Last week we looked at selected study aids for the first and second week of Spring 2022 exams. This blog post looks at selected study aids for the exams scheduled as a take-home this semester.
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This video introduces you to our four online study aid collections, demonstrates how to access the study aids, and looks at research guides that will help you throughout your law school career. The video is 7:36 minutes long and features closed captioning.
This video is accessible to UC Law students only through the Law School Sample / Practice Exams TWEN link so UC Law students unable to access the TWEN site should notify Susan Boland.
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West Academic
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Aspen Learning Library
If accessing study aids from the Aspen Learning Library subscription, you will need to login using your UC credentials.
Computer & Internet Law
Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Computer & Internet Law
Global Internet Law
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this hornbook comprehensively examines Internet technologies, Internet governance, private international law (jurisdiction, choice of law, forum selection and enforcement of judgment), online contacts (mass market, cloud computing service level agreements, social media terms of use software licensing, and e-commerce terms of service), global consumer protection in cyberspace (FTC, state and foreign developments), global Internet torts (including CDA Section 230 developments, Internet security, information torts, and negligent enablement), Internet-related privacy (including the EU Data Directive) global cybercrimes (including state, federal and international developments), privacy (including extensive coverage of The General Data Protection Regulation and the Right To Be Forgotten), content regulations (U.S. vs. European Union), copyrights in cyberspace, trademarks and domain names, Internet-related trade secrets and patent law developments.
Global Internet Law in a Nutshell
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this nutshell presents a very timely overview of legal issues that arise from the World Wide Web. Topics include Internet-driven technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning Bitcoins, The Internet of Things, 3D Products Liability, and Driverless Cars. This edition emphasizes the legal and policy issues arising out of social media such as Twitter’s decision to permanently ban President Trump from its platform. The goal is to provide the reader with an up-to-date summary of the most important new cases and statutory developments. Each chapter provides the latest developments in Internet Law from the European Union such as the General Data Protection Regulation, which is setting a global standard for privacy and data protection. Each chapter has examples and explanations of Internet Law developments from around the world.
Social Media Law in a Nutshell
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this nutshell is a wide-ranging look of how the social media transformation has impacted various legal fields. From marketing to employment to torts to criminal law to copyright and beyond, virtually every legal field has been changed by social media.
Electronic Discovery
Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding the Law of Electronic Discovery
Electronic Discovery and Digital Evidence in a Nutshell
The authors have substantially rewritten each chapter and added chapters on anticipated changes to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure governing ESI (which take effect December, 2015), technology-assisted review of ESI, and the use of ESI in criminal cases. Includes extensive treatment of preservation, search for and production of ESI, privilege protection, sanctions, ethical obligations of attorneys with respect to technology, and how the federal rules can be and have been adopted to accommodate digital evidence. Written by the author of the landmark Zubulake opinions and the Sedona Conference, which is at the forefront of thinking and writing on electronic discovery.
Students may also find it helpful to look at study aids for Criminal Procedure II and Civil Procedure
Estate Planning
Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Estate Planning Law
Wills, Trusts, & Estates CALI Lessons
CALI currently offers many interactive exercises for Estate Planning students. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.
Examples & Explanations for Wills, Trusts, and Estates
Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this text covers intestate succession, wills, trusts, estate administration, nonprobate assets, wealth transfer taxation, disability and death planning (including elder law concerns), and malpractice and professional responsibility to augment Wills, Trusts, and Estates and related courses that expose students to estate planning, decedents’ estates, and trusts. Analysis is first provided for a topic and then examples are given to help students understand the analysis. A series of problems at the end of each section or chapter assist you in testing your understanding. Answers are provided for these problems
Understanding Trusts & Estates
Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this text provides discusses foundational principles of estates and trusts. Each case cited includes a brief factual description and extensive footnotes direct the reader to other sections of the book and related cases.
Wills, Trusts and Estates Including Taxation and Future Interests
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this hornbook covers intestate succession, wills, nonprobate mechanisms, trusts, fiduciary administration, and choice of law. The book includes the very latest hot topics including electronic wills, trust decanting, directed trusts, asset protection trusts, and planning for modern families. The book incorporates the most recent provisions of the Uniform Probate Code, the Uniform Trust Code, and the many other uniform laws relating to the donative transfer of wealth. The book also includes an overview of the federal transfer tax laws. An essential guide for students and practitioners.
Selected Study Aids for Estate Planning Law Exam Review and Preparation
Exam Pro on Wills, Trusts, and Estates
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this book contains sample tests that cover an entire wills, trusts, and estates course as well as mini exams that cover discrete topics such as intestacy and future interests. The book also covers the Uniform Probate Code and general common law principles. A detailed answer key explains why the correct answer is the best choice and why other answers are not.
Exam Pro Workbook on Estates and Future Interests
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this title provides a basic introduction to estates and future interests law. Designed to offer solid knowledge of the area’s central concepts, it guides readers through a series of increasingly complex conveyances. The workbook begins with an analysis of the fee simple estate and builds sequentially toward more complicated interests and conveyances. The information proceeds from the simple to more complex, later problems building on the successful command of earlier material. Each problem is followed not only by that problem’s answer but also by a complete analysis of how the answer was derived. The workbook also contains an extensive glossary, summary charts, and a set of review problems that test the reader’s developing mastery of the material.
Friedman’s Wills, Trusts, and Estates
Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this text features long essay questions as well as some that are relatively short and medium-length, giving you great practice in the length and variation of questions on the final. Test your knowledge of key concepts and rules with comprehensive essay and multiple-choice questions. Find insight into what professors look for when grading.
A Student’s Guide to Estates in Land and Future Interests
Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this guide facilitates the understanding of complex materials from Property courses. Chronologically organized material familiarizes students with basic concepts and necessary technical vocabulary. The authors graphically explain complex concepts, and provide extensive problem and answer sets. Topics include basic possessory estates, remainders and executory interests in response to the statute of uses, modifications of the common law scheme, and interesting complexities and modern changes.
More Study Aids on Estate Planning
Family Law
Selected Study Aids for Help in Understanding Family Law
Family Law CALI Lessons
CALI currently offers many interactive exercises for Family Law students. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.
Family Law: Examples & Explanations
Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this study aid continues to identify and explore new trends in family law practice. It includes central topics such as alternative dispute resolution, domestic violence, alternative reproduction, premarital agreements, and professional responsibility. Analysis is first provided for a topic and then examples are given to help students understand the analysis. A series of problems at the end of each section or chapter assist you in testing your understanding. Answers are provided for these problems.
Family Law in Perspective (Concepts & Insights)
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this book addresses, among other topics, nonmarital cohabitation, establishment of paternity, premarital and marital contracting, assisted reproductive technology, marriage, and divorce. Recent cases and federal and state statutes address specific topics such as surrogacy agreements, division of marital and nonmarital property upon dissolution of cohabitation or divorce, child support guidelines, and establishing custody rights through parenting agreements or what is considered in the best interest of the child. And there is a continuation of discussion illustrating equal protection, liberty interest, and free exercise in the context of same-sex relationships, the safety of partners and children, and termination of parental rights and possible adoption of minors.
Understanding Family Law
Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, Understanding Family Law includes coverage of topics such as traditional and nontraditional families, nonmarital and postmarital contracts, annulment, paternity and legitimacy, procreation rights, contraception, abortion, sterilization, artificially assisted conception, and adoption and termination of parental rights. It explains specific family law issues, such as intrafamily tort immunity and liability, medical care for child and spouse, wrongful life and wrongful birth, domestic violence, PINS, CHINS, ethical issues for the lawyer, alternative dispute resolution, equitable distribution, community property, and child custody and visitation. It also includes references to 50 states surveys so the reader can find their local law quickly.
Selected Study Aids for Family Law Exam Review and Preparation
Emanuel Law Outlines: Family Law
Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this book provides coverage of family law, including the latest Supreme Court cases, recent uniform and model legislation, and landmark state and federal decisions on LGBTQ rights including: (child custody, parentage, names, housing/employment discrimination); breastfeeding discrimination; divorce discrimination; marital paternity presumption; marital communications privilege; reproductive freedom and control; name disputes; state polygamy laws; parentage rights in multi-parent families; spousal spying for infidelity; move-away disputes; and tort actions against third parties. New to the Fifth Edition: Coverage of latest Supreme Court family law cases as well as recent uniform and model legislation, including: June Medical Services v. Gee Masterpiece, Cakeshop v. Colo. Civil Rights Comm’n, Pavan v. Smith, Sessions v. Morales-Santana, Bostock v. Clayton County, Uniform Parentage Act, Uniform Nonparent Custody & Visitation Act, Restatement, Children & the Law, ABA Model Act Governing Assisted Reproduction, and more.
Questions and Answers: Family Law
Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this study guide includes over 210 multiple-choice and short-answer questions arranged topically for ease of use during the semester, plus an additional set of 28 questions comprising a comprehensive “practice exam.” For each multiple-choice question, you are provided a detailed answer that indicates which of four options is the best answer and explains thoroughly why that option is better than the other three options. Each short-answer question is designed to be answered in fifteen minutes or less. For these questions, a model answer is provided.
Sum and Substance Quick Review of Family Law
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, Sum and Substance Quick Review is a short, clear, concise, and substantive outline. It is designed to make the study of law clear and convenient, and it is designed to help students prepare for their law school exams. The main body is an outline of the substantive content that a student needs to prepare for a law school exam. The concise format provides a “Big Picture” overview allowing students to review the subject quickly prior to final exams.
More study aids on Family Law
Government Contracts
Selected Study Aids for Help in Understanding Government Contracts
Principles of Government Contracts
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this expanded Principles of Government Contracts, 7th summarizes the Federal Acquisition Regulation System (FARS), improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, publicizing contract actions, and competition requirements. Addresses acquisition planning, contractor qualifications, and descriptions of agency needs. Explains socio-economic policies, commercial items, contract types, options, sealed bidding, and contracting by negotiation. Reviews intellectual property, cost accounting standards, cost principles, financing, protests, disputes, and appeals. Explores research and development contracting, construction and architect-engineer contracts, inspection and warranty, value engineering, delays, suspension of work, changes and equitable adjustments, subcontracting, and government contract terminations for default and convenience.
Litigation with the Federal Government
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, as any lawyer who practices regularly in the federal courts will encounter the federal government as a party and will learn, as the Supreme Court warned nearly 60 years ago, that the United States is not “just another private litigant.” The federal government is a party, as plaintiff or defendant, to between one-fifth and one-quarter of all civil cases in the federal courts, including such special tribunals as the Court of Federal Claims and the Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims. The federal government (and its employees) may be protected by sovereign or official immunities, assert special defenses, and enjoy certain exceptions from liability. Federal government cases often involve issues central to the lives of many people, such as claims involving personal injury under the Federal Tort Claims Act; civilian and employee military claims under the Civil Service Reform Act and Tucker Act; governmental expropriation of property under the Tucker Act; and contractual obligations under the Contract Disputes Act; Bivens constitutional claims against federal officers; and claims for attorney’s fees under such unique statutes as the Equal Access to Justice Act.
Health Care Law
Selected Study Aids for Help in Understanding Health Care Law
Health Law (hornbook)
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this text considers the law’s response to quality and error through institutional and professional regulation, and malpractice litigation against professionals, hospitals, and managed care organizations. Surveys tax, corporate, and organizational issues. Explores the government’s efforts to control costs and expand access through Medicare and Medicaid. Examines government attempts to police anticompetitive activities, fraud, and abuse. And considers the legal and ethical issues involving death, human reproduction, medical treatment decision making, and medical research. The Affordable Care Act, HIPAA, HITECH, and other new statutory and regulatory changes of the past few years are thoroughly incorporated in all aspects of the legal discussion.
Health Care Law and Ethics in a Nutshell
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this text considers how law and ethics respond to the driving social, economic, and political forces of innovation, crisis and reform. Topics include health insurance reform, health care finance and delivery structures, treatment relationships, facility and insurance regulation, corporate and tax law, refusal of life support, organ donation, and reproductive technologies.
Bioethics and Law in a Nutshell
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this text provides a concise analysis of areas in which the law has addressed issues in bioethics. Topics include assisted reproductive techniques and family-making, limitations on reproduction (including abortion, contraception and sterilization), the role of ethical and religious beliefs of health care professionals, the definition of death, end-of-life decision-making (including physician assisted death), genetics, research involving human subjects (including issues related to conflicts of interest), stem cell research, organ transplantation, and other emerging topics.
Insurance Law
Selected Study Aids for Help in Understanding Insurance Law
Insurance Law CALI Lessons
CALI currently offers interactive exercises for Insurance Law students. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.
Insurance Law: A Guide to Fundamental Principles, Legal Doctrines, and Commercial Practices
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this hornbook explains how certain principles or doctrines such as insurable interests, designation of insurers, and risk transference apply to property, life, liability, or other types of insurance. It also addresses insurance law issues and suggests lines of analysis to consider in order to better evaluate the merits of a claim. Other subjects include conceptualization, classification, marketing, indemnity, insurability, claim processes, and settlements. Also overviews insurance regulation, government sponsorship of insurance, and resolving disputed claims.
Insurance Law in a Nutshell
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this nutshell provides a discussion of the fundamentals of insurance law. It covers various lines of insurance such as Auto, Commercial General Liability, Health, Life, Property, Cyber, Directors and Officers Liability (D&O), Errors and Omissions (E&O or Professional Liability), Employers Liability (EPL), and Flood. It also covers topics such as the rules of insurance policy interpretation, coverage for intentional torts, insurable interest, claims submission/handling, duty to defend and settle, insurer bad faith, insurer defenses, loss valuation, guaranty funds, “surplus line” insurers, regulation of insurers, reinsurance, risk transfer, subrogation, surety bonds, and waiver and estoppel. This new edition also has new sections that discuss insurance for natural catastrophe losses as well as business interruption insurance, which includes a brief discussion regarding the COVID-19 business interruption coverage litigation. This new edition also has an expanded discussion regarding claims made insurance, which has become the dominant form of insurance for newer lines of liability insurance.
Understanding Insurance Law
Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, the premise of this book’s organization is that insurance law is best understood if its legal principles are arranged according to the various stages in the life of a contract. Part A considers the question, “What is insurance law?” Part B considers issues germane to the establishment of the contractual relationship between insurer and insured. Part C considers issues relevant to the performance of contractual obligations. In particular, this Part treats issues related to claim presentation in all lines of coverage and liability insurers’ duties in a comprehensive fashion unmatched in any other single-volume treatise. Finally, Part D examines topics that defy easy categorization, including special problems in group insurance, special issues in automobile insurance, issues in reinsurance, and a chapter on excess and umbrella coverage.
Intro to Employee Benefits
Selected Study Aids for Help in Understanding Employee Benefits Law
Employee Benefit Plans in a Nutshell
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this nutshell provides the background needed to acquire a thorough understanding of employee benefits law. Text covers plan finance and taxation; economic aspects; regulations; ERISA (Employee Retirement Income Security Act) legislative background; vesting; participation, accrual, and non-interference; distribution; employee securities; employee stock ownership plans; preemption; nondiscrimination; and plan termination.
Employment Law (hornbook)
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this hornbook has been expanded and updated, including such new topics as whether just-in-time workers (e.g., Uber drivers) are employees or independent contractors, along with expert coverage of anti-discrimination laws, wage and hour law, ERISA, privacy in employment, OSHA, workers’ compensation, restrictive covenants, wrongful discharge, unemployment compensation, and pensions.
Understanding Employee Benefits Law
Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this book is designed to provide readers with a broad overview and understanding of a vast and complex area of the law. The book begins with a detailed table of contents and has many charts and diagrams to provide readers with a general understanding of the law. The book provides many examples to help readers understand how the law applies to concrete factual situations. The book also includes an extensive set of footnotes with citations that refer readers to additional sources that they can consult for further study of the law. The book provides a broad overview our nation’s employment-based health care system and the Affordable Care Act and its effect on employer-provided health care plans.
More Study Aids on Employment Law
Legal Ethics
Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Legal Ethics
Legal Ethics / Professional Responsibility CALI Lessons
CALI offers a number of interactive exercises for students studying Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.
Legal Ethics, Professional Responsibility, and the Legal Profession (Hornbook)
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription. As the legal profession undergoes structural changes, longstanding principles of ethics still govern the day-to-day lives of practicing lawyers. This new Hornbook on professional responsibility provides both a snapshot of ongoing systemic changes and a thorough examination of the fundamentals of lawyer and judicial ethics. As a multi-dimensional work by scholarly experts in several fields, the Hornbook (1) begins with the changing environment in which legal services are provided in the modern economy; (2) continues with a theoretical grounding of legal ethics in moral philosophy; (3) offers empirical evidence and discussion about professional formation and moral development; (4) provides a comprehensive analysis of the law of lawyer ethics; (5) includes a rich discussion of the modern law of legal malpractice, and (6) concludes with exploration of the rules of judicial ethics.
Professional Responsibility: Examples & Explanations
Available via the Aspen Learning Library study aid subscription, this text covers the whole field of professional responsibility, focusing not only on the ABA Model Rules, but on the often-complex relationship between the rules and doctrines of agency, tort, contract, evidence, and constitutional law. Beginning with the formation of the attorney-client relationship, the book proceeds through topics including attorneys’ fees, malpractice and ineffective assistance of counsel, confidentiality and privilege rules, conflicts of interest, witness perjury and litigation misconduct, advertising and solicitation, admission to practice, and the organization of the legal profession. Coverage includes all subjects that are tested on the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE), including: A chapter on judicial ethics, a subject tested on the MPRE and not often covered thoroughly, if at all, in law school professional responsibility courses. Updated discussion and examples based on recent developments in the law, including the ABA’s simplification of the rules on advertising and solicitation, new Model Rule 8.4(g) on discrimination in the practice of law, the California Supreme Court’s Sheppard Mullin opinion on advance waivers of conflicts, and continuing developments in the impact of technology on the practice of law. A series of problems at the end of each section or chapter assist you in testing your understanding. Answers are provided for these problems. More MPRE-style multiple-choice questions in the Examples.
Understanding Lawyers’ Ethics
Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this Understanding treatise analyzes the fundamental issues of lawyers’ ethics and the ABA’s Model Rules. It is designed to facilitate a real understanding of legal rules as distinguished from a superficial familiarity with them by challenging the reader to test their understanding of the legal rules against the reader’s own moral standards and reasoned judgment. The fifth edition includes new chapters on Lawyers’ Ethics in a Time of Crisis and Counseling Clients, Coaching Witnesses, and Cross-Examining to Discredit the Truth, and substantial updates on Judicial Ethics and more.
Selected Study Aids for Legal Ethics Exam Review and Preparation
Acing Professional Responsibility
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, Acing Professional Responsibility provides a dual benefit to law students who, to become licensed lawyers, have to pass both a law school exam in a Legal Ethics course as well as the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE). To prepare for the law school examination, there are pages of text, numerous outlines, bullet points, sample essay questions and answers, and mini-checklists to learn the basics and fine points of Professional Responsibility. The Acing book also enables students to quickly recall and pass the MPRE. The materials are current through the Model Rules changes in 2018.
Exam Pro on Professional Responsibility
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this book consists of three objective examinations in professional responsibility, containing a total of 180 objective questions. Each exam consists of sixty objective problems followed by four multiple-choice answers. Each exam is intended to take two hours and five minutes, thereby approximating the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination [MPRE]. The exam problems cover the following general topics: regulation of the legal profession, the lawyer-client relationship, client confidentiality, conflicts of interest, competence and legal malpractice, litigation and other forms of advocacy, communications with non-clients, different roles of the lawyer, safekeeping property, advertising and solicitation, duties to the public and the legal system, and judicial ethics.
Glannon Guide to Professional Responsibility
Available via the Aspen Learning Library study aid subscription, this study aid covers all heavily tested subjects on the MPRE and taught in a Professional Responsibility course. It includes a chapter devoted to the Code of Judicial Conduct and updated questions to reflect recent ABA Ethics Opinions and Supreme Court decisions in this area.
More Study Aids for Legal Ethics
Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Property
Property CALI Lessons
CALI currently offers many interactive exercises for Property. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.
Property: Examples & Explanations
Available on the Aspen Learning Library subscription, this study aid that offers introductions to legal terms and concepts in property law, followed by examples and explanations that test and apply the reader’s understanding of the material covered. Using a six-part topical organization, the authors ensure that the rules and doctrines making up the first-year course on the law of property are well covered. New to the Sixth Edition: a more structured development of Chain of Title problems inherent in recording systems; an added discussion of Construction Industry of Sonoma County v. City of Petaluma in the exclusionary zoning section Incorporation of the Department of Justice’s regulations; examples interpreting the Religious Land Use and Institutional Persons Act; expanded guidance on the Wireless Communication Facilities Act; emphasis on how exceptions build on the Penn Central Transportation Co. v. New York City ad hoc factors Discussion on Muir v. Wisconsin in the Takings analysis (states’ ability to conceptually merge parcels to defeat a Takings claim); follow-ups on the effect (or lack thereof) of Stop the Beach Renourishment, Inc. v. Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection; discussion of Marvin M. Brandt Revocable Trust v. United States in easement chapter (whether a railroad abandoning a strip of land held an easement or a fee simple determinable); and clarification and expansion of the discussion of landlord-tenant issues.
The Law of Property: An Introductory Survey (Hornbook)
Available on the West Academic study aid subscription, this title is a comprehensive, one-volume introduction to the modern law of real property. Each chapter begins with an overview of rules and concepts, followed by a series of problems and exercises designed to demonstrate how the rules and concepts apply in real situations. Each problem is followed by a comprehensive analysis of the legal issues raised, including citations of the relevant cases and statutes. This edition has been fully updated to reflect current developments.
Understanding Property Law
Available on the LexisNexis Digital Library subscription, this comprehensive and authoritative Understanding treatise is suitable for use in conjunction with any Property casebook. Covers all standard property topics, including landlord-tenant law, adverse possession, rights in personal property, estates and future interests, marital property, land sale transactions, servitudes, nuisance, zoning, takings, and other land use issues.
Selected Study Aids for Property Law Exam Review and Preparation
Acing Property
Available on the West Academic study aid subscription, this study aid uses a checklist format to lead students through the questions they need to ask and answer to fully analyze the legal questions they are trying to resolve. Each chapter begins with a review and explanation of the important rules, concepts and principles that govern a particular area of property law. The review material is then synthesized into a checklist. Each chapter concludes with practice problems and solutions. The fourth edition includes: Two full-length, four-hour practice essay exams (with model answers); A new Master Checklist for issue-spotting essay questions; Updated discussion and Chapter Checklists for new developments in the law; New exam tips for regulatory takings and real covenants questions; Additional discussion of bailments, co-ownership, servitudes, and real estate transactions.
Exam Pro Workbook on Estates and Future Interests
Available on the West Academic study aid subscription, this title provides a basic introduction to estates and future interests law. Designed to offer solid knowledge of the area’s central concepts, it guides readers through a series of increasingly complex conveyances. The workbook begins with an analysis of the fee simple estate and builds sequentially toward more complicated interests and conveyances. The information proceeds from the simple to more complex, later problems building on the successful command of earlier material. Each problem is followed not only by that problem’s answer but also by a complete analysis of how the answer was derived. The workbook also contains an extensive glossary, summary charts, and a set of review problems that test the reader’s developing mastery of the material.
The Glannon Guide to Property
Available on the Aspen Learning Library subscription, this study aid provides a concise review of property topics through the use of multiple-choice questions. After each question the author explains how the correct choice was chosen, So that students learn how to analyze exam questions while they review course material.This edition contains two new chapters on “Bailments” and “Eminent Domain”, and new text and questions on the scope and termination of easements and the scope and termination of covenants.
A Student’s Guide to Estates in Land and Future Interests
Available on the LexisNexis Digital Library subscription, this guide facilitates the understanding of complex materials from Property courses. Chronologically organized material familiarizes students with basic concepts and necessary technical vocabulary. The authors graphically explain complex concepts, and provide extensive problem and answer sets. Topics include basic possessory estates, remainders and executory interests in response to the statute of uses, modifications of the common law scheme, and interesting complexities and modern changes.
More study aids for property
Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Remedies
Remedies CALI Lessons
CALI currently offers many interactive exercises for Remedies. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.
Law of Remedies (hornbook)
Available on the West Academic study aid subscription, this definitive treatise explains available remedies across a wide range of public and private causes of action—from torts to intellectual property, contracts to fiduciary breaches, and civil rights to nuisance. Topics include compensatory damages for tangible and intangible harms, punitive damages, unjust enrichment and restitution, equitable remedies, and much more. This single-volume text unpacks major developments of the last twenty-five years for the law of remedies in the United States with citations to hundreds of cases, articles, and statutes. It incorporates key advancements from the Restatement (Third) of Restitution and Unjust Enrichment, the Restatement (Third) of Torts, and significant updates in the law of injunctions, punitive damages, and beyond.
Remedies: Examples and Explanations
Available on the Aspen Learning Library subscription, this study aid contains new discussions of the draft Restatement of the Law Torts (Third): Liability for Economic Harm’s treatment of the economic harm rule; special emotional distress rules for cases involving high risk of causing such distress, such as mishandling human remains and injuring pets; emotional distress damages for breach of contract; the basis for temporary restraining orders, including the appealability of such orders (which has become a contested issue in challenges to Trump administration executive orders); the controversy over the use of nationwide injunctions in highly charged political cases, a trend that has emerged to challenge policies of both the Obama and Trump administrations; restitutionary claims for constructive trusts involving disproportionate gains, such as lottery winnings, under both the common law and Restatement (Third) of Restitution; on opportunistic breach of contract in Restitution, including the Supreme Court’s recent endorsement of the section in a 2015 case; and on the relationship between laches and statutes of limitations and new Supreme Court authority on the question.
Understanding Remedies
Available on the LexisNexis Digital Library subscription, the fourth edition of Understanding Remedies is designed to provide a thorough overview of the remedies a civil plaintiff may obtain to secure appropriate redress for wrongs inflicted. As with prior editions of Understanding Remedies, the book materials are organized around two themes. Chapters one through seven examine general remedial considerations, such as damages, restitution, and defenses as standalone concepts. The goal here is to give the reader a firm foundational understanding of the concept itself. Chapters eight through twenty-four examine the general remedial consideration in specific contexts, for example, what remedies are available when a person sustains bodily injury caused by anothers legal wrong. In this setting the available remedies are identified and discussed. Also addressed are the tactical strategic issues that would influence the desirability and availability of specific remedies, for example, an injunction to abate a nuisance or restitution to redress a trespass.
Selected Study Aids for Remedies Law Exam Review and Preparation
Black Letter Outline on Remedies
Available on the West Academic study aid subscription, this text provides a concise summary of equity laws including equity and equitable remedies, enforcement of equitable decrees, injunctions, restitution, declaratory judgments, and damages. It discusses the historical perspective on equity, contempt rules, and forms of loss as they relate to damages.
Gilbert Law Summary on Remedies
Available on the West Academic study aid subscription, this study aid covers damages, equitable remedies (including injunctions and specific performance), restitution, injuries to tangible property interests, and injuries to business and commercial interests (including business torts, inducing breach of contract, patent infringement, unfair competition, and trade defamation). Also discussed are injuries to personal dignity and related interests (including defamation, privacy, religious status, and civil and political rights), personal injury and death, fraud, duress, undue influence, unconscionable conduct, mistake, breach of contract, and unenforceable contracts, including statute of frauds, impossibility, lack of contractual capacity, and illegality.
Questions and Answers: Remedies
Available on the LexisNexis Digital Library subscription, this study guide uses multiple-choice and short-answer questions to test your students’ knowledge of remedies law doctrine. Each multiple-choice question is accompanied by a detailed answer that indicates which of four options is the best answer and explains why that option is better than the other three options. Each short-answer question (designed to be answered in no more than fifteen minutes) is followed by a thoughtful, yet brief, model answer.
More study aids for remedies
Sports Law
Sports Law in a Nutshell
Available on the West Academic study aid subscription, this study aid contains the elements of sports law explained in an organized, coherent manner. It simplifies the complex world of sports law and provides a road map to all of its intricacies from contracts, torts, antitrust, liabilities, constitutional implications, labor law, taxes. The Sixth Edition continues to update the material with a focus on important recent legal developments.