding educational methods, are often disoriented. This book is designed to give these students a head start, both by introducing them to the fundamentals of the legal process and by helping them acquire the study skills necessary for success. Starting Off Right in Law School introduces new law students to the practice and study of law by following a lawsuit from its inception through the appeals process, illustrating what lawyers actually do, how they prepare, how they interact with clients and in courtrooms, how a lawsuit proceeds, and how students can effectively read and analyze cases, outline, and apply what they have learned on the exams.

A Weekly Guide to Being a Model Law Student by Alex Ruskell

This book, available through the West Academic study aid subscription, gives law students weekly checklists explaining the skills necessary to successfully navigate their first year of law school. Each chapter provides a checklist of things to do that week, such as briefing cases, going over notes, outlining classes, or doing practice questions. When a new concept is introduced, this book clearly explains the concept and its purpose and provides examples. It also includes a bank of over 100 short, medium, and long practice questions in six first year subjects.