Selected Study Aids for the Second Week of Exams

Last blog post we covered selected study aids for subjects tested during the first week of exams. Now we’re covering selected study aids for subjects tested during the second week of exams. Exams are stressful but the Law Library can help!

Accessing Law Library Study Aids

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Introduction to Study Aids & Research Guides Video

This video introduces you to our four online study aid collections, demonstrates how to access the study aids, and looks at research guides that will help you throughout your law school career.


If using CALI, you will need to create an account (if you have not already done so) using a Cincinnati Law authorization code. You can obtain this code from a reference librarian.

Lexis OverDrive

If accessing study aids from Lexis OverDrive, you will need to login using your UC credentials.

West Academic

To create an account, click the Create an Account link at the top right corner of the Study Aids Subscription page. Use your UC email as the email address. Once you have filled in the required information to set up an account, you will need to verify your email address (they will send you a confirmation email that you will need answer to verify the email address — be sure and check your junk mail). Once you have created an account and logged in, you can use the links below to access individual study aids or you can access all study aids through

Wolters Kluwer

If accessing study aids from the Wolters Kluwer subscription, you will need to login using your UC credentials. Video on using WK study aids

1L Subjects for the Second Week of Fall 2021 Exams

Constitutional Law I

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Constitutional Law

Constitutional Law CALI Lessons

CALI currently offers a number of interactive exercises for students studying Constitutional Law. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.

Constitutional Law National Power and Federalism: Examples and Explanations

Available via the Wolters Kluwer study aid subscription, Constitutional Law: National Power and Federalism, is a problem-oriented guide to the principle doctrines of constitutional law that are covered in the typical course. This text walks the student through issues pertaining to the structure of our constitutional system, including judicial review, justiciability, national power, supremacy, the separation of powers and federalism, as well as some of the structural limitations that the Constitution imposes on state powers. Combines textual material with well-written and comprehensive examples, explanations, and questions to test studentsrsquo; comprehension of the materials and provide practice in applying legal principles to fact patterns. New to the Eighth Edition: Roughly 25 important new decisions from the Supreme Court’s 2016, 2017, and 2018 terms such as Trump v. Hawaii; South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc.; Sessions v. Morales-Santana; Minnesota Voters Alliance v. Mansky; Murphy v. NCAA; Patchak v. Zinke; Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia, Inc. v. Comer.

Understanding Constitutional Law

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, Understanding Constitutional Law covers all of the central concepts and issues students encounter in any basic constitutional law course. Structure of Government issues revolve around the twin themes of federalism and separation of powers.

United States Constitutional Law (Concepts & Insights)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, United States Constitutional Law guides law students, political science students, and engaged citizens through the complexities of U.S. Supreme Court doctrine—and its relationship to constitutional politics—in key areas ranging from federalism and presidential power to equal protection and substantive due process. Rather than approach constitutional law as a static structure or imagine the Supreme Court as acting in isolation from society, the book elaborates and clarifies key constitutional doctrines while also drawing on scholarship in law and political science that relates the doctrines to large social changes such as industrialization, social movements such as civil rights and second-wave feminism, and institutional tensions between governmental actors. Combining legal analysis with historical narrative and sensitivity to political context, the book provides deeper understanding of how constitutional law arises, functions, and changes in a complex, often-divided society.

Selected Study Aids for Constitutional Law Exam Review and Preparation

Acing Constitutional Law

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this study aid uses a checklist format to lead students through the questions they need to ask and answer to fully analyze the legal questions they are trying to resolve. It presents numerous hypothetical problems and sample answers. Acing Constitutional Law covers the topics typical of a first-year Con Law course, things such as judicial review, national legislative power, federal executive powers, state power to regulate commerce, intergovernmental immunities, procedural due process, substantive due process, economic rights, equal protection, freedom of expression, the Establishment Clause, the Free Exercise Clause, and state action.

The Glannon Guide to Constitutional Law

Available via the Wolters Kluwer study aid subscription, this Glannon Guide offers explanations, multiple-choice questions, and analyses. It provides an overview of the constitutional doctrines that govern the structure and powers granted in the U.S. Constitution, as well as those that protect individual rights and liberties. New to the Third Edition: combined the government structure and powers volume with the rights and liberties volume into one convenient, economical, and easy-to-use aid Updated with recent Supreme Court cases and related questions; new flowcharts and tables visually illustrate and clarify complex areas of doctrine New Closing Closers. Provides multiple choice questions at varying levels of difficulty, along with detailed explanations of correct and incorrect answers that all students can use to self-test within each chapter.

Questions and Answers: Constitutional Law

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this study guide includes 192 multiple-choice and short-answer questions arranged topically for ease of use during the semester, plus an additional set of 24 questions comprising a comprehensive “practice exam.” For each multiple-choice question, the authors provide a detailed answer that indicates which of four options is the best answer and explains thoroughly why that option is better than the other three options. Each short-answer question is designed to be answered in fifteen minutes or less, and includes a thoughtful, comprehensive, yet brief model answer.

More Study Aids on Constitutional Law


Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Contracts

Contracts CALI Lessons

CALI, currently offers many interactive exercises for Contracts students. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.

Contracts: Examples & Explanations

Available via the Wolters Kluwer study aid subscription, this study aid provides treatment of the first-year contracts syllabus, written for students and designed to provide them with information, examples, and analysis of appropriate complexity and detail. Combines textual material with examples, explanations, and questions to test students’ comprehension of the materials and provide practice in applying information to fact patterns. This text covers the contractual relationship, form contracts, consideration, promissory estoppel, unjust enrichment, restitution, interpretation and construction, Statute of Frauds, Parole Evidence Rule, incapacity, mistake, public policy violations, breach of contract, remedies, assignment, and more.

Contracts (Farnsworth)

Available via VitalLaw, this revision of a prestigious student treatise helps professors demystify the intricacies of contract law. Long respected for its clarity and accessibility, Contracts, In its completely updated Fourth Edition, continues to illuminate doctrine and practice.

Understanding Contracts

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this Understanding text explains common law principles of contract law using cases and examples that students commonly encounter in this first-year course. It draws illustrations from the Restatement (Second) of Contracts, and from Article 2 of the Uniform Commercial Code as it has been adopted in all fifty states.

Selected Study Aids for Contracts Exam Review and Preparation

The Glannon Guide to Contracts

Available via the Wolters Kluwer study aid subscription, Contracts topics are broken down into manageable pieces and are explained in a conversational tone. Chapters are interspersed with hypotheticals. Multiple-choice questions are interspersed throughout each chapter (not lumped at the end) to mirror the flow of a classroom lecture. Correct and incorrect answers are carefully explained; you learn why they do or do not work.

Questions and Answers: Contracts

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this study guide includes 168 multiple-choice and short-answer questions arranged topically for ease of use during the semester, plus an additional set of 40 questions comprising a comprehensive “practice exam.” For each multiple-choice question, Professor Burnham provides a detailed answer that indicates which of four options is the best answer and explains thoroughly why that option is better than the other three options. Each short-answer question is designed to be answered in fifteen minutes or less. For these questions, Professor Burnham provides a thoughtful, comprehensive, yet brief model answer.

Step-by-Step Guide to Contracts

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this is an interactive workbook designed to effectively prepare students to pass exams. The most heavily tested legal rules are presented in a format that mirrors the way they arise as issues in typical testing fact patterns. Rule statements are set out in easy-to-memorize statements, with a breakdown of the element components and logical steps to take to apply new facts to each legal element. Fluency with the legal terminology is also essential to exam success, so this Step-by-Step Guide includes fill-in-the-blank spaces to help you learn and memorize definitions of key terms as they are introduced, and a glossary of selected terms at the end for further reference. In addition to learning the law and memorizing key rules and terms, success in law school also requires the hard work of deep learning, engaging with problems to test your own knowledge, and working toward gaining a strong command of all testable topics. To that end, this Guide contains short-answer Test Yourself questions. Working through these questions and then reading the answers and explanations to determine where your understanding is clear and where you must do additional work will help you master the skill of applying the relevant rules to new and different fact patterns. In addition to the short-answer questions, this Guide also includes numerous full-length essay questions with sample answers —providing further practice to test your knowledge and deepen your learning.

More Study Aids on Contracts

2L, 3L & LLM Subjects

Corporate Finance

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Corporate Finance Law

Business Organization and Finance, Legal and Economic Principles (Concepts & Insights)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this study aid explains the basic economic elements and legal principles of business organization and finance. It distills in a straightforward and accessible way the essential elements of these often complex topics and explains the basic economic elements and legal principles of business organization and finance with concise, conceptual overviews. It contains a detailed introduction outlining the essential functions of corporate law. It contains an invaluable new section covering recent developments in financial markets, the financial crisis, the role of derivatives and financial complexity in the modern corporation to give students background on modern financial issues.

Corporate Finance in a Nutshell

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this title covers the entire field of corporate finance, including changes stemming from the Dodd-Frank Act. In addition to discussing accounting and valuation concepts, it provides extensive coverage of the legal and financial underpinnings of debt securities, preferred and common stock, and derivative instruments (options, forward contracts, futures contracts and swap contracts). It also provides sample valuation problems, answers, and explanations.

Corporate Finance (Hornbook)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this Hornbook lays out the fundamentals of corporate finance from a legal and business perspective in a manageable, user-friendly manner. The author highlights how accounting, finance and corporate law intersect and operate synergistically. The book provides an in-depth analysis of how the law affects both equity securities (common stock and preferred stock) and debt securities (bonds, debentures and notes), as well as a company’s capital structure generally. New to the Second Edition is a substantial chapter focused on raising capital through the issuance of securities through both registered public offerings under the Securities Act of 1933 and transactions exempt from Securities Act registration. The SEC’s integration of multiple securities offerings is also covered.

Mergers and Acquisitions Law (Hornbook)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this Hornbook provides a comprehensive exploration of this important topic. Written in a casual style designed to engage the reader, the book clarifies and critiques critical doctrine. In addition to covering corporate laws governing mergers and acquisitions, the book explores securities, tax, and antitrust laws, as well as addressing the business, financial, and practical lawyering aspects of mergers and acquisitions.

Study aids on Corporations, Business Associations, and Securities may also be helpful here.

Selected Study Aids for Corporate Finance Law Exam Review and Preparation

Study aids on Corporations, Business Associations, and Securities may also be helpful here.


Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Evidence

Evidence CALI Lessons

CALI currently offers many interactive exercises for Evidence students. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.

Evidence: Examples & Explanations

Available via the Wolters Kluwer study aid subscription, this text covers the Federal Rules of Evidence and includes the latest Supreme Court cases. It also analyzes the ebb and flow of Confrontation Clause jurisprudence. Analysis is first provided for a topic and then examples are given to help students understand the analysis. A series of problems at the end of each section or chapter assist you in testing your understanding. Answers are provided for these problems.

A Student’s Guide to Hearsay

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, the fifth edition of A Student’s Guide to Hearsay focuses on the Federal Rules of Evidence, breaking down the hearsay rule into its elements and explaining them in straightforward language. It does the same for each of the 29 exceptions to the hearsay rule. The book covers the Sixth Amendment Confrontation Clause and includes a proposed amendment to the Rules. It also explains related subjects: what a grand jury is and how it operates; offers of proof, order of proof, burdens of proof; conditional relevancy and conditional admissibility; and privileged communications.

Understanding Evidence

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, Understanding Evidence begins with an overview of Evidence law followed by an explanation of the roles of the judge and jury. The remaining chapters are organized under the following topics: Procedural Framework of Trial; Relevancy; Witnesses; Real and Demonstrative Evidence; Writings; Hearsay; Privileges; and Substitutes for Evidence. This treatise extensively discusses and cites the Federal Rules of Evidence. Cases, statutes, other rules, and secondary sources are also cited, providing a comprehensive framework for understanding evidence law. The fifth edition discusses recent amendments to the Federal Rules of Evidence and new Supreme Court cases since the previous edition in 2013.

Selected Study Aids for Evidence Exam Review and Preparation

Acing Evidence

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, Acing Evidence is a study aid that helps law students prepare to take their Evidence exam. Providing many helpful examples and employing checklists at the end of every chapter, Acing Evidence presents an organized way to analyze evidence problems and spot hidden issues. The third edition adds new examples and reflects changes in the Federal Rules of Evidence.

Exam Pro on Evidence (Essay)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, Exam Pro-Essay is a study aid that helps law students prepare to take their Evidence exam. Answering the sample essay exams and the specific subject matter essay questions, followed by review of the corresponding answers and analysis, provides students with a more thorough comprehension of the Federal Rules of Evidence and a better understanding of how to take exams.

The Glannon Guide to Evidence

Available via the Wolters Kluwer study aid subscription, this study aid provides an explanation of the Federal Rules of Evidence, with each chapter corresponding to the 10 main articles of evidence. Substantial text is spent on Hearsay, Character evidence, and Impeachment. Each chapter begins with an explanation of the rules and follows with multiple choice questions applying the rules to hypotheticals. An analysis of the correct answers is also provided.

Questions and Answers: Evidence

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this Q & A includes over 260 multiple-choice and short-answer questions, arranged topically for ease of use during the semester, plus an additional set of 50 “practice exam” questions. For each multiple-choice question, there is a detailed answer that indicates which of four options is the best answer and explains thoroughly why that option is better than the other three options.

More Study Aids for Evidence

Business Associations

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Business Associations

Agency, Partnerships, and LLCs: Examples & Explanations 

Available via the Wolters Kluwer study aid subscription, this text is written by the professor who drafted the uniform limited partnership act and co-drafted the newest uniform limited liability company act. It provides in-depth treatment of limited liability companies (LLCs) and limited liability partnerships (LLPs), including a discussion of the newest Revised Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. It contains updated agency materials that fully integrate the recently finalized Restatement (Third) of Agency. It has refined its coverage of general partnership law to reflect the ascendancy of the Revised Uniform Partnership Act (RUPA) and revised coverage of limited partnership law to reflect the increasing acceptance of the 2001 version of the Uniform Limited Partnership Act. It also includes analysis of issues unique to limited liability companies. Analysis is first provided for a topic and then examples are given to help students understand the analysis. A series of problems at the end of each section or chapter assist you in testing your understanding. Answers are provided for these problems.

Business Associations CALI Lessons

CALI currently offers many interactive exercises for Business Associations students. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.

Business Organizations Law (Hornbook)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this Hornbook is thoroughly updated to include recent U.S. Supreme Court, Delaware and other leading decisions and regulatory developments (for example, the most recent version of the Model Business Corporation Act as well as the Delaware statute) that impact the conduct of corporate affairs including fiduciary obligations and duties in corporate transactions, governance, and management of corporations and LLCs, as well as benefit corporations, including the landscape of securities fraud suits in the federal courts, new discussions of unincorporated forms of business, insightful explanations of such news-making issues as corporate governance and director liabilities, and coverage of LLCs and LLPs.

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this book examines the legal rules and doctrines associated with running a business–from formation to dissolution to everything in between. These rules and doctrines are explored within the context of the various organizational forms in which a business may be operated. Thus, reading this book will provide you with a solid grounding in the law of agency, general partnerships, corporations, limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships, and limited liability companies.

Selected Study Aids for Business Associations Exam Review and Preparation

Acing Business Associations

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this book provides an explanation of corporations, agency and partnership, and the other subjects addressed in most Business Associations courses. To accompany its explanations, the guide utilizes a checklist format to lead students through questions they need to ask and issues they need to address, to fully evaluate the agency, partnership or corporations, problems they will face when studying this subject.

Exam Pro on Business Associations, Objective

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, Exam Pro-Objective on Business Associations is a study aid that helps law students prepare to take their Business Associations exam. Taking the sample objective exams and using the corresponding answers and analysis provides students with a more thorough understanding of Business Associations and a better understanding of how to take exams.

Corporations and Other Business Entities CrunchTime

Available via the Wolters Kluwer study aid subscription, this study aid provides flow charts, capsule summaries, exam tips, short answer exam questions, multiple choice questions, and essay questions with model answers.

Questions and Answers: Business Associations

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this study guide includes over 190 multiple-choice and short-answer questions arranged topically for ease of use during the semester, plus an additional set of 28 questions comprising a comprehensive “practice exam.”

More Business Associations Study Aids

Patent Law

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Patent Law

Intellectual Property: Examples & Explanations

Available via the Wolters Kluwer study aid subscription, this study guide provides students with a short account of the law, followed by a variety of concrete Examples & Explanations that help reinforce and give substance to the key rules and concepts in intellectual property law. It covers topics that range from copyrights, to patents, trademarks and trade secrets.

Patent Law CALI Lessons

CALI currently offers many interactive exercises for Patent Law students. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.

Principles of Patent Law (Concise Hornbook)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this study aid includes thoughtful analysis of the intricacies of the America Invents Act, in-depth discussion of nearly twenty recent Supreme Court decisions on patent law, and thorough treatment of all the leading Federal Circuit precedents. The volume also contains detailed materials on international issues, trade secret law, and specialized topics including plant patents, design patents and the Hatch-Waxman Act.

Understanding Patent Law

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this text provides important and comprehensive coverage for a foundational understanding of patent law, including summaries, overviews, and examples to illustrate the application of the most abstract and complex doctrines. This treatise includes clear and concise summaries of the major cases, with straightforward descriptions of the technology at issue. This edition has been revised to enhance the reader’s understanding of all concepts covered in patent courses. Throughout, the book includes discussions of the background policy and historical underpinnings of the primary patent law doctrines to enable an understanding of the reasons that support the doctrine. The work is suitable for developing a working knowledge of the law, as well as for students enrolled in a patent law course. This edition has been fully updated and features: coverage of all major patent law topics with all recent U.S. Supreme Court and appellate court cases, including the requirements to obtain a U.S. patent right; post-grant procedures; claim construction methods and procedures; an in-depth treatment of patent infringement, defenses to an infringement suit, and international considerations; an overview of the legislative, regulatory, and court systems that govern the creation, issuance, and enforcement of the patent right; updated treatment that covers the groundbreaking cases issued since the last edition, including the patentable subject matter cases Alice v. CLS Bank, Association for Molecular Pathology v. Myriad Genetics, Inc., and Mayo Collaborative Services v. Biosig; discussion of the U.S. Supreme Court’s Impression Products, Inc. v. Lexmark, which shifted the foundation of exhaustion from an intent-based doctrine into a fundamental limitation on the patent right; a new section on the impact of Gunn v. Minton and T.J. Heartland v. Kraft Foods on patent litigation. Additionally, the remedies chapter adds four new ground-breaking Supreme Court decisions, including Octane Fitness, LLC v. ICON Health & Fitness, Inc. on willfulness relief and Samsung Electronics Co. v. Apple Inc. on monetary damages for design patent infringement. The Court’s new standards for assessing the sufficiency of claims from Nautilus v. Biosig is reviewed, as well as the appellate review of the construction of claims in Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, Inc. v. Sandoz, Inc.; and a review of the Federal Circuit’s Williamson v. Citrix Online, which has become critical to understanding claim construction.

Selected Study Aids for Patent Law Exam Review and Preparation

Acing Intellectual Property

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this study aid uses outline-like checklists to lead law students through the analytical steps necessary to analyze intellectual property issues. The book covers trademark, patent, copyright, and trade secret law. Each chapter begins with a brief review of the important rules and concepts that govern a particular area of intellectual property law. The review material is followed by a checklist that provides students with a clear roadmap for answering intellectual property questions. Each chapter concludes with practice problems and solutions that illustrate how students can use the checklist to analyze intellectual property issues.

Intellectual Property Crunchtime

Available via the Wolters Kluwer study aid subscription, this CrunchTime covers intellectual property generally, trade secrets (status, ownership, and public policy); patents (novelty, non-obviousness); rights in undeveloped ideas; copyright (idea/expression, originality, infringement); trademark law (policies, registerd and common-law marks, origin, product feature trade dress; unfair competition; and federal and state law relationship.

Questions and Answers: Patent Law

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this study guide uses multiple-choice and short-answer questions to test your students’ knowledge of patent law doctrine. Each multiple-choice question is accompanied by a detailed answer that indicates which of four options is the best answer and explains why that option is better than the other three options. Each short-answer question (designed to be answered in no more than fifteen minutes) is followed by a thoughtful, yet brief, model answer.

More Study Aids on Patent Law

Immigration Law

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Immigration Law

Immigration Law and Procedure in a Nutshell

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this compact title offers a thorough overview of the history, constitutional basis, statutory structure, regulatory provisions, administrative procedure, and ethical principles related to immigration law and practice.

Law School Legends Audio on Immigration Law

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this audio lecture provides a comprehensive survey of immigration law from a nationally recognized immigration law expert. It explores immigration and the Constitution, the grounds for entering the United States, the grounds for exclusion, the process of admission, the grounds for deportation, relief from deportability, the process of deportation, asylum and refugee law, the convention against torture, workplace enforcement of immigration laws, and the law of citizenship.

Understanding Immigration Law

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, the third edition of Understanding Immigration Law lays out the basics of U.S. immigration law in an accessible way to newcomers to the field. It offers background about the intellectual, historical, and constitutional foundations of U.S. immigration law. The book also identifies the factors that have historically fueled migration to the United States, including the economic “pull” of jobs and family in the United States and the “push” of economic hardship, political instability, and other facts of life in the sending country. Each chapter has been updated to analyze the unprecedented number of immigration enforcement measures—and many simply unprecedented measures—taken by the Trump administration.

More Study Aids on Immigration

International Criminal Law

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding International Criminal Law

Global Issues in Criminal Procedure

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, provides an overview of constitutional issues that arise when searches, seizures, and interrogations occur outside the United States. Global Issues examines prosecutions in U.S. courts that involve evidence obtained abroad and the reach of the Fourth Amendment when the searches and seizures involve U.S. citizens abroad compared with non-U.S. citizens. Cases such as Verdugo-Urquidez and Alvarez-Machain are included, along with sections on electronic surveillance and the reach of the Fifth Amendment and Due Process Clause abroad, plus materials on torture and extraordinary renditions. There is also a short discussion of indefinite detention in places like Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, Afghanistan, and in other sites.

International Criminal Law: Intersections and Contradictions (Concepts & Insights)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this primer presents the field of International Criminal Law (ICL), providing a concise summary of key ICL doctrines while also raising novel and interdisciplinary perspectives. Part I introduces the domain of ICL. Specific chapters are devoted to the different strands of the field’s history; the web of institutions that apply and interpret ICL; how the rules of international law generally, and ICL in particular, are created; theories that attempt to explain why certain crimes are subject to international regulation; and the unique challenges posed by the principle of legality within ICL. Part II is devoted to the intersecting elements of the major crimes recognized by international law (war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, aggression, and terrorism), the unique development of modes of liability under international law (including superior responsibility, complicity, co-perpetration, and joint criminal enterprise), and some of the defenses that might be deployed to block or mitigate liability (immunities, amnesties, and excuses). The text ends with two synthesis chapters. The first provides an in-depth case study of Syria to illustrate the way in which members of the international community can attempt to invoke, and block access to, the architecture of ICL and related accountability mechanisms. The second revisits some of the fundamental objectives underlying ICL, the more trenchant critiques of the project of international justice, and the breadth of creativity underlying alternative mechanisms developed under the cognate fields of transitional justice and conflict resolution.

International Criminal Law in a Nutshell

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this Nutshell is intended as an introduction for students taking a first course in international criminal law as well as practitioners with little or no familiarity with the field. After a brief introduction to the history of international criminal law (from its origins through Nuremburg to the ad hoc tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda), it summarizes basic principles of international accountability (such as the doctrine of “legality”) and concepts of international criminal jurisdiction (including “universal” jurisdiction). Several chapters focus on the International Criminal Court, in particular its substantive jurisdiction (genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and aggression), modes of liability and available defenses. Additional chapters cover the purposes and procedures of extradition (and its alternatives, such as “rendition”) and mutual legal assistance (obtaining evidence abroad for use in criminal cases). Attention is also given to the major “transnational crimes,” including terrorism, corruption, trafficking and organized crime.

Understanding International Criminal Law

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, the first part of this text provides a general overview, with definitions to key terms that appear throughout the book. It covers the area of jurisdiction, as this is the starting point in determining the applicability of using international law. The second part covers selected areas of international criminal law. Choices of specific crimes to cover were made on the basis of showing a diversity of topics, new and developing areas such as computer crimes, and the older more traditional areas such as piracy. It provides materials on both violent and non-violent crimes. Areas of immediate importance, such as terrorism and narcotics trafficking, are discussed. The third part covers procedural issues. It includes constitutional issues, immunities, obtaining evidence from abroad, obtaining people from abroad, and post conviction issues such as prisoner transfers. The final part of this treatise covers the international aspects of international criminal law. In addition to examining what constitutes an international crime, it looks at human rights issues, international tribunals, and the International Criminal Court.

Study aids on International Law may also be helpful here.

Selected Study Aids for International Criminal Law Exam Review and Preparation

Questions and Answers: International Law

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this text offers multiple choice questions and a final practice essay exam covering a wide array of areas likely to be addressed in any International Law course. The areas covered include: Principles of International Law; Jurisdiction; Sources of International Law; The United Nations; The Use of Force and Humanitarian Law; International Criminal and Human Rights Law; Indigenous Peoples; International Environmental Law; The Law of the Sea; and International Trade Law.

Sum and Substance Audio on International Law

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this audio presents an overview of international law for students taking the basic course in public international. The audiobook discusses how states form, create laws, interact with individuals, and wage war. Listeners will obtain a framework for answering essay questions on exams and structuring briefs for practice before international courts and tribunals.

Sum and Substance Quick Review of International Law

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this book covers topics ranging from the historic foundations of international law (including an overview of the subject’s founders) to the laws of wars and use of force. The book contains information on wars ranging from the 100-years war to Vietnam and the one in Iraq. The book provides a comprehensive overview of state formation and obligations, including state requirements to treat all individuals (citizens, immigrants, and aliens) humanely. Students who review the state responsibility chapter will obtain an approach to writing essay questions on international law or briefs for international tribunals.

Additional study aids on International Law may also be helpful here.

Selected Study Aids for the First Week of Fall 2021 Final Exams

Final exams are almost here and the Law Library can help!

Accessing Law Library Study Aids

For an overview of our study aid subscriptions and a demonstration of how to access them, see:

Introduction to Study Aids & Research Guides Video

This video introduces you to our four online study aid collections, demonstrates how to access the study aids, and looks at research guides that will help you throughout your law school career.


If using CALI, you will need to create an account (if you have not already done so) using a Cincinnati Law authorization code. You can obtain this code from a reference librarian.

Lexis OverDrive

If accessing study aids from Lexis OverDrive, you will need to login using your UC credentials.

West Academic

To create an account, click the Create an Account link at the top right corner of the Study Aids Subscription page. Use your UC email as the email address. Once you have filled in the required information to set up an account, you will need to verify your email address (they will send you a confirmation email that you will need answer to verify the email address — be sure and check your junk mail). Once you have created an account and logged in, you can use the links below to access individual study aids or you can access all study aids through

Wolters Kluwer

If accessing study aids from the Wolters Kluwer subscription, you will need to login using your UC credentials. Video on using WK study aids

1L Subjects for the First Week of Fall 2021 Exams

Civil Procedure I

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Civil Procedure

Civil Procedure CALI Lessons

CALI offers many interactive exercises for Civil Procedure students. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.

Civil Procedure: Examples & Explanations

Available via the Wolters Kluwer study aid subscription, this book provides introductions to the principles of civil procedure, together with examples that illustrate how these principles apply in typical cases. Clear introductions and explanations cover all aspects of the first-year course including the areas of res judicata, collateral estoppel, personal and subject matter jurisdiction, and three chapters on various aspects of the Erie doctrine. A series of problems at the end of each section or chapter assist you in testing your understanding. Answers are provided for these problems.

Understanding Civil Procedure

Available via the Lexis Overdrive study aid subscription, this book is premised on the assumption that the key to understanding the principles of civil procedure is to know why: why the principles were created and why they are invoked. The treatise is written to answer these questions as it lays out the basic principles of civil procedure. Although they discuss important civil procedure cases in the text, thus supporting the most widely used civil procedure casebooks using these same cases, they also provide useful references to secondary sources and illustrative cases for the reader who wants to explore further.

Selected Study Aids for Civil Procedure Exam Review and Preparation

Acing Civil Procedure

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this book uses a checklist format to lead students through the questions they need to ask and answer to fully analyze the legal questions they are trying to resolve. It assembles the different issues, presenting a clear guide to procedural analysis that students can draw upon when writing their exams. Other study aids provide sample problems, but this book offers a systematic approach to problem solving.

The Glannon Guide to Civil Procedure

Available via the Wolters Kluwer study aid subscription, this book provides a short review of basic topics in Civil Procedure, organized around the theme of multiple-choice questions. In each chapter, the individual sections explain fundamental principles of a topic—such as stream-of-commerce jurisdiction, joinder under Rule 14, or the requirements for res judicata—and illustrate them with one or two multiple-choice questions. After each question, the correct answer is revealed and explained and the author discusses why the wrong answers are wrong.

Mastering Multiple Choice for Federal Civil Procedure MBE Bar Prep and 1L Exam Prep

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription,, This third edition (expanded by 28% with new questions, new answers, and new explanations) encompasses material reflecting the Civil Procedure Rule amendments of December 2015, December 2016, and December 2018, along with applicable new case law. This multiple choice practice book is designed for: (a) bar exam takers, who are preparing to take the MBE multiple choice bar exam (Civil Procedure was added in 2015 as a multiple choice testing topic), and (b) 1L law students, who are preparing to take their course examinations. This practice book offers practical, easy-to-follow advice on multiple choice exam-taking strategies, clear suggestions on effective multiple choice practicing techniques, and a robust set of Civil Procedure multiple choice practice questions with answers and explanations (designed to simulate MBE-style questions). Tables help users decode the tested-topic for each practice question.

More Study Aids on Civil Procedure


Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Torts

Hornbook on Torts

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this single-volume hornbook provides a comprehensive overview of tort and injury law. The book covers all of the major topics in tort law. Topics include liability for physical injuries, as well as emotional, dignitary, and economic harms. This edition includes citations to hundreds of cases and statutes decided over the last decade, as well as references to the Restatement (Third) of Torts.

The Law of Torts: Examples and Explanations

Available via the Wolters Kluwer study aid subscription, this study aid provides an overview of Torts, together with examples that illustrate how these principles apply in typical cases. Features coverage of intentional torts; chapters on trespass to chattels, conversion and trespass to land, false imprisonment, and intentional infliction of emotional distress; and a section on Taking a Torts Essay Exam. A series of problems at the end of each section or chapter assist you in testing your understanding. Answers are provided for these problems.

Torts CALI Lessons

CALI currently offers a number of interactive exercises for students studying Torts. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.

Understanding Torts

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this text features coverage of intentional torts, privileges, negligence, cause-in-fact, proximate cause, defenses, joint and several liability, damages, strict liability, products liability, economic torts, malicious prosecution, abuse of process, defamation and invasion of privacy. Judicious use of footnotes to provide full, but not overwhelming, primary and secondary support for textual propositions.

Selected Study Aids for Torts Exam Review and Preparation

Acing Tort Law

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this text begins with the broad policy arguments that arise in torts and provides a checklist approach to recognizing these policy arguments and articulating them. The rest of the book provides a how-to guide for different doctrinal areas of tort law. Chapter Two presents intentional torts (and defenses to intentional torts). Chapters Three through Six present the law of negligence. Chapter Seven presents the law of strict liability. Once a plaintiff establishes a legal entitlement to recover for an injury because the defendant has committed an intentional tort, negligent tort, or strict liability tort (or some combination of these three), then the plaintiff can obtain a remedy for the conduct of the defendant. Chapter Eight explains what these remedies are. Chapter Nine moves to more specialized topics in negligence and strict liability, specifically the question of defenses that a defendant can raise against the tort claims brought by the plaintiff. Chapter Ten presents the subject of vicarious liability, which deals with questions of when someone can be liable for the torts committed by someone else, such as an employer for the torts committed by an employee or a parent for the torts committed by a child. Finally, Chapters Eleven, Twelve, and Thirteen present three areas of advanced torts: products liability, reputation-based torts (such as defamation), and business torts.

The Glannon Guide to Torts

Available via the Wolters Kluwer study aid subscription, this text covers intentional torts, negligence, causation, strict liability torts, products liability, and damages. Each chapter begins by explaining a rule in its relevant context. Then test your understanding of what you have just read with a multiple-choice question. Following the question, the correct answer is identified and an explanation given as to why that answer is better than the other answers. Each chapter concludes with “The Closer,” a question that tests you on one or more major concepts from the chapter. The final chapter of the book contains “Closing Closers” that test you on materials across the chapters and are more illustrative of the kinds of questions many professors would ask on final examinations.

Step-by-Step Guide to Torts

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this Torts Guide reviews the most frequently tested tort rules and concepts in an order that corresponds with our approach to successfully answering a torts exam question. The Guide focuses on modern majority rules of tort law, but weaves in where significant for testing purposes, mention of the common law distinctions, restatement and significant minority trends. The Guide approaches a tort fact pattern by first having students carefully read the interrogatory (the “call of the question” at the end of the facts), then the entire fact pattern, and then begin organizing the issues presented. Often the most practical organizing tool in a torts exam is to identify the disputing parties, the nature of the injury suffered by the plaintiff or plaintiffs, and the action (or inaction, sometimes called “omission”) by the defendant or defendants that caused the plaintiff’s injury. Then, within the framework of each lawsuit, discuss any and all of the applicable torts, setting forth both liability and defense theories, as relevant. The Guide covers intentional torts, defenses to intentional torts, negligence, strict liability, products liability, defamation and invasion of privacy, economic torts and miscellaneous torts, tort remedies and liability concerns. Learning about tort actions and categorizing them by both the intent required and the type of injury involved will help readily identify the relevant tort actions to be analyzed in a given exam. In each chapter of this Study Guide, you will find step by step checklist approaches and text that help you to identify the particular types of tort actions and to ask the right questions that will enable you to successfully answer torts exam questions testing these areas. After learning the approaches in each Chapter, complete the Test Yourself Questions to confirm you have the concepts down, then proceed to the practice exams.

Questions and Answers: Torts

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this book includes 202 questions organized by topic. The multiple-choice questions require students to pick the best of a list, the worst of a list, or the story that illustrates a point of doctrine most effectively. The short answers require analysis of scenarios and communication of discrete points. The Practice Final Exam and Essay Issue-Spotter Questions contain an additional 54 questions.

More Study Aids for Torts

2L, 3L & LLM Subjects

Intro to Intellectual Property

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Intellectual Property

Intellectual Property CALI Lessons

CALI currently offers many interactive exercises for Intellectual Property Law students. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.

Intellectual Property: Examples & Explanations

Available via the Wolters Kluwer study aid subscription, this study guide provides students with a short account of the law, followed by a variety of concrete Examples & Explanations that help reinforce and give substance to the key rules and concepts in intellectual property law. It covers topics that range from copyrights, to patents, trademarks and trade secrets.

Intellectual Property (Law School Legends Audio)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this audio book surveys the entire field of Intellectual Property — copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, the right of publicity, and other laws that are relevant to this timely topic. The audio book approaches the central issues in a conversational style, focusing on all of the key questions that are on Intellectual Property exams: what is protected and what is not; who owns the rights; how the rights may be infringed; defenses and limits on the rights; and remedies for Intellectual Property violations.

Understanding Intellectual Property Law

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this text covers all of the intellectual property areas and issues likely to be addressed in an intellectual property survey course.

Selected Study Aids for Intellectual Property Law Exam Review and Preparation

Acing Intellectual Property

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this study aid uses outline-like checklists to lead law students through the analytical steps necessary to analyze intellectual property issues. The book covers trademark, patent, copyright, and trade secret law. Each chapter begins with a brief review of the important rules and concepts that govern a particular area of intellectual property law. The review material is followed by a checklist that provides students with a clear roadmap for answering intellectual property questions. Each chapter concludes with practice problems and solutions that illustrate how students can use the checklist to analyze intellectual property issues.

Intellectual Property Crunchtime

Available via the Wolters Kluwer study aid subscription, this CrunchTime covers intellectual property generally, trade secrets (status, ownership, and public policy); patents (novelty, non-obviousness); rights in undeveloped ideas; copyright (idea/expression, originality, infringement); trademark law (policies, registerd and common-law marks, origin, product feature trade dress; unfair competition; and federal and state law relationship.

Questions and Answers: Intellectual Property

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, the questions and answers in this book are designed to cover the broad subject of “intellectual property” in a comprehensive way. All of the major subjects in this fascinating area of law are included in this book—including copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets, the right of publicity, and unfair competition. The key aspects of each of these areas of law are addressed in a systematic way—subject matter and validity, ownership and duration of rights, infringement and remedies, and defenses and limitations.

More Study Aids on Intellectual Property

Wills & Estates

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Wills & Estates

Wills, Trusts, & Estates CALI Lessons

CALI currently offers many interactive exercises for Wills & Estates students. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.

Wills, Trusts, and Estates: Examples & Explanations

Available via the Wolters Kluwer study aid subscription, this text covers intestate succession, wills, trusts, estate administration, nonprobate assets, wealth transfer taxation, disability and death planning (including elder law concerns), and malpractice and professional responsibility to augment Wills, Trusts, and Estates and related courses that expose students to estate planning, decedents’ estates, and trusts. Analysis is first provided for a topic and then examples are given to help students understand the analysis. A series of problems at the end of each section or chapter assist you in testing your understanding. Answers are provided for these problems

Wills, Trusts and Estates Including Taxation and Future Interests (Hornbook)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this text is a comprehensive one-volume treatise on the law of trusts and estates written by leading experts. Among the topics covered are intestate succession, wills, nonprobate mechanisms, trusts, fiduciary administration, and choice of law. The book includes the very latest hot topics including electronic wills, trust decanting, directed trusts, asset protection trusts, and planning for modern families. The book incorporates the most recent provisions of the Uniform Probate Code, the Uniform Trust Code, and the many other uniform laws relating to the donative transfer of wealth. The book also includes an overview of the federal transfer tax laws.

Understanding Trusts and Estates

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, the Understanding series provides an overview and analysis of legal subjects. It provides less analysis than a hornbook but more than a nutshell. This text provides discusses foundational principles of estates and trusts. Each case cited includes a brief factual description and extensive footnotes direct the reader to other sections of the book and related cases.

Selected Study Aids for Wills & Estates Exam Review and Preparation

Exam Pro Workbook on Estates and Future Interests

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this title provides a basic introduction to estates and future interests law. Designed to offer solid knowledge of the area’s central concepts, it guides readers through a series of increasingly complex conveyances. The workbook begins with an analysis of the fee simple estate and builds sequentially toward more complicated interests and conveyances. The information proceeds from the simple to more complex, later problems building on the successful command of earlier material. Each problem is followed not only by that problem’s answer but also by a complete analysis of how the answer was derived. The workbook also contains an extensive glossary, summary charts, and a set of review problems that test the reader’s developing mastery of the material.

Friedman’s Wills, Trusts, and Estates

Available via the Wolters Kluwer study aid subscription, this series features long essay questions as well as some that are relatively short and medium-length, giving you great practice in the length and variation of questions on the final. Test your knowledge of key concepts and rules with comprehensive essay and multiple-choice questions. Find insight into what professors look for when grading.

Questions and Answers: Wills, Trusts, and Estates

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, Q&A books consist of multiple choice and short answer questions with detailed explanations of the answers. This Q & A uses nearly 200 multiple-choice and short-answer questions to test your knowledge.

More Study Aids on Wills & Estates

Federal Courts

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Federal Courts

CALI Lessons on Federal Courts

Available via CALI

CALI currently offers an interactive exercise for Federal Courts students. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.

Federal Courts: Examples & Explanations

Available via the Wolters Kluwer study aid subscription, this text’s coverage includes federal jurisdiction issues (Gunn v. Minton, Mims v. Arrow Financial); Roberts Court standing decisions (Clapper v. Amnesty International, and the same-sex marriage decisions); refinement of the mootness and political questions doctrines; crucial habeas corpus developments; and broad-ranging changes implicating class actions. It also discusses the Class Action Fairness Act, federal common law (global warming issues), and the Alien Tort Statute. Brief accounts of law followed by concrete examples and explanations help to reinforce and give substance to key rules and concepts.

Law of Federal Courts (Hornbook)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this title offers practical guidance and comprehensive coverage on all aspects of federal court jurisdiction and litigation procedure, as well as the relationship between the state and federal courts. Text reviews the federal judicial system; judicial power of the United States; diversity of citizenship; venue; law applied in federal courts; pleadings, trials, and judgments; and appellate court and Supreme Court jurisdiction.

Understanding Federal Courts and Jurisdiction

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, Understanding Federal Courts and Jurisdiction covers all aspects of federal jurisdiction: justiciability, including standing, mootness, ripeness, and political questions; and the major types of federal jurisdiction, federal question and diversity, as well as the supplemental jurisdiction statute. The procedural portion of the treatise covers removal, venue, transfer of venue, personal jurisdiction in the federal courts, and multidistrict litigation. The federalism discussion includes a coherent review of the abstention doctrines, the Anti-Injunction Act, the Eleventh Amendment, the Erie doctrine, and intersystem preclusion.

Selected Study Aids for Federal Courts Exam Review and Preparation

Black Letter Outline on Federal Courts

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, Black Letter Outline on Federal Courts is a tool for the law student or practitioner who wishes to gain a comprehensive understanding of the basic principles of federal jurisdiction and issues of law that arise in determining whether a case is properly in the federal court. This edition will assist in sorting the various rules and constitutional interpretations that serve as guidelines for getting a particular case in the proper forum. It includes a text correlation chart cross-referenced to the leading casebooks on federal jurisdiction. In this Black Letter Outline, you’ll find numerous examples, short questions and answers, a practice examination, a table of cases, and a glossary of important terms that deal with federal courts and jurisdiction.

Gilbert Law Summaries on Federal Courts

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this Federal Courts outline discusses Article III courts, the “case or controversy” requirement, justiciability, advisory opinions, political questions, and ripeness. It also includes mootness, standing, congressional power over federal court jurisdiction, Supreme Court jurisdiction, district court subject matter jurisdiction (including federal question jurisdiction and diversity jurisdiction), and pendent and ancillary jurisdiction. Other topics include removal jurisdiction, venue, forum non conveniens, law applied in the federal courts (including Erie Doctrine), federal law in the state courts, abstention, habeas corpus for state prisoners, federal injunctions against state court proceedings, and Eleventh Amendment.

Mastering Multiple Choice for Federal Civil Procedure MBE Bar Prep and 1L Exam Prep

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this third edition (expanded by 28% with new questions, new answers, and new explanations) encompasses material reflecting the Civil Procedure Rule amendments of December 2015, December 2016, and December 2018, along with applicable new case law. This multiple choice practice book is designed for: (a) bar exam takers, who are preparing to take the MBE multiple choice bar exam (Civil Procedure was added in 2015 as a multiple choice testing topic), and (b) 1L law students, who are preparing to take their course examinations. This practice book offers practical, easy-to-follow advice on multiple choice exam-taking strategies, clear suggestions on effective multiple choice practicing techniques, and a robust set of Civil Procedure multiple choice practice questions with answers and explanations (designed to simulate MBE-style questions). Tables help users decode the tested-topic for each practice question.

More study aids for Federal Courts

Secured Transactions

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Secured Transactions

Mastering Secured Transactions

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this book is a comprehensive resource for studying the sections of Article 9 of the Uniform Commercial Code. It offers a clear and understandable discussion of the sections and concepts of Article 9 and includes abundant examples. It examines every aspect of a secured transaction, including the scope of Article 9, attachment and perfection of a security interest, priority among competing security interests, default, choice-of-law rules, and assignment of rights. The chapters follow the organization of Article 9, making it easy for the reader to focus on particular concepts or study the book from cover to cover. The majority of jurisdictions have adopted the 2010 Amendments to Article 9 and the book explains the amendments, in addition to providing explanations of the rules of pre-amendment Article 9.

Principles of Secured Transactions (Concise Hornbook)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this volume, a streamlined version of the famous White & Summers Uniform Commercial Code practitioners text–the standard reference relied on by courts and business lawyers for nearly half a century–offers a succinct but in-depth introduction to Article 9 of the UCC. It is specifically designed to help students in the law school Secured Transactions course navigate through the Article 9 maze. This edition incorporates the new amendments to Article 9 and related Code provisions, and updates the text in light of modern practice.

Secured Transactions CALI Lessons

CALI currently offers a number of interactive exercises for students studying Secured Transactions. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.

Secured Transactions: Examples & Explanations

Available via the Wolters Kluwer study aid subscription, this text provides students with a conversational, informative guide to the Uniform Commercial Code Article 9. It teaches the rules and policies of the law governing secured transactions while exposing students to broader issues of legal process. Diagrams and visual aids help students make sense of Article 9. Analysis is first provided for a topic and then examples are given to help students understand the analysis. A series of problems at the end of each section or chapter assist you in testing your understanding. Answers are provided for these problems.

Selected Study Aids for Secured Transactions Law Exam Review and Preparation

Gilbert Law Summaries on Secured Transactions

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this outline discusses coverage of Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Article 9 and the creation of a security interest, including attachment, security agreements, value, and the debtor’s rights in the collateral. Also included are perfection, filing, priorities, bankruptcy proceedings and Article 9, default proceedings, and bulk transfers. It includes eight exam questions and answers.

The Glannon Guide to Secured Transactions
Available via the Wolters Kluwer study aid subscription,this book includes brief explanatory text about the topic under discussion, followed by one or two multiple-choice questions. After each question, the author explains how the correct choice was chosen. A more challenging final question in each chapter illustrates a more sophisticated problem in the area under discussion. Exam-taking pointers are interspersed within the substantive text.
Questions and Answers: Secured Transactions

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this study guide uses 275 multiple-choice and short-answer questions to test your knowledge of UCC Article 9 (as most recently revised by the so-called 2010 amendments) and its occasional intersection with other sources of law such as the Federal Tax Lien Act and the Bankruptcy Code. Each multiple-choice question is accompanied by a detailed answer that indicates which of four options is the best answer and explains why that option is better than the other three options. Each short-answer question (designed to be answered in no more than fifteen minutes) is followed by a thoughtful, yet brief, model answer. The questions are arranged by topic, and the study guide includes a “final exam.” Q&A: Secured Transactions, Third Edition also includes a comprehensive topical index.

Administrative Law

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Administrative Law

Administrative Law CALI Lessons

CALI currently offers a number of interactive exercises for students studying Administrative Law. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.

Administrative Law: Examples and Explanations

Available via the Wolters Kluwer study aid subscription, the first two chapters of this text provide an overview of administrative law, what administrative agencies are, and how they fit into government structure. Later chapters go into detail about rulemaking and adjudication. The next chapters cover judicial review of agency action. Finally, it discusses information gathering and disclosure. Discussion of each topic is followed by examples to test your understanding of the topic and explanations of the examples.

Administrative Law (Concise Hornbook)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this mini-treatise discusses and analyzes principal concepts of administrative law and process, including the political and legal nature of administrative law; legislative control of administrative discretion; executive control of administrative discretion; judicial control of agency discretion (threshold issues, procedural issues, substantive issues); and access to private and public information.

Understanding Administrative Law

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this Understanding treatise is designed to help the reader grasp the fundamental concepts of administrative law. Understanding Administrative Law concentrates on the process of administrative decision making but also deals with the substantive law of agencies when appropriate. As students progress through the course and later enter practice, they will find that substance and procedure become more and more intertwined and, in many instances, become almost inextricable. An awareness that there is no bright line between substance and procedure, particularly in the context of an administrative agency, is especially helpful to a thorough understanding of the subject. A good deal of the material in this book consists of recommendations and processes to identify administrative problems and mechanisms for organizing a reader’s thinking when the problem is identified. Understanding Administrative Law highlights the manner in which a client’s problem moves through the typical agency and the manner in which a lawyer copes with the various problems and issues encountered in representing clients before administrative agencies. In addition, this book contains a significant amount of material on trends in administrative law such as deregulation and regulatory reform.

Selected Study Aids for Administrative Law Exam Review and Preparation

Acing Administrative Law

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this book uses flowchart-style checklists to show students how to analyze administrative law exam questions—in ways that are both efficient and effective (and which do not generally match the sequencing of topics in most admin law courses). For example, students should always begin with a single baseline query when answering an admin law exam question: “Does this agency action involve rulemaking or adjudication?” As with all the Acing books, each chapter begins with a brief review of the important rules and concepts that govern a particular area of administrative law. The review material is followed by a flowchart that provides students with a clear roadmap for answering exam questions. Each chapter includes practice problems with solutions illustrating how to use the flowchart to analyze specific issues. The book concludes with a comprehensive flowchart and a practice problem, so that students can see how all the parts fit together.

Administrative Law CrunchTime

Available via the Wolters Kluwer study aid subscription, this CrunchTime covers sources of administrative law, separation of powers, judicial review, rulemaking and adjudication, policy, enforcement and licensing, liability, and FOIA. You can test your knowledge by working through short-answer Q&A s, which are organized by topic. It also allows you to practice your essay exam skills by answering questions asked on past exams.

Friedman’s Administrative Law

Available via the Wolters Kluwer study aid subscription, this text offers laws school exams to test your knowledge of the key concepts and rules with a collection of essay and multiple-choice questions. Set up to mirror actual exams, the series features long essay questions as well as some that are relatively short and medium-length, giving you great practice in the length and variation of questions on the final. Friedman’s texts are compiled by professors who wrote the exams, you get sound advice as well as keen insight on what instructors look for in grading your answers.

Questions and Answers: Administrative Law

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this study guide uses over 200 multiple-choice and short-answer questions to test your students’ knowledge of administrative law and procedure. It includes an introduction to the study of administrative law and the Administrative Procedure Act, as well as such topics as rulemaking procedures, adjudication procedures and due process, retroactivity, non-legislative rules, reviewability, agency structure, inspections, reports, subpoenas, the Freedom of Information Act, and attorneys’ fees. Each multiple-choice question is accompanied by a detailed answer that indicates which of four options is the best answer and explains why that option is better than the other three options. Each short-answer question (designed to be answered in no more than fifteen minutes) is followed by a thoughtful, yet brief, model answer. Q & A: Administrative Law also includes a comprehensive topical index.

More Study Aids for Administrative Law

Federal Income Tax

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Federal Income Tax

Federal Income Tax: Examples & Explanations

Available via the Wolters Kluwer study aid subscription, this text provides students with a summary of topics and issues in federal income tax. Its index includes a Table of Cases and a Table of Internal Revenue Code Sections. Analysis is first provided for a topic and then examples are given to help students understand the analysis. A series of problems at the end of each section or chapter assist you in testing your understanding. Answers are provided for these problems.

Principles of Tax Policy

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this new edition explains the essential building blocks of the American tax system clearly and concisely, including the effects of changes adopted in the Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017. Chapters range from the political process to individual and corporate income taxes, Social Security and other payroll taxes, state and local budgeting, and international tax planning. Each chapter opens with a brief description of the covered policy topic, providing a synopsis of the current state of the law. Ample footnotes provide easy access to articles and standard reference works allowing readers to dig deeper on their own.

Tax Law CALI Lessons

CALI offers many interactive exercises for Tax Law students. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.

Understanding Federal Income Taxation

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this text consists of forty-four chapters with each chapter addressing a basic topic in individual income taxation, e.g., the taxation of personal injury awards, the interest deduction, installment sales. Because the provisions of the Internal Revenue Code are necessarily at the heart of tax study, a part or all of the Code section(s) pertinent to the specific topic are included in each chapter. Likewise, the chapters contain summaries of leading cases and relevant administrative rulings as well as numerous examples explaining the application of the law. Like the prior edition published in 2013, this new Fifth Edition of Understanding Federal Income Taxation is a valuable resource for students studying the tax law for the first time and for general practitioners handling transactions with individual income tax concerns. The Fifth Edition incorporates recent developments in the Internal Revenue Code and addresses important recent income tax cases as well as revised regulations and other new administrative materials. Many of these tax law changes are illustrated in new and revised examples included in the Fifth Edition.

Selected Study Aids for Federal Income Tax Exam Review and Preparation

Black Letter Outline on Federal Income Taxation

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, Black Letter Outlines are designed to help a law student recognize and understand the basic principles and issues of law covered in a law school course. Black Letter Outlines can be used both as a study aid when preparing for classes and as a review of the subject matter when studying for an examination. Each Black Letter Outline is written by experienced law school professors who are recognized national authorities in their subject area.

Exam Pro on Federal Income Tax (Objective)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this edition of Exam Pro on Federal Income Tax contains 200 multiple-choice questions derived from actual final examination questions. The questions are “challenging” and provide you with a comprehensive landscape of the concepts and topics covered in a typical Federal Income Tax course. The “Answer Keys” contain thorough analyses that explain relevant Federal Income Tax rules in a logical, step-by-step approach to help you skillfully apply the rules to various fact patterns. The questions, and accompanying answers, also serve as a valuable resource for approaching and answering exam essay questions.

Questions and Answers: Federal Income Taxation

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this study guide contains over two hundred multiple-choice and short-answer questions which progress through topics similar in sequence and manner to many federal income tax courses taught at the law school level. This student guide also contains a comprehensive practice exam designed to prepare students for final exams with explanations about each correct and incorrect answer choice.

More Study Aids on Federal Income Tax

Legal Ethics

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Legal Ethics

Legal Ethics / Professional Responsibility CALI Lessons

CALI offers a number of interactive exercises for students studying Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.

Legal Ethics, Professional Responsibility, and the Legal Profession (Hornbook)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription

As the legal profession undergoes structural changes, longstanding principles of ethics still govern the day-to-day lives of practicing lawyers. This new Hornbook on professional responsibility provides both a snapshot of ongoing systemic changes and a thorough examination of the fundamentals of lawyer and judicial ethics. As a multi-dimensional work by scholarly experts in several fields, the Hornbook (1) begins with the changing environment in which legal services are provided in the modern economy; (2) continues with a theoretical grounding of legal ethics in moral philosophy; (3) offers empirical evidence and discussion about professional formation and moral development; (4) provides a comprehensive analysis of the law of lawyer ethics; (5) includes a rich discussion of the modern law of legal malpractice, and (6) concludes with exploration of the rules of judicial ethics.

Professional Responsibility: Examples & Explanations

Available via the Wolters Kluwer study aid subscription, this text covers the whole field of professional responsibility, focusing not only on the ABA Model Rules, but on the often-complex relationship between the rules and doctrines of agency, tort, contract, evidence, and constitutional law. Beginning with the formation of the attorney-client relationship, the book proceeds through topics including attorneys’ fees, malpractice and ineffective assistance of counsel, confidentiality and privilege rules, conflicts of interest, witness perjury and litigation misconduct, advertising and solicitation, admission to practice, and the organization of the legal profession. Coverage includes all subjects that are tested on the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE), including: A chapter on judicial ethics, a subject tested on the MPRE and not often covered thoroughly, if at all, in law school professional responsibility courses. Updated discussion and examples based on recent developments in the law, including the ABA’s simplification of the rules on advertising and solicitation, new Model Rule 8.4(g) on discrimination in the practice of law, the California Supreme Court’s Sheppard Mullin opinion on advance waivers of conflicts, and continuing developments in the impact of technology on the practice of law. A series of problems at the end of each section or chapter assist you in testing your understanding. Answers are provided for these problems. More MPRE-style multiple-choice questions in the Examples.

Understanding Lawyers’ Ethics

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this Understanding treatise analyzes the fundamental issues of lawyers’ ethics and the ABA’s Model Rules. It is designed to facilitate a real understanding of legal rules as distinguished from a superficial familiarity with them by challenging the reader to test their understanding of the legal rules against the reader’s own moral standards and reasoned judgment. The fifth edition includes new chapters on Lawyers’ Ethics in a Time of Crisis and Counseling Clients, Coaching Witnesses, and Cross-Examining to Discredit the Truth, and substantial updates on Judicial Ethics and more.

Selected Study Aids for Legal Ethics Exam Review and Preparation

Acing Professional Responsibility

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, Acing Professional Responsibility provides a dual benefit to law students who, to become licensed lawyers, have to pass both a law school exam in a Legal Ethics course as well as the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE). To prepare for the law school examination, there are pages of text, numerous outlines, bullet points, sample essay questions and answers, and mini-checklists to learn the basics and fine points of Professional Responsibility. The Acing book also enables students to quickly recall and pass the MPRE. The materials are current through the Model Rules changes in 2018.

Exam Pro on Professional Responsibility

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this book consists of three objective examinations in professional responsibility, containing a total of 180 objective questions. Each exam consists of sixty objective problems followed by four multiple-choice answers. Each exam is intended to take two hours and five minutes, thereby approximating the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination [MPRE]. The exam problems cover the following general topics: regulation of the legal profession, the lawyer-client relationship, client confidentiality, conflicts of interest, competence and legal malpractice, litigation and other forms of advocacy, communications with non-clients, different roles of the lawyer, safekeeping property, advertising and solicitation, duties to the public and the legal system, and judicial ethics.

Glannon Guide to Professional Responsibility

Available via the Wolters Kluwer study aid subscription, this study aid covers all heavily tested subjects on the MPRE and taught in a Professional Responsibility course. It includes a chapter devoted to the Code of Judicial Conduct and updated questions to reflect recent ABA Ethics Opinions and Supreme Court decisions in this area.

More Study Aids for Legal Ethics

Recap of American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month Resources

November is American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month and all of this month we have been highlighting resources to learn more about the historical and current issues American Indian and Alaskan Native people are facing. Below we recap those resources.

American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month Word Cloud of Tribes

In 1990, President George H.W. Bush signed a joint congressional resolution designating November 1990 as “National American Indian Heritage Month.” Similar proclamations have been issued every year since 1994. Celebrate with us as we explore the contributions and history of the Native people in the United States of America. A Proclamation on National Native American Heritage Month, 2021

Selected Study Aids

Federal Indian Law (Hornbook)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, Fletcher’s Hornbook on Federal Indian Law is a deep survey of the history and substantive law governing the relations between the three American sovereigns, federal, state, and tribal. Interwoven are issues of federalism, administrative law, constitutional rights, and international relations. This hornbook includes original research and novel analysis of foundational Supreme Court decisions and critical federal statutory schemes – the stories beyond the stories. In addition to delving into the origins and histories of cases and statutes, the hornbook analyzes modern Indian rights settlements, the international and comparative frontiers of Indian law, and the future of the field.

Principles of Federal Indian Law (Concise Hornbook)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, Fletcher’s Principles of Federal Indian Law covers the basics of federal Indian law, the relationships between tribal, state, and federal sovereigns, also touching on federalism, agency law, civil rights, and criminal jurisdiction aspects of Indian law. This concise hornbook offers comprehensive coverage of the blackletter law, with statutory, regulatory, and historical context. The origins behind important doctrines of Indian law and critical statutes are explored in detail.

Mastering American Indian Law

Available via the Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, Mastering American Indian Law provides readers with an overview of the field. By framing the important eras of U.S. Indian policy in the Introductory Chapter, the text flows through historical up to contemporary developments in American Indian Law. In ten Chapters, the book has full discussions of a wide range of topics, such as: Chapter 2 – American Indian Property Law; Chapter 3 – Criminal Jurisdiction in Indian Country; Chapter 4 – Tribal Government, Civil Jurisdiction and Regulation; Chapter 8 – Tribal-State Relations; and Chapter 9 – Sacred Sites and Cultural Property Protection. Throughout the text, explanations of the relevant interaction between tribal governments, the federal government and state governments are included in the various subject areas. In Chapter 10 – International Indigenous Issues and Tribal Nations, the significant evolution of collective rights in international documents is focused upon as these documents may be relevant for tribal governments in relations with the United States.

Selected E-Books

Margaret D. Jacobs, After One Hundred Winters: In Search of Reconciliation on America’s Stolen Lands (2021) (e-Book)

After One Hundred Winters confronts the harsh truth that the United States was founded on the violent dispossession of Indigenous people and asks what reconciliation might mean in light of this haunted history. In this timely and urgent book, settler historian Margaret Jacobs tells the stories of the individuals and communities who are working together to heal historical wounds—and reveals how much we have to gain by learning from our history instead of denying it.

American Indian Law Deskbook

Available on Westlaw, American Indian Law Deskbook is a concise, direct, and easy-to-understand handbook on Indian law.

Kouslaa T. Kessler-Mata, American Indians and the Trouble with Sovereignty : Structuring Self-determination through Federalism (e-Book)

With tribes and individual Indians increasingly participating in American electoral politics, this study examines the ways in which tribes work together with state and local governments to overcome significant governance challenges. Much scholarship on tribal governance continues to rely on a concept of tribal sovereignty that does not allow for or help structure this type of governance activity. The resulting tension which emerges in both theory and practice from American Indian intergovernmental affairs is illuminated here and the limits of existing theory are confronted. Kessler-Mata presents an argument for tribal sovereignty to be normatively understood and pragmatically pursued through efforts aimed at interdependence, not autonomy. By turning toward theories of federalism and freedom in the republican tradition, the author provides an alternative framework for thinking about the goals and aspirations of tribal self-determination.

Reading American Indian Law Foundational Principles (Grant Christensen & Melissa L. Tatum eds., 2020) (e-Book)

The study of American Indian law and policy usually focuses on federal statutes and court decisions, with these sources forming the basis for most textbooks. Virtually ignored is the robust and growing body of scholarly literature analyzing and contextualizing these primary sources. Reading American Indian Law is designed to fill that void. Organized into four parts, this book presents 16 of the most impactful law review articles written during the last three decades. Collectively, these articles explore the core concepts underlying the field: the range of voices including those of tribal governments and tribal courts, the role property has played in federal Indian law, and the misunderstandings between both people and sovereigns that have shaped changes in the law.

Cohen’s Handbook of Federal Indian Law

Available on Lexis, Cohen’s Federal Indian Law is an encyclopedic treatise on federal Indian law and provides general overviews to relevant information, as well as in-depth study of specific areas within this complex area of federal law. This is an updated and revised edition of what has been referred to as the “bible” of federal Indian law. This publication focuses on the relationship among tribes, the states, and the federal government within the context of civil and criminal jurisdiction, as well as areas of resource management and government structure. Federal Indian Law also includes coverage of: Current topics such as Indian gaming and taxation; History and structure of tribal governments and tribal law; Tribal and individual Indian property rights, including intellectual property rights; Water rights; Hunting, fishing, and gathering rights; Economic development issues; and Government programs. This publication provides the tools to understand the law and to find relevant cases, statutes, regulations, and opinions critical to answering legal questions about federal Indian law.

William Norman Thompson, Native American Issues : A Reference Handbook (1996) (e-Book)

Native American Issues: A Reference Handbook explores the history, problems, and contemporary issues faced by peoples of Native American heritage. From the Indian Removal Act of 1830 to the “Twenty Points” platform advanced by the American Indian Movement in the 1970s to the massive budget cuts of the 1980s, readers will discover how the well-being of Native Americans has been affected by federal and state policies.

Selected Databases

American Indian Histories and Cultures

Explore manuscripts, artwork and rare printed books dating from the earliest contact with European settlers right up to photographs and newspapers from the mid-twentieth century. Browse through a wide range of rare and original documents from treaties, speeches and diaries, to historic maps and travel journals.

Bibliography of Native North Americans

Bibliography of Native North Americans (BNNA) is a bibliographic database covering all aspects of native North American culture¸ history¸ and life. This resource covers a wide range of topics including archaeology¸ multicultural relations¸ gaming¸ governance¸ legend¸ and literacy. BNNA contains more than 80¸000 citations for books¸ essays¸ journal articles¸ and government documents of the United States and Canada. Dates of coverage for included content range from the sixteenth century to the present.

Ethnic News Watch

Ethnic NewsWatch (ENW) is a current resource of full-text newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic and minority press, providing researchers access to essential, often overlooked perspectives. The complete collection also includes the module Ethnic NewsWatch: A History™, which provides historical coverage of Native American, African American, and Hispanic American periodicals from 1959-1989. Together, these resources present an unmatched, comprehensive, full-text collection of more than 2.5 million articles from over 340 publications. Perhaps the most valuable aspect of the resources is the inclusion of unique community publications not found in any other database, as well as top scholarly journals on ethnicities and ethnic studies.

Indigenous Governance Database

The free Indigenous Governance Database (IGD) features online educational and informational resources on tribal self-governance and tribal policy reform that: Foster Native nation building; Promote tribal sovereignty; Disseminate Indigenous data; Encourage tribal leadership development; Support the development of capable governing institutions; Highlight sustainable economic and community development in Indian Country.

Selected Films Videos, Webinars & Presentations

ABA, Celebrating Native American Heritage Month (PDF)

A presentation featuring leaders in activism and the legal profession who are of Native American Heritage.

ABA Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice, Status, Realities, Legal Framework and Future of Indigenous Peoples in the US and Canada

Panelists discuss the current status and resiliency of indigenous peoples in the United States and Canada. The panelists address the critical question of how past discriminatory – and even brutal governmental policies – led us to the current status of indigenous peoples today. More importantly, the panelists discuss what steps, laws, and policies can be taken to improve the lives of indigenous peoples in the United States. and Canada. The panelists compare and contrast the history, status, and future of the First Nations People in Canada vs. American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States. After the panel discussion, the audience will gain a high-level overview of the issues around indigenous populations, which we hope will lead to a desire to learn more.

American Archive of Public Media: Vision Maker Media Documentaries

The Vision Maker Media Documentaries Collection includes 40 documentary films featuring Native voices from Native producers, created between 1982 and 2012. These films, created by independent Native producers and broadcast on PBS, inspire people to look at the world through Indigenous eyes and encourage youth to embrace their rich culture as part of their identity. The films document the people, society and culture of Native tribes including, but not limited to, the Navajo (Dine), Lakota, Choctaw and various other tribes. Topics include art, music, language and many others. In 2016, Vision Maker Media celebrated its 40th anniversary by collaborating with the American Archive of Public Broadcasting to preserve these films as part of their 40 Years, 40 Films, 40 Weeks campaign. With funding from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, these 40 films were digitized and preserved in the AAPB. Most of the films are available in the Online Reading Room.

Alexander Street’s Vision Maker Media Films

UC students, faculty & staff only. Vision Maker Media’s mission is empowering and engaging Native people to share stories. Access selected Vision Maker Media films through the Alexander Street platform.

Films on Demand: Native American Studies

UC students, faculty & staff only. Films On Demand is a streaming video service containing educational programs. Many programs from the History Channel, Biography Channel, BBC, PBS and other news channels are included in this collection.

PBS Specials: Native American Heritage Month

Through dance, family traditions, art, and music, these stories show both the contemporary diversity and long history of Indigenous people across the land we now call the United States. Celebrate the history, culture, and traditions of American Indians and Alaska Natives in a special collection of films and programs.

Tribal Law and Policy Institute, Celebrating our Journey (Nov. 2, 2021)

Celebrating our Journey focuses on the first part of the Tribal Law and Policy Institute’s 25th Anniversary theme of Celebrating our Journey; Honoring our Relatives; and Building a Vision for the Future. This webinar celebrates the journeys involved in the 2013 reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) which was a significant victory for Native women and the tribal nations that seek to protect them; the implementation of VAWA 2013’s landmark Special Domestic Violence Criminal Jurisdiction (SDVCJ) provision (see NCAI’s 2018 Five-Year Report); and current VAWA reauthorization efforts to strengthen this initial limited restoration of tribal criminal jurisdiction over non-Indians. American Indian and Alaska Native women face rates of abuse, murder, and sexual assault higher than any other population in the United States. Statistics gathered by the U.S. Department of Justice and tribal governments demonstrate that non-Indians commit a majority of these violent crimes. Thus, the restoration of tribal criminal jurisdiction over non- Indians is a critical sovereign right that tribal governments can exercise to ensure safety for Native women.

The World: Returning Home Through Togetherness: Native American Heritage Month Film Collection

World Channel is devoted to telling stories that humanize complex issues, sharing the best of public media in news, documentaries, and fact-based informational programming that helps promote understanding conflicts, movements and cultures that may be distinct from your own. This November, World Channel, with Vision Maker Media presents films rich with voices from the Indigenous community.

Selected Legal Collections

Indigenous Digital Archive Treaties Explorer

While treaties between Indigenous peoples and the United States affect virtually every area in the USA, there is as yet no official list of all the treaties. The US National Archives holds 374 of the treaties, where they are known as the Ratified Indian Treaties. Here you can view them for the first time with key historic works that provide context to the agreements made and the histories of our shared lands.

Law Library of Congress, Indigenous Law Web Archive

The Law Library of Congress collects and preserves primary law sources of Indigenous nations, which are sovereign governments by treaty with the United States. At the time this collection started, there are 578 tribes and 92 agencies. This archive includes constitutions of a number of sovereign nations, including Navajo Nation, Muscogee Nation, Cherokee Nation, Comanche Nation, Hopi Tribe, etc. and ordinances, Supreme Court papers, court rules and forms for criminal, civil and family courts, and wellness courts. Tribal executive orders, emergency orders, ordinances and legislation are included in this collection as well. Tribes, nations, bands, communities and rancherias do communicate with their citizens by social media and at times when that was the sole source of legal documentation, we have targeted social media sites for capture where possible.

Law Library of Congress, Native American Constitutions and Legal Materials

The Law Library of Congress holds most of the laws and constitutions from the early 19th century produced by the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Seminole who were forced to leave the Southeast for the Indian Territory after passage of the Indian Removal Act in 1830. Some of these documents are in the vernacular languages of the tribes. This collection includes 19th century items and those constitutions and charters drafted after the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act. The digital portion of this collection is a work in progress but many of the works have been digitized.

This Week in the Law Library …

This week in the law library we continue our exam preparations and celebrate the final days of American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month.

This Week’s Library Sessions

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Technology in Law Practice

Shannon Kemen, Legal Technology & Research Instructional Services Librarian
11:10am – 12:05pm
Room 208

Thursday, December 1 , 2021

Technology in Law Practice

Shannon Kemen, Legal Technology & Research Instructional Services Librarian
11:10am – 12:05pm
Room 208

Schwartz Lecture

Accidental Origins and Haphazard Construction of Tort

Tuesday, Nov. 30, 2021
12:25pm – 1:15pm
Professor Nora Freeman Engstrom, Ernest W. McFarland Professor of Law, Co-Director, Stanford Center on the Legal Profession, Stanford Law School
Professor Engstrom will argue that there is no God or Master Imminence who designed tort law, and, contrary to the view of many tort theorists, there is no meta-theory that explains it. Instead, similar to John Fabian Witt’s “contingency” account of tort law, she will argue that tort law’s invention and evolution was, fittingly, accidental. With that established, she’ll pivot to ponder the question: If not some meta theory, what does explain tort law, as it currently exists?

Final Exams Are Coming And We Can Help!

The Law Library has many resources to help you prepare for final exams. Be sure and see our Exam Study Guide for more information!

Fall 2021 Law Library Final Exam Preparation Workshop Video (video is accessible to UC Law students only through the Law School Sample / Practice Exams TWEN link so UC Law students unable to access the TWEN site should notify Susan Boland)

Did you miss the live session? Check out the video. Join Electronic Resources Instructional Services Librarian Ron Jones and Associate Director Susan Boland as we check out CALI, Lexis Overdrive, West Academic, & Wolters Kluwer study aids. We’ll look at which study aids are for general exam preparation, which study aids are for help in understanding material, which study aids are for help in case briefing, which study aids are for help in outlining, and which study aids are for help in essay vs multiple choice exam preparation. We will also cover study methods and learning theory.

Past Blog Postings on General Final Exam Preparation:

Study Tips & Law Library Resources for Outlining

Study Aids to Help You with Different Exam Formats & Study Aids for Exam Review

American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month

This month is American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month! In 1990, President George H.W. Bush signed a joint congressional resolution designating November 1990 as “National American Indian Heritage Month.” Similar proclamations have been issued every year since 1994. Celebrate with us as we explore the contributions and history of the Native people in the United States of America.

5 More Selected Resources to Learn More About American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage

Margaret D. Jacobs, After One Hundred Winters: In Search of Reconciliation on America’s Stolen Lands (2021) (e-Book)

After One Hundred Winters confronts the harsh truth that the United States was founded on the violent dispossession of Indigenous people and asks what reconciliation might mean in light of this haunted history. In this timely and urgent book, settler historian Margaret Jacobs tells the stories of the individuals and communities who are working together to heal historical wounds—and reveals how much we have to gain by learning from our history instead of denying it.

American Indian Law Deskbook

Available on Westlaw, American Indian Law Deskbook is a concise, direct, and easy-to-understand handbook on Indian law.

Kouslaa T. Kessler-Mata, American Indians and the Trouble with Sovereignty : Structuring Self-determination through Federalism (e-Book)

With tribes and individual Indians increasingly participating in American electoral politics, this study examines the ways in which tribes work together with state and local governments to overcome significant governance challenges. Much scholarship on tribal governance continues to rely on a concept of tribal sovereignty that does not allow for or help structure this type of governance activity. The resulting tension which emerges in both theory and practice from American Indian intergovernmental affairs is illuminated here and the limits of existing theory are confronted. Kessler-Mata presents an argument for tribal sovereignty to be normatively understood and pragmatically pursued through efforts aimed at interdependence, not autonomy. By turning toward theories of federalism and freedom in the republican tradition, the author provides an alternative framework for thinking about the goals and aspirations of tribal self-determination.

Reading American Indian Law Foundational Principles (Grant Christensen & Melissa L. Tatum eds., 2020) (e-Book)

The study of American Indian law and policy usually focuses on federal statutes and court decisions, with these sources forming the basis for most textbooks. Virtually ignored is the robust and growing body of scholarly literature analyzing and contextualizing these primary sources. Reading American Indian Law is designed to fill that void. Organized into four parts, this book presents 16 of the most impactful law review articles written during the last three decades. Collectively, these articles explore the core concepts underlying the field: the range of voices including those of tribal governments and tribal courts, the role property has played in federal Indian law, and the misunderstandings between both people and sovereigns that have shaped changes in the law.

William Norman Thompson, Native American Issues : A Reference Handbook (1996) (e-Book)

Native American Issues: A Reference Handbook explores the history, problems, and contemporary issues faced by peoples of Native American heritage. From the Indian Removal Act of 1830 to the “Twenty Points” platform advanced by the American Indian Movement in the 1970s to the massive budget cuts of the 1980s, readers will discover how the well-being of Native Americans has been affected by federal and state policies.

November Arguments at the United States Supreme Court

US Supreme Court - corrected

From SCOTUS Blog:

Monday, November 29, 2021

Becerra v. Empire Health Foundation — whether, for purposes of calculating additional payment for hospitals that serve a “significantly disproportionate number of low-income patients,” the secretary of health and human services has permissibly included in a hospital’s Medicare fraction all of the hospital’s patient days of individuals who satisfy the requirements to be entitled to Medicare Part A benefits, regardless of whether Medicare paid the hospital for those particular days.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

American Hospital Association v. Becerra — (1) whether deference under Chevron U.S.A. v. Natural Resources Defense Council permits the Department of Health and Human Services to set reimbursement rates based on acquisition cost and vary such rates by hospital group if it has not collected adequate hospital acquisition cost survey data; and (2) whether petitioners’ suit challenging HHS’s adjustments is precluded by 42 U.S.C. § 1395l(t)(12).

Cummings v. Premier Rehab Keller, P.L.L.C. — whether the compensatory damages available under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the statutes that incorporate its remedies for victims of discrimination, such as the Rehabilitation Act and the Affordable Care Act, include compensation for emotional distress.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization — whether all pre-viability prohibitions on elective abortions are unconstitutional.

This Week in the Law Library …

This week in the Law Library we are thankful for our wonderful students, faculty, and staff as well as our library colleagues! Don’t forget to join our Exam Preparation Workshop on Tuesday and scroll down to explore more resources about American Indian and Alaska Native heritage.

Thanksgiving Hours


Law Library circulation, reference, and instructional services will be closed Thursday, Nov. 25 – Friday, Nov. 26. Law students, faculty, and staff will still have their usual 24/7 access to the Law Library. Unable to stop in the Law Library during this time? E-books, online databases, and study aids are available no matter where you are 24/7!

This Week’s Library Sessions

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

Technology in Law Practice

Shannon Kemen, Legal Technology & Research Instructional Services Librarian
11:10am – 12:05pm
Room 208

Law Library Resources for Exam Preparation Workshop

Susan Boland, Associate Director & Ron Jones, Electronic Resources Instructional Services Librarian, College of Law Library
12:15pm – 1:00pm

Final Exams Are Coming And We Can Help!

The Law Library has many resources to help you prepare for final exams. Be sure and see our Exam Study Guide for more information!

Past Blog Postings on General Final Exam Preparation:

Study Tips & Law Library Resources for Outlining

Study Aids to Help You with Different Exam Formats & Study Aids for Exam Review

Selected Articles on How to Take Exams

Note that the articles below are on HeinOnline so you must authenticate using your UC credentials in order to access them.
Jack A. Hiller, How Not to Write Answer to Law Examinations, 12 Stetson L. Rev. 691 (1982) (PDF)
Amy L. Jarmon, If Exams Could Talk: Insights from Last Semester, Student Lawyer, Jan. 2009, at 11. (PDF)
Rosemary LaPuma, Don’t Stress Over Exams, Student Lawyer, Nov. 2005, at 20. (PDF)
Jerry J. Phillips, Thirteen Rules for Taking Law Exams, 72 Tenn. L. Rev. 797 (2005). (PDF)
John H. Scheid, De MInimis Curat Lex: Secrets to Success for 1st year Law Students, 37 Cap.U.L. Rev 631 (2008). (PDF)
Dennis Tonsin, A Plan for Your Exams, Student Lawyer, March 2005, at 32. (PDF)
Patrick Wiseman, “When You Come to a Fork in the Road, Take It,” and Other Sage Advice for First-Time Law School Exam Takers, 22 Ga. St. U. L. Rev. 653 (2006). (PDF)

American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month

This month is American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month! In 1990, President George H.W. Bush signed a joint congressional resolution designating November 1990 as “National American Indian Heritage Month.” Similar proclamations have been issued every year since 1994. Celebrate with us as we explore the contributions and history of the Native people in the United States of America.

5 More Selected Resources to Learn More About American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage

American Indian Histories and Cultures

Explore manuscripts, artwork and rare printed books dating from the earliest contact with European settlers right up to photographs and newspapers from the mid-twentieth century. Browse through a wide range of rare and original documents from treaties, speeches and diaries, to historic maps and travel journals.

Bibliography of Native North Americans

Bibliography of Native North Americans (BNNA) is a bibliographic database covering all aspects of native North American culture¸ history¸ and life. This resource covers a wide range of topics including archaeology¸ multicultural relations¸ gaming¸ governance¸ legend¸ and literacy. BNNA contains more than 80¸000 citations for books¸ essays¸ journal articles¸ and government documents of the United States and Canada. Dates of coverage for included content range from the sixteenth century to the present.

Ethnic News Watch

Ethnic NewsWatch (ENW) is a current resource of full-text newspapers, magazines, and journals of the ethnic and minority press, providing researchers access to essential, often overlooked perspectives. The complete collection also includes the module Ethnic NewsWatch: A History™, which provides historical coverage of Native American, African American, and Hispanic American periodicals from 1959-1989. Together, these resources present an unmatched, comprehensive, full-text collection of more than 2.5 million articles from over 340 publications. Perhaps the most valuable aspect of the resources is the inclusion of unique community publications not found in any other database, as well as top scholarly journals on ethnicities and ethnic studies.

Indigenous Governance Database

The free Indigenous Governance Database (IGD) features online educational and informational resources on tribal self-governance and tribal policy reform that: Foster Native nation building; Promote tribal sovereignty; Disseminate Indigenous data; Encourage tribal leadership development; Support the development of capable governing institutions; Highlight sustainable economic and community development in Indian Country.

Law Library of Congress, Native American Constitutions and Legal Materials

The Law Library of Congress holds most of the laws and constitutions from the early 19th century produced by the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek, and Seminole who were forced to leave the Southeast for the Indian Territory after passage of the Indian Removal Act in 1830. Some of these documents are in the vernacular languages of the tribes. This collection includes 19th century items and those constitutions and charters drafted after the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act. The digital portion of this collection is a work in progress but many of the works have been digitized.


This Week in the Law Library …

This week in the Law Library we’re teaching statutory research and technology in law practice. We’re also studying for final exams and continuing to celebrate American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month.

This Week’s Research Sessions

Tuesday, November 16, 2021

Technology in Law Practice

Shannon Kemen, Legal Technology & Research Instructional Services Librarian
11:10am – 12:05pm
Room 208

Lawyering I, sec. 4

Ron Jones, Electronic Resources Instructional Services Librarian
Room 100A
2:00pm – 3:25pm
Researching Statutes

Lawyering I, sec. 6

Michael Whiteman, Associate Dean of Library Services
Room 100A
4:00pm – 5:25pm
Researching Statutes

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Technology in Law Practice

Shannon Kemen, Legal Technology & Research Instructional Services Librarian
11:10am – 12:05pm
Room 208

COVID-19 Campus Safety Measures

Don’t forget to submit your proof of vaccination by November 15! You can submit proof of vaccination via the UC COVID Check app (available for free in your app store) or email your proof to

Featured Study Aids

Federal Indian Law (Hornbook)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, Fletcher’s Hornbook on Federal Indian Law is a deep survey of the history and substantive law governing the relations between the three American sovereigns, federal, state, and tribal. Interwoven are issues of federalism, administrative law, constitutional rights, and international relations. This hornbook includes original research and novel analysis of foundational Supreme Court decisions and critical federal statutory schemes – the stories beyond the stories. In addition to delving into the origins and histories of cases and statutes, the hornbook analyzes modern Indian rights settlements, the international and comparative frontiers of Indian law, and the future of the field.

Principles of Federal Indian Law (Concise Hornbook)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, Fletcher’s Principles of Federal Indian Law covers the basics of federal Indian law, the relationships between tribal, state, and federal sovereigns, also touching on federalism, agency law, civil rights, and criminal jurisdiction aspects of Indian law. This concise hornbook offers comprehensive coverage of the blackletter law, with statutory, regulatory, and historical context. The origins behind important doctrines of Indian law and critical statutes are explored in detail.

Mastering American Indian Law

Available via the Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, Mastering American Indian Law provides readers with an overview of the field. By framing the important eras of U.S. Indian policy in the Introductory Chapter, the text flows through historical up to contemporary developments in American Indian Law. In ten Chapters, the book has full discussions of a wide range of topics, such as: Chapter 2 – American Indian Property Law; Chapter 3 – Criminal Jurisdiction in Indian Country; Chapter 4 – Tribal Government, Civil Jurisdiction and Regulation; Chapter 8 – Tribal-State Relations; and Chapter 9 – Sacred Sites and Cultural Property Protection. Throughout the text, explanations of the relevant interaction between tribal governments, the federal government and state governments are included in the various subject areas. In Chapter 10 – International Indigenous Issues and Tribal Nations, the significant evolution of collective rights in international documents is focused upon as these documents may be relevant for tribal governments in relations with the United States.

Featured Guide

Native American Law Research Guide

The focus of this guide is to provide a broad overview of resources available to researchers of Federal Indian, tribal, and indigenous peoples law issues. Tribal law is notably distinct from federal Indian law. Federal Indian law concerns the relationship between federal, state, and tribal governments, while tribal law is the law tribes develop and apply to their members and territories.

Featured Video

Celebrating Our Journey: Tribal Law & Policy Institute 25th Anniversary Speaker Series

Lawyer and Playwright Mary Kathryn Nagle and a special panel joins us on this webinar to discuss her important play, Sliver of a Full Moon, which documents this victory (including the stories of the women who made this journey possible) along with ongoing implementation and expansion efforts. Sliver of a Full Moon documents the legal and jurisdictional issues raised in the wake of Oliphant v. Suquamish Indian Tribe, a 1978 Supreme Court decision that stripped Indian nations of the ability to exercise their inherent criminal jurisdiction over non-Indians who come onto tribal lands and commit crimes. Oliphant left Native women and children at a higher risk of domestic violence than any other group in the United States. The play then follows the bipartisan legislative battle to reauthorize VAWA in 2013 with a tribal jurisdiction provision that restored a portion of tribes’ jurisdiction to protect Native women and children from non- Indian perpetrated violence. Sliver of a Full Moon is about the power of sharing stories. In the words of survivor Lisa Brunner, “The partial restoration of tribal jurisdiction in VAWA 2013 is just a sliver of the full moon we need to ensure all of our women are safe. Until all of our tribes’ jurisdiction is fully restored, no one is safe.”

Featured Website

Tribal Law Gateway

The National Indian Law Library (NILL) is a law library devoted to American Indian law. It serves both the Native American Rights Fund (NARF) and the public. NILL serves the public by developing and making accessible a unique and valuable collection of Indian law resources and by providing direct research assistance and delivery of information. One of their primary services to the public is to provide access to tribal law via the Tribal Law Gateway.

Featured Treatise

Cohen’s Handbook of Federal Indian Law

Available on Lexis, Cohen’s Federal Indian Law is an encyclopedic treatise on federal Indian law and provides general overviews to relevant information, as well as in-depth study of specific areas within this complex area of federal law. This is an updated and revised edition of what has been referred to as the “bible” of federal Indian law. This publication focuses on the relationship among tribes, the states, and the federal government within the context of civil and criminal jurisdiction, as well as areas of resource management and government structure. Federal Indian Law also includes coverage of: Current topics such as Indian gaming and taxation; History and structure of tribal governments and tribal law; Tribal and individual Indian property rights, including intellectual property rights; Water rights; Hunting, fishing, and gathering rights; Economic development issues; and Government programs. This publication provides the tools to understand the law and to find relevant cases, statutes, regulations, and opinions critical to answering legal questions about federal Indian law.

Final Exams Are Coming And We Can Help!

The Law Library has many resources to help you prepare for final exams. Be sure and see our Exam Study Guide for more information!

Past Blog Postings on General Final Exam Preparation:

Study Tips & Law Library Resources for Outlining

Study Aids to Help You with Different Exam Formats & Study Aids for Exam Review

Selected CALI Lessons with Study Tips

Help! I am Zoning Out!

This lesson is designed to provide students with data about why their attention levels may dip during class or studying, including recent research regarding the effects of digital distractions on concentration. The lesson invites students to reflect upon the reasons they may lose focus and/or concentration while in class or while studying, and provides a robust set of strategies students can use to anticipate and control for that loss of focus, incorporating several free-writes.

Study Groups: Best Practices

This lesson gives best practices on whether and how to form a law school study group.

Outlining Basics

This lesson teaches you why, when and how to create outlines when preparing for your law school exams.

Creating Study Aids

Creating Study Aids is part of the Academic Support series of CALI Lessons. This lesson introduces you to law school study aids. It begins with a brief overview of self-regulated learning and Bloom’s learning taxonomy. Then, the lesson introduces law school study aids by pairing them with learning objectives at each level of the taxonomy. Finally, the lesson concludes with an activity designed to help you reflect on your learning. It can be used as an introduction, supplement, or as review.

Hyped About Hypos

Law students often hear about the importance of “doing hypos” but don’t know why they are important, where to find them, how to do them, and so on. This lesson will cover the what, why, when, where, and how of hypos so law students can conquer the material they are learning and be prepared for exams.

American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month

This month is American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage Month! In 1990, President George H.W. Bush signed a joint congressional resolution designating November 1990 as “National American Indian Heritage Month.” Similar proclamations have been issued every year since 1994. Celebrate with us as we explore the contributions and history of the Native people in the United States of America.

5 More Selected Resources to Learn More About American Indian and Alaska Native Heritage

ABA, Celebrating Native American Heritage Month (PDF)

A presentation featuring leaders in activism and the legal profession who are of Native American Heritage.

ABA Section of Civil Rights and Social Justice, Status, Realities, Legal Framework and Future of Indigenous Peoples in the US and Canada

Panelists discuss the current status and resiliency of indigenous peoples in the United States and Canada. The panelists address the critical question of how past discriminatory – and even brutal governmental policies – led us to the current status of indigenous peoples today. More importantly, the panelists discuss what steps, laws, and policies can be taken to improve the lives of indigenous peoples in the United States. and Canada. The panelists compare and contrast the history, status, and future of the First Nations People in Canada vs. American Indians and Alaska Natives in the United States. After the panel discussion, the audience will gain a high-level overview of the issues around indigenous populations, which we hope will lead to a desire to learn more.

Indigenous Digital Archive Treaties Explorer

While treaties between Indigenous peoples and the United States affect virtually every area in the USA, there is as yet no official list of all the treaties. The US National Archives holds 374 of the treaties, where they are known as the Ratified Indian Treaties. Here you can view them for the first time with key historic works that provide context to the agreements made and the histories of our shared lands.

Library of Congress, Indigenous Law Web Archive

The Law Library of Congress collects and preserves primary law sources of Indigenous nations, which are sovereign governments by treaty with the United States. At the time this collection started, there are 578 tribes and 92 agencies. This archive includes constitutions of a number of sovereign nations, including Navajo Nation, Muscogee Nation, Cherokee Nation, Comanche Nation, Hopi Tribe, etc. and ordinances, Supreme Court papers, court rules and forms for criminal, civil and family courts, and wellness courts. Tribal executive orders, emergency orders, ordinances and legislation are included in this collection as well. Tribes, nations, bands, communities and rancherias do communicate with their citizens by social media and at times when that was the sole source of legal documentation, we have targeted social media sites for capture where possible.

Tribal Law and Policy Institute, Celebrating our Journey (Nov. 2, 2021)

Celebrating our Journey focuses on the first part of the Tribal Law and Policy Institute’s 25th Anniversary theme of Celebrating our Journey; Honoring our Relatives; and Building a Vision for the Future. This webinar celebrates the journeys involved in the 2013 reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) which was a significant victory for Native women and the tribal nations that seek to protect them; the implementation of VAWA 2013’s landmark Special Domestic Violence Criminal Jurisdiction (SDVCJ) provision (see NCAI’s 2018 Five-Year Report); and current VAWA reauthorization efforts to strengthen this initial limited restoration of tribal criminal jurisdiction over non-Indians. American Indian and Alaska Native women face rates of abuse, murder, and sexual assault higher than any other population in the United States. Statistics gathered by the U.S. Department of Justice and tribal governments demonstrate that non-Indians commit a majority of these violent crimes. Thus, the restoration of tribal criminal jurisdiction over non- Indians is a critical sovereign right that tribal governments can exercise to ensure safety for Native women.

Celebrating Veterans

Veterans Day

Honoring All Who Served Veterans Day

This Thursday is Veterans Day. Veterans Day originated as “Armistice Day” on Nov. 11, 1919, the first anniversary marking the end of World War I. Congress passed a resolution in 1926 for an annual observance, and November 11th became a national holiday beginning in 1938.

University of Cincinnati Fast Facts Regarding Veterans

The University of Cincinnati was ranked 86th in the nation for Best Colleges for Veterans in 2022 by U.S. News & World Report.

The University of Cincinnati Office of Veterans Programs & Services received the 2016 Impact Award from the Muhammad Ali Foundation for the 9/11 Memorial Stair Run.

UC is home to the University of Cincinnati Chapter of the Student Veterans of America

University of Cincinnati Yellow Ribbon Program

The Yellow Ribbon Program allows UC to partner with the VA to contribute funds to our veterans’ unmet tuition and fee charges when their tuition and fees charges exceed the amount payable under Chapter 33. UC can contribute up to 50 percent of veterans’ unmet costs; the Department of Veterans Affairs will match the amount. For the 2020-2021 academic year, there were a total of five (5) Yellow Ribbon scholarships available for College of Law students. Each student will be awarded up to a maximum of $4,596 for each of the Autumn and Spring terms, for a maximum of $9,192 per student for the academic year.

Selected Campus & Government Resources for Veterans

UC Veterans Programs & Services

The Office of Veterans Programs & Services was founded to ensure that all individuals associated with the military that chose the University of Cincinnati would have a seamless transition from the Armed Forces to college.

The VetSuccess on Campus (VSOC) Program

The VetSuccess on Campus (VSOC) program aims to help Veterans, Servicemembers, and their qualified dependents succeed and thrive through a coordinated delivery of on-campus benefits assistance and counseling, leading to completion of their education and preparing them to enter the labor market in viable careers.

The VSOC program provides a VA Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor (VRC) to each VSOC school. These VRCs are called VetSuccess on Campus (VSOC) Counselors. A VA Vet Center Outreach Coordinator is also provided, and co-located on many campuses, to provide peer-to-peer counseling and referral services.

Ohio County Veterans Services Officers

Each of Ohio’s 88 counties has an office dedicated to providing guidance, resources, financial assistance and access to benefits to residents who are veterans or their dependents. All of the county offices share a mission to support veterans and get them the help they need, but some of the details vary. The website above provides contact information for each county’s office.

Ohio Department of Veterans Services

This Ohio department conducts outreach to veterans and provides training and oversight to the 88 County Veterans Service Offices (CVSOs); coordinates programs and operations with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), which provides benefits to Ohio veterans; works with the Ohio General Assembly and Congressional representatives to craft legislation in support of veterans and their families at the state and federal levels; communicates and coordinates with other state agencies concerning veterans’ programs and support to veterans; administers the Ohio Veterans Bonus for veterans of the Persian Gulf War era and post-9/11 era conflicts; operates the Ohio Veterans Homes in Sandusky and Georgetown which are open to Ohio-resident veterans who served in periods of armed conflicts; manages one federal education-related program: The State Approving Agency; hosts several veterans’ ceremonies each year including the Governor’s Wreath-Laying Ceremony which honors Ohio’s killed in action and the Ohio Veterans Hall of Fame induction ceremony; and maintains custodianship of more than 1.9 million veterans’ records dating back to World War II.

US Department of Veterans Affairs

The VA has multiple missions, including ensuring that veterans and their families have access to health care and benefits that aid in the transition to civilian life, including education, home loans, life insurance and more. The agency serves as a portal to obtaining service records, disability benefits and health and wellness care.

Selected Legal Assistance Programs for Veterans

Ohio Legal Help: Veterans & Servicemembers

Ohio Legal Help is a nonprofit organization that was founded in 2018 to help all Ohioans access the civil justice system. It provides plain language legal help information, interactive self-help tools and connections to local legal and community resources that can help people resolve their legal issues.

National Veterans Legal Services Program

The National Veterans Legal Services Program offers training for lawyers and others and free legal representation in discharge upgrade, disability retirement, military sexual trauma, and Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims cases. It also publishes the comprehensive Veterans Benefits Manual and a web application, the NVLSP VA Benefits Identifier, to assist in deter -mining VA benefits to which someone may be entitled.

Stateside Legal

A national clearinghouse site offers a searchable directory of free and low-cost legal service providers for veterans and service members in every State; specialized tool-kits and resources for attorneys and advocates; and user-friendly explanations of the law for military members, veterans, and their families and caregivers.

United States Department of Veteran Affairs Accredited Attorneys

Search Accredited Attorneys, Claims Agents, or Veterans Service Organizations (VSO) Representatives.


VetLex is a system that links U.S. Veterans, Veteran service organizations, and qualified pro bono or “low-bono” attorneys nationwide. Providers stand ready, willing and able to offer the legal services needed.


For more resources on veterans and law, check out our Veterans Research Guide.