More on “Crimmigration”

The Distinguished Visiting Professor of Law was endowed by Stanley M. Chesley (’60) in 2006 to bring outstanding legal scholars of national and international prominence in all areas of law to the College as visiting professors. On Tuesday, Jan. 14, 2020, UCLA School of Law Professor Jennifer Chacón gave the Distinguished Visiting Professor lecture “Criminalizing Migration: The US and Beyond.” Professor Chacón’s research focuses in the fields of immigration law, constitutional law and criminal law and procedure. In the lecture, she covered the evolution of immigration enforcement and discussed some of the consequences that have resulted from the integration of policing and immigration. For those interested in reading more about these issues, below are some selected resources to start you on your journey, including materials by our own Prof. Yolanda Vázquez.

Books & Chapters

Articles, Chapters & Reports


Tech Tip: Start the New Year Right -Get Organized with Outlook!

Don’t let your emails get away from you!  You can make important emails from your boss or clients stand out by assigning them their own unique color so you will be able to see right away when they enter your inbox.

To color code important emails in Outlook, follow these steps:

  1. Select View, then View Settings.
  2. Select Conditional Formatting.
  3. Select Add. In the Name field, name the rule that you are creating (ex. Email from Boss Smith)
  4. Select Font and select the color that you want associated with this rule. You can also change the Font size and style here as well if you want.
  5. Select Ok.
  6. Select Condition. In the From.. field type in the email address of the sender or senders you want associated with this rule (ex.  For multiple people, separate their email addresses with a semicolon.
  7. Select Ok.


Here’s how an email will appear that has been assigned a green font:

Chill Out Over Winter Break With These Legal Books

Now that final exams are over what are you going to do with all that free time? How about cozying up with a good book! Hey, what else do you expect a librarian to suggest!

ABA Greatest Law Novels Ever

  1. To Kill a Mockingbird
  2. Crime and Punishment
  3. Bleak House
  4. Kafka’s The Trial
  5. Les Miserables
  6. Billy Budd
  7. Presumed Innocent
  8. The Scarlet Letter
  9. The Bonfire of the Vanities
  10. An American Tragedy
  11. The Paper Chase
  12. Bartleby the Scrivener
  13. Native Son
  14. The Stranger
  15. A Tale of Two Cities
  16. A Time to Kill
  17. The Caine Mutiny
  18. Their Eyes Were Watching God
  19. QB VII
  20. The Firm
  21. The Count of Monte Cristo
  22. The Handmaid’s Tale
  23. Anatomy of a Murder
  24. The Fountainhead
  25. Tie: Old Filth & The Ox-Bow Incident

You can read more about the ABA’s choices and why they picked the books they did in their gallery: ABA Journal, 25 Greatest Law Novels Ever.

Not feeling like doing any more reading? Check out the ABA Journal’s 25 Greatest Legal Movies and 25 Greatest Legal TV Shows.

Want to avoid thinking about anything legal over break? Check out some of these other resources for great books and movies:

Non-Legal Book Lists


International Human Rights Day

Never too Young to Change the World

It’s International Human Rights Day! Human Rights Day is observed every year on December 10th. On December 10, 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR). First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt was the Chairperson of the drafting committee. This year’s theme is “Youth Standing Up for Human Rights.”

Here at the University of Cincinnati College of Law, we have long advocated for human rights every day of the year. The Urban Morgan Institute, founded in 1979, was the first endowed institute at an American law school devoted to international human rights law and has long been a world leader in legal education and human rights scholarship. The endowment for the institute resulted from a relationship between human rights activist William Butler and Urban Morgan. Every year, the Institute awards between 10 and 15 fellowships to students. The Urban Morgan Institute also works to provide students with hands-on summer experiences with human rights organizations and attorneys, international judges, governmental agencies and UN bodies. Cincinnati Law students have completed successful summer experiences at dozens of locations, including Amnesty International USA, the High Court of Botswana, Africa Watch, ACLU, Chilean Human Rights Commission, the Human Rights Center in Pretoria, South Africa, the Navajo Supreme Court and Legal Services Organization for the Navajo Nation and the Netherlands Institute for Human Rights. Cincinnati Law students also work on one of the oldest academic journals dedicated to human rights, Human Rights Quarterly. Published by The Johns Hopkins University Press, Human Rights Quarterly is overseen by Distinguished Service Professor Bert Lockwood, who serves as editor in chief as well as director of the Urban Morgan Institute. The Law Library works closely with student editors and cite checkers on Human Rights Quarterly. Additionally, the Law Library is privileged to have been selected as the repository for the Papers of William J. Butler. The Papers of William J. Butler include speeches, letters, congressional testimony and other personal and professional writings that document the human rights contributions and other public service of William J. Butler. Also included in this collection are: proceedings of annual meetings of representatives of sovereign nations on human rights and foreign policy held from 1977 to 1999; executive documents of the International Commission of Jurists and the American Association of the International Commission of Jurists; reports of human rights missions to numerous countries; materials generated during international human rights trials observed by William Butler; and, two landmark civil rights cases he argued and won in the U.S. Supreme Court, namely, Engel v. Vitale (1962), “the school prayer case” and Kent v. Dulles (1958), “the passport case.”

Those interested in human rights can find other great resources here at UC Law. Among the relevant research guides created by UC Law librarians are:

A few of the relevant databases to which we subscribe are:

At UC Law, every day is human rights day!

Tech Tip: Make Your Holidays Smarter with the Internet of Things (IoT)

It’s Cyber Monday and many retailers are focusing their sales on smart technologies.  Where there were once just smart phones, there are now “smart” devices.  The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the technologies and “smart” devices that “sense information and communicate it to the Internet or other networks and, in some cases, act on that information.”1  These “smart” devices are able to communicate, process information and “respond automatically to improve industrial processes, public services, and the well-being of individual consumers.”2  Some examples of IoT devices include: cars, voice-activated assistants, appliances and other home systems, health-monitoring devices, road sensors, security devices, smart meters and personal fitness trackers.3  Click here for or a listing of IoT devices to help make your holidays a little smarter!

  1. U.S. Gen. Accounting Office, GAO-17-75, Internet of Things: Status and Implications of an Increasingly Connected World (2017),
  2. Id.
  3. Lee Rainie & Janna Anderson, The Internet of Things Connectivity Binge: What Are the Implications? 2 (June 6, 2017),

Practice Tests & Study Aids for Specific Subjects

Previously, we covered study aids and resources to help you prepare for taking exams, as well as the types of study aids and how you might use them for exam study. In this post, we’ll look at study aids for specific subjects and practice / sample exams.

Practice & Sample Exams

“[M]ore than 100 years of research has yielded several hundred experiments showing that practice testing enhances learning and retention.” John Dunlosky, et al., Improving Students’ Learning with Effective Learning Techniques: Promising Directions from Cognitive and Educational Psychology, 14, Psychol. Sci. Pub. Int. 4, 29 (2013), Many study aids contain practice questions. We have a limited number of old / practice exams in the Law Library. Many professors also make exam materials available on their course website, particularly as time draws closer to the exam period. If you are looking for multiple choice practice questions, your best bet is to use questions provided in the study aids. No professors have provided multiple choice questions to the Law Library.

Currently sample and practice exams by UC Law professors are available on the Law School Sample / Practice Exams TWEN site. Sometimes you can also find old exams on other websites. Check out our Exam Study Guide — Practice & Sample Exams page for more information.

Subject Specific Study Aids for Upcoming Exams

Monday, December 9 Exams:

Tuesday, December 10 Exams:

Wednesday, December 11 Exams:

Thursday, December 12 Exams:

Monday, December 16 Exams:

Tuesday, December 17 Exams:

Wednesday, December 18 Exams:

Thursday, December 19 Exams:

Take Home Exams

Types of Study Aids in the Law Library and Their Uses

Last week we covered study aids and other resources that can help prepare you for upcoming exams. This week we’ll look at the types of study aids and how you might use them for exam study. Stay tuned for our next blog post on why you want to do practice tests, finding practice tests, and study aids for specific subjects being tested this semester.

Study Aids for Help in Understanding Legal Subjects

Confused about Civil Procedure? Does hearsay have you in a tailspin? Some study aids are better to use for help in understanding legal subjects than others. When you are confused or questioning your grasp of a subject, try using one of the study aid series below.

  • CALI Lessons
    • CALI stands for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction. is a non-profit consortium – of which UC Law is a member – that develops and distributes legal education lessons to the consortium members. CALI lessons are interactive exercises authored by professors who teach in that subject area. There are thousands of CALI lessons on over forty subjects. You can even view CALI lessons that are keyed to a certain casebook. To access CALI, you will need to create an account using a Cincinnati Law authorization code. If you have lost your authorization code, email us and we will provide you with the code.
  • Concepts & Insights
    • The Concepts & Insights series consists of succinct treatises that explain complex legal doctrines. It is similar to the Understanding series. You can access this series through the West Academic subscription. If you want to be able to access them from off-campus, you’ll need to create a West Academic account.
      • To create an account, click the Create an Account link at the top right corner of the Study Aids Subscription page. Use your UC email as the email address. Once you have filled in the required information to set up an account, you will need to verify your email address (they will send you a confirmation email that you will need answer to verify the email address). Once you have created an account and logged in, you can access any of the study aids from off-campus and even view some of them when off-line.
  • Concise Hornbooks
    • Concise Hornbooks feature concise analysis of basic areas of law by prominent legal scholars. It is a condensed version of the more in-depth hornbook. You can access this series through the West Academic subscription. If you want to be able to access them from off-campus, you’ll need to create a West Academic account (see the instructions above).
  • Examples & Explanations
    • Examples & Explanations provide you with explanations and analysis for a topic and then gives examples to help you fully understand the analysis. A series of problems at the end of each section or chapter assist you in testing your understanding. Answers are provided for these problems. These are available for library use only in print in the Reference 2 collection.
  • Hornbooks
    • Hornbooks provide in-depth analysis of law school subjects. They are heavily footnoted and offer the most comprehensive treatment of a subject. You can access this series through the West Academic subscription. If you want to be able to access them from off-campus, you’ll need to create a West Academic account (see the instructions above).
  • Law School Legends on Audio
    • If you are an auditory learner or have a long commute, these might be the study aid for you. The Law School Legends series features dynamic lectures from top law professors. You can access this series through the West Academic subscription. If you want to be able to access them from off-campus or use the offline option, you’ll need to create a West Academic account (see the instructions above).
  • Mastering
    • The Mastering series is designed to provide law students with tools to understand the substance and content of various law school courses but in a streamlined manner. At the beginning of each chapter, a Roadmap introduces the chapter and provides readers with an overview of the material that will be covered. This list of bulleted points clearly maps out the direction of the chapter, covering all key topics. Checkpoints at the end of each chapter encourage readers to stop and review the key concepts, reiterating what has been learned. These points serve as a mechanism for double-checking knowledge. Finally, a Master Checklist at the end of each book reinforces what has been covered and helps readers identify any areas that need review or further study. To access this series, you will need to login to Lexis OverDrive using your UC credentials. The study aids will check out for 3 days but you can check them out as many times as you want.
  • Nutshells
    • The nutshell series are short books that give a concise overview of an area of law.
    • You can access this series through the West Academic subscription. If you want to be able to access them from off-campus, you’ll need to create a West Academic account (see the instructions above).
  • Understanding
    • The Understanding series provides an overview and analysis of legal subjects. It provides less analysis than a hornbook but more than a nutshell. To access this series, you will need to login to Lexis OverDrive using your UC credentials. The study aids will check out for 3 days but you can check them out as many times as you want.
  • Skills & Values
    • The Skills & Values Series is a series of subject-specific, practice-oriented books. The series is designed as a tool for professors to teach practical and analytical skills that can help students serve future clients competently, skillfully, and in an ethical manner. The chapters include a short introduction of the topic area followed by a series of problems and exercises that address the analytical components of the topics covered. To access this series, you will need to login to Lexis OverDrive using your UC credentials. The study aids will check out for 3 days but you can check them out as many times as you want.

Study Aids for Help in Exam Review

  • Acing
    • Titles in the Acing Series use a unique checklist format with sequential questions that help students fully evaluate a subject. The books also present numerous hypothetical problems and sample answers. You can access this series through the West Academic subscription. If you want to be able to access them from off-campus, you’ll need to create a West Academic account (see the instructions above).
  • Black Letter Outlines
    • The Black Letter Outlines contain comprehensive outlines of particular areas of law, a capsule summary of each outline, practice examinations, and examples and review questions.You can access this series through the West Academic subscription. If you want to be able to access them from off-campus, you’ll need to create a West Academic account (see the instructions above).
  • CrunchTime
    • This study aid provides flow charts, capsule summaries, exam tips, short answer exam questions, multiple choice questions, and essay questions with model answers. These are available for library use only in print in the Reference 2 collection.
  • E-Flash
    • E-Flash Cards are online flash cards for Contracts and Torts. You can access this series through the West Academic subscription. If you want to be able to access them from off-campus, you’ll need to create a West Academic account (see the instructions above).
  • ExamPro
    • The Exam Pro Series are study aids that offer sample exams and corresponding answers with detailed analysis. Each Exam Pro title is authored by a leading law professor and recognized expert in an area of law and contains multiple choice and essay questions based on current court decisions. Detailed explanations for each answer describe the best possible choice as well as red herring answers, which helps increase law student understanding of a topic and build exam skills. You can access this series through the West Academic subscription. If you want to be able to access them from off-campus, you’ll need to create a West Academic account (see the instructions above).
  • Gilbert Law Summaries
    • Gilbert Law Summaries give students a detailed outline to prepare for exams. Each title also includes a capsule summary that is perfect for last minute review. Students can test their knowledge and fine tune exam skills with Gilbert’s actual law school exam questions (multiple choice, short answer, and essay) which are featured at the back of each outline. Every question comes with a fully explained answer, and each question is cross-referenced back to the main outline for further review. You can access this series through the West Academic subscription. If you want to be able to access them from off-campus, you’ll need to create a West Academic account (see the instructions above).
  • Glannon Guides
    • The Glannon Guides feature brief explanatory text about the topic under discussion, followed by one or two multiple-choice questions. After each question, the author explains how the correct choice was chosen. A more challenging final question in each chapter illustrates a more sophisticated problem in the area under discussion. These are available for library use only in print in the Reference 2 collection.
  • Law in a Flash
    • Law in a Flash are flash cards for legal subjects. These are available in the reserve collection and can be checked out for library use only for 2-hours at a time.
  • Questions & Answers
    • Q&A books consist of multiple choice and short answer questions with detailed explanations of the answers. To access this series, you will need to login to Lexis OverDrive using your UC credentials. The study aids will check out for 3 days but you can check them out as many times as you want.
  • Sum & Substance Quick Review
    • This series contains capsule summary outlines each section with a clear and concise explanation of legal concepts and terms, along with exam hints, strategies, mnemonics, charts, tables and study tips. Self-testing and diagnostic review questions facilitate application of legal concepts. Also provides capsule summaries of significant cases identifying important facts, primary issues and relevant law. Essay and multiple choice questions, model answers, and detailed explanations help with exam preparation. You can access this series through the West Academic subscription. If you want to be able to access them from off-campus, you’ll need to create a West Academic account (see the instructions above).