April 10th Is National Library Workers Day!

Today, April 10th, is National Library Workers Day (NLWD). Established by the American Library Association’s Allied Professional Association’s (ALA-APA), NLWD was designed as an opportunity to recognize all library workers, including librarians, support staff and others who make library service possible every day.

Do you know any library workers who should be recognized for the great work they do, their positive outlook, or the wonderful way they assist patrons? Consider submitting their names to the ALA-APA Galaxy of Stars as part of National Library Workers Day celebration. It’s not too late to let someone know that you appreciate them and the work they do.

The National Library Workers Day webpage encourages friends, patrons, employers and co-workers to “Submit a Star” by providing a brief testimonial about a favorite library employee. Each testimonial (listing first names, library type and city/state location only) will be posted on the NLWD’s Galaxy of Stars page. You may nominate as many library workers as you like.

Embrace Leadership at your Library: Celebrate National Library Week April 8-14!

This week, the Robert S. Marx Law Library joins libraries nationwide in celebrating the many ways libraries lead their communities through the transformative services, programs and expertise they offer. April 8-14 is National Library Week, an annual celebration of the life-changing work of libraries, librarians and library workers. Libraries aren’t just places to borrow books or study—they’re also creative and engaging community centers where people can collaborate using new technologies and develop their skills and passions.

Libraries of all types have long been evolving to meet the needs of the communities they serve. Diverse groups including elected officials, small business owners and students depend upon libraries and the resources they offer. Resources like e-books and technology classes, materials for English-language learners and programs for job seekers are just a few ways libraries and librarians are transforming to lead their communities. Community members can also develop their own leadership skills at the library, with endless opportunity to build skills and confidence through resources and programming.

At the Robert S. Marx Law Library we are leading by providing access to e-books and other e-resources; making faculty scholarship available through our digital repository (154,207 downloads and counting); online legal research guides that are available 24/7; video tutorials on legal research for a variety of subjects that are available 24/7; and expert instruction in finding and using legal resources no matter what the format. The library helps lead our community by advocating for widespread access to crucial services and lifelong learning. Libraries level the playing field for people of any age who seek information and access to technologies to improve their quality of life.

Libraries also offer something unique to their communities, the expertise of individual librarians. Librarians assist patrons in using increasingly complex technology and sorting through the potentially overwhelming mass of information bombarding today’s digital society. This is especially crucial when access to reliable and trustworthy data is more important than ever.

First sponsored in 1958, National Library Week is a national observance sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA) and libraries across the country each April. For more information, visit us on the third floor of the College of Law, call 513-556-556-3016 or see the library’s Web site at http://law.uc.edu/library. Libraries hours are Monday -Thursday 8:00AM – 10:00PM, Friday 8:00AM – 5:00PM, Saturday 9:00AM – 5:00PM, and Sunday: 10:00AM – 5:00PM. Law students, faculty, and staff have 24/7 access to the library and its many resources.

Research Sessions This Week, and Featured Resources Too!

Library & Lexis Lunch & Learn on Thursday, April 5th

Chow down while Susan Boland and Ashley Russell show you the ins and outs of “Professionally Researching Assignments for an Attorney or Professor from Start to Finish.” Lexis points for dessert, and the session is at 12:15 P.M. in Room 114. Please RSVP by Tuesday.

Upcoming Research Session

Remarks from the Faculty New Books Reception

Library Director and Professor of Practice Kenneth J. Hirsh gave the following remarks at today’s first annual Faculty New Books Reception. The event recognizes faculty who have published books in the past year.

Good afternoon. I am Ken Hirsh, Director of the Robert S. Marx Law Library, and on the library’s behalf I welcome you to this event, in which we congratulate our faculty colleagues who have published new books in the past year. Law professors have three main components of their work: to teach, to provide service to the college and the university, and to develop and write their scholarship for the benefit of their profession and for the improvement of that thing we call, “the law.” Today we gather to recognize some of that scholarship, as expressed in the long form of a book.

When one hears the word “book,” many images may come to mind. For most of us, our first books were likely composed of pictures, brightly colored to hold the attention of a toddler. Soon after letters and then words appeared with the pictures, as we learned how to express our simple concepts in ways others would understand. Words and thoughts like mommy, daddy, dog, hungry caterpillar, and cows jumping over the moon. Story books entertained us as they have done for generations, and as they still do, despite the latest gadgets. As we moved into a formal education, we were introduced to textbooks, explaining the knowledge we should absorb, and great works of literature, which not only entertained, but gave insights into human behavior. If we were fortunate along the way, we were introduced to libraries and librarians early in our education. Librarians gathered books, yes, but just as importantly, they answered questions and most importantly, taught us the research skills to answer our own questions. As a librarian, I am known for saying that if you have shelves of books but no librarians, then what you have is not a library, but a bookcase. At the College of Law we are blessed with talented librarians who collect books, plug us into online resources, and often find the seemingly unfindable.

Sir Francis Bacon, who counted Lord Chancellor among his titles, wrote that, “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested.” The books we honor today will require some significant amount of mental mastication by the reader. Each of them aims to advance the knowledge and experience of those learning the law, and those learned in the law. Those books and their authors are as follows:

Blind Injustice: A Former Prosecutor Exposes the Psychology and Politics of Wrongful Conviction by Mark Godsey.

Principles of Tax Policy by Stephanie Hunter McMahon

Unequal: How America’s Courts Undermine Discrimination Law by Sandra F. Sperino and Suja A. Thomas.

Federal Law of Employment Discrimination in A Nutshell by Mack A. Player and Sandra F. Sperino.

Clean Power Politics by Joseph P. Tomain.

Race, Criminal Justice, And Migration Control edited by Mary Bosworth, Alpa Parmar and Yolanda Vazquez.


Let us show our appreciation to our authors. [Applause]


I gave each of our authors the opportunity to talk to us about the writing process, and Professor Sandra Sperino has kindly accepted my invitation.

[Sandra read the acknowledgements section of her book.]

Thank you, Sandra, and thank you to our authors for sharing an important piece of their work with us. Thank you all for attending this inaugural event. Please have a great day, and keep reading!

This Week: Faculty New Books Recognition Event, and More!

Faculty New Book Recognition Event on Thursday

Please join us in the Atrium at 3:00 P.M. on Thursday, March 29th, as the Marx Law Library recognizes our faculty who published new books in the past year. The honorees are as follows:

Blind Injustice: A Former Prosecutor Exposes the Psychology and Politics of Wrongful Conviction by Mark Godsey.

Principles of Tax Policy by Stephanie Hunter McMahon

Unequal: How America’s Courts Undermine Discrimination Law by Sandra F. Sperino and Suja A. Thomas.

Federal Law of Employment Discrimination in A Nutshell by Mack A. Player and Sandra F. Sperino.

Clean Power Politics by Joseph P. Tomain.

Race, Criminal Justice, And Migration Control edited by Mary Bosworth, Alpa Parmar and Yolanda Vazquez.

Light refreshments will be available.


Upcoming Research Training Sessions

  • Thursday, March 29th
    • Professor Oliver’s Section 1
      • Administrative Law with Ron Jones
      • 10:40 A.M. – 12:05 P.M. in Room 100A
    • Professor Oliver’s Section 3
      • Administrative Law with Ron Jones
      • 1:30 P.M. – 2:55 P.M. in Room 100A


Featured Resources: Women’s History Month

  • Research Guide: Gender & Law Guide by Shannon Kemen
  • Study Aid: Women and the Law Stories, available online in the West Study Aid Collection
  • Database: Women and the Law, available on HeinOnline
  • Treatise: Women and the Law: Leaders, Cases, and Documents, in Law Stacks KF478 .K84 2003


Welcome back for the second half!

As the countdown to exams, and for 3L students, hooding, commences in earnest, here is some helpful information as you resume classes, buckle down on your studies, and prepare for oral argument.

This Week’s Featured Resources for Oral Argument

Be sure to visit the library display area for more resources on oral advocacy!

A Slightly Shorter Spring Break Than You May Have Wanted

Spring Forward Into Spring Break

Faithful readers know that the college’s spring break is next week, March 12 – 16, and this year its opening weekend features the start of Daylight Saving Time across most of the United States. As you lament the loss of an hour, whether you would have spent it studying, partying, or sleeping, here are a few DST facts to ponder.

  • Benjamin Franklin is commonly credited with suggesting an adjustment in the clock to provide more hours of daylight at the end of the business day. At that point there were not standard time zones; rather, most localities set their noon hour based on observation of the sun through the seasons. With the advent of railroads in the nineteenth century, local time zones made it a challenge to published train schedules, spurring the adoption of standardized time zones.
  • Daylight Saving Time was implemented on a sporadic basis in the twentieth century, and became a little more widespread following World War II. However, in the mid-1960’s there was still a patchwork of setting the clock ahead. For example, if one traveled along the eastern seaboard of the U.S., crossing the Mason-Dixon line meant setting the clock ahead or back, depending on the direction of travel, during the summer months.
  • In 1966 Congress passed the Uniform Time Act of 1966, Pub. L. 89-387, 80 Stat.107. A year later (mostly) nationwide Daylight Saving Time launched on the last Sunday of April and concluded on the final Sunday of October. The dates for DST were expanded to early January during the energy crisis of the mid-1970’s, before Congress realized that extending darkness during the winter morning hours was not a particularly good thing to do, and the April – October dates returned until 2007, when Congress again acted to set the period from the second Sunday in March to the first Sunday in November.
  • While ostensibly the use of DST would save energy, the study mandated by the 2007 change did not find substantial savings. Furthermore, the change has documented effects on health, particulary in the spring, when the shift to awakening earlier for most of us on the Monday after the change results in a groggy population having more car accidents and other untoward health events.
  • States may opt out of DST; Arizona and Hawaii do, and over the years Indiana has altered its participation by portions of the state. Hence, when looking at time zone settings on your computer, you may have noticed UTC -5:00 Indiana (East).

So take it easy on yourself next week!

Library &Lexis Lunch & Learn on Wednesday

Join Susan Boland and Ashley Russell for a session on Advanced Searching. Lunch provided and Lexis points awarded. Wednesday, March 7th, from 12:15 – 1:15 P.M. in Rom 302. Advance registration is required.

Women’s History Month: NALP Statistics

This month Susan Boland’s library display features statistics on women lawyers in law firms, including proportion of partnership and associate positions held by women in Ohio.

Featured Resources

Are you getting ready for the MPRE Exam? Take a look at these helpful aids.