This Week in the Law Library …

This week in the Law Library we welcome back those taking short courses, transition to a couple of weeks online, and offer resources to help you build on and improve from last semester.

Welcome back for short courses!

Note that the University will be online for all short courses and will start off online for regular semester courses, resuming in-person instruction on Monday, January 24th. Any updates will be posted on the College of Law Student Intranet. Spring 2022 virtual course links will also be posted on the Intranet and updated as they become available. Need help with Zoom or Canvas? Visit the College of Law IT Support guide.

Law Library Access

The Law Library will be closed to non-law persons Jan. 3rd – Jan. 23, 2022. Law students, law faculty, and law staff will still have their 24/7 access. For Circulation questions or services, please contact a member of the Collections & Access Team. Those needing reference assistance should contact a Public & Research Services librarian. Please visit for COVID-19 and Return to Campus updates. For updates on other UC Libraries, please visit the UC Library Services Update page.

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Circulation and reference services will not be available on Monday, Jan. 17th due to the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.

Wolters Kluwer Study Aids Name & URL Change

The Wolters Kluwer Online Study Aid Library has changed parent companies and is now known as the Aspen Learning Library. The new URL for Aspen Learning Library has changed from to There are redirects in place to take users to the new URL and we are in the process of updating our links in the Exam Study Guide and our other materials. The Aspen Learning Library will also be launching a new app.

Build and Improve on Last Semester

The new semester is upon us and with it the opportunity build on and to improve on what you did last semester. The CALI lessons below can help you learn from your successes and failures. If using CALI, you will need to create an account (if you have not already done so) using a Cincinnati Law authorization code. You can obtain this code from a reference librarian.

Assessing Your Own Work

Throughout law school, students will be asked to assess their own essays by comparing them to a model or sample student answer provided by their professor. It can often be difficult to distinguish one’s work from the model. Sometimes it is hard to distinguish what a student knows, from what they wrote down. Experienced legal writers understand that subtle differentiation in language changes the meaning of what was written. This lesson will provide students with strategies for self-assessment, so that they can become critical judges of their work, and consequently precise legal writers.

How to Learn from Exams

This lesson explores one of the fundamental lawyering skills, which is self assessment. This lesson looks at how to learn from success and failures. Primarily, it focuses on what to do after a quiz, midterm, or final exam, and how to continue learning from those assessments.

Semester Self-Assessment & Reflection

This lesson is designed to help you self-assess your semester performance. It is best suited for completion after you finish a full law school semester. It begins with a brief overview of self-regulated learning and metacognition. Then, the lesson provides a step-by-step process for assessing your law school semester.

Grit, Growth, and Why It Matters. Or, How to Be Gritty!

This lesson will teach you what grit and growth mindset are, and why they are important for learning and mastering success, specifically as they pertain to law school.


This lesson focuses upon the concept of metacognition and teaches you how to enhance your understanding about how you learn to better improve your study, organizational, test-taking and self-assessment skills with the goal of improving your performance in law school. The lesson should help you better understand your individual learning process and show you how to use this information to develop study and test-taking skills needed for success in law school.

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