A Week of Remembrance

Marking a Century Since the End of the Great War

We join with people across the globe in recognizing the end of World War I, also now ironically called “the war to end all wars.” November 11th, 1918, on which day the armistice agreement was signed and later that morning took effect, gave its name to the day as Armistice Day. In the U.K., the Commonwealth nations France and several other European countries it is now called Remembrance Day. The United States renamed the public holiday as Veterans Day following the end of the Korean War. The Law Library salutes those who have served and are serving in the U.S. Armed Forces, and joins with those around the world who seek peace and justice.

Display and Resources This Week

Susan Boland has set up a display of materials relating to military law at the library entrance. Also take note of these resources:

Library & Lexis Lunch & Learn

  • How to Handle a Real Research Problem with Susan Boland and Ashley Russell
    • Tuesday, November 20th, 12:15 – 1:15 P.M. in Room 118
    • Lunch and Lexis Points Provided! Advance registration is required.

The Mid-Term Election Arrives Tuesday!

Have You Voted Yet? If Not, Please Vote Tomorrow!

Elections matter, and so does your vote. If your vote didn’t matter, then there wouldn’t be officials in some states who try so hard to suppress voting. Please make your voice heard in this most effective and crucial manner! Susan Boland has set up an Elections Law display at the front of the library, and has offered these related resources:


Library & Lexis Lunch & Learn

  • Exam Preparation with Susan Boland and Ashley Russell
    • Tuesday, November 6th, 12:15 – 1:15 P.M. in Room 302
    • Lunch and Lexis Points Provided! Advance registration is required.


Additional Research Training Opportunties

  • Tuesday, November 6th
    • Professor Oliver’s Section 6
      • Researching a Problem from Start to Finish with Ronald Jones
      • 1:30 – 2:55 P.M. in Room 100B
  • Wednesday, November 7th
    • Professor Oliver’s Section 1
      • Researching a Problem from Start to Finish with Ronald Jones
      • 10:40 A.M. – 12:05 P.M. in Room 100B


Start with Zombies and End By Adjusting Your Clock

From Halloween ’til Standard Time

Although we librarians generally stick to facts, there seems to be some concern about protecting you from zombies and other odd creatures and occurrences this week. We do favor treats over tricks, other than the occasional sleight-of-hand. Stop by for plenty of research tricks (short-cuts) and treats (training sessions) and a little candy as well. When you wake up on Sunday, be sure that you have set back the few clocks and watches you may own that do not automatically adjust themselves.

Upcoming Research Sessions

    • Monday, October 29th
      • Professor Smith’s Section 5
        • Researching from Start to Finish with Susan “Hauntingly Smart” Boland and a passing black cat.
        • 10:40 A.M. – 12:05 P.M. in Room 100A
      • Professor Smith’s Section 3
        • Researching from Start to Finish with Susan “Hauntingly Smart still” Boland and another passing black cat.
        • 3:05 – 4:30 P.M. in Room 100A
    • Wednesday, October 31
      • Professor Gilderoy Lockhart’s Section 13
        • Defense Against the Dark Arts in Equity or Law, Instructor TBA
        • 11:59:30 P.M. – Midnight in Room ???
    • Thursday, November 1st
      • Professor McCord’s Section
        • Research from Start to Finish with Shannon “Eerily Well-Prepared” Kemen and any leftover candy.


Featured Resources for Legislation on Zombies and More Conventional Subjects

This is “Open Access Week!”

International Open Access Week

This week draws attention to Open Access literature and research, which generally is digital, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions. Through the Marx Law Library the College of Law publishes scholarship in two open access repositories: our institutional Digital Commons repository and LawArXive. Our law librarians can help faculty publish scholarship to these open access sites. Additionally, Director of the Law Library Ken Hirsh is a signatory to the Durham Statement on Open Access to Legal Scholarship, which calls for law schools to publish their journals in open access sites in stable, digital formats.

Upcoming Research Training Sessions

  • Wednesday, October 24th
    • Professor Smith’s Section 5
      • Basic Terms & Connectors Searching with Susan Boland
      • 10:40 A.M. – 12:05 P.M. in Room 100A
    • Professor Bradley’s Sections 2 & 4
      • Research from Start to Finish with Shannon Kemen
      • 10:40 A.M. – 12:05 P.M. in Room 114
    • Professor Smith’s Section 3
      • Basic Terms & Connectors Searching with Susan Boland
      • 3:05 – 4:30 P.M. in Room 100A
  • Friday, October 26th
    • Professor Oliver’s Section 6
      • Basic Terms & Connectors Searching with Ronald Jones
      • 9:00 – 10:25 A.M. in room 100B
    • Professor Oliver’s Section 1
      • Basic Terms & Connectors Searching with Ronald Jones
      • 11:10 A.M. – 12:35 P.M. in room 100B

Over the Hump!

Welcome back from Fall Break. Most of you have already buckled down to start the march to the end of the semester. We’re ready to support you in the Marx Law Library.

Wellness Week

With Fall Break last week, UC Law is marking Wellness Week now. You can view the American University Washington College of Law even featuring Laurie Besden, Pennsylvania Concerned for Lawyers Executive Director, on YouTube. For more information, use #LawStudentWellness and #bewell@uclaw on Twitter and other social media. Also visit the library’s display screen for more information on wellness resources.

Schwartz Lecture on Tuesday

Dean Ward Farnsworth of the University of Texas School of Law will speak on “Restating the Law: Lessons from the Front Lines,” on Tuesday, October 16th, at 12:15 P.M. in Room 114.

Upcoming Research Training Sessions

    • Monday, October 15th
      • Professor Smith’s Section 3
        • Statutes with Susan Boland
        • 3:05 – 4:30 P.M. in Rom 100A


Constitution Day 2018

Constitution Day Lecture

Today, September 17th marks 231 years since the adoption of the U.S. Constitution in 1787. We invite you to join the College of Law’s celebration of that event with our annual Constitution Day Lecture. The Hon. Robert L. Wilkins of the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit will discuss the history of the 14th Amendment and its role in jurisprudence in the lecture “Honoring the 150th Anniversary of the 14th Amendment and its Ohio Founding Father”. The event will be held at 12:15 p.m in Room 114.

The Fourteenth Amendment, which addresses citizenship rights and the rights of citizens, is pivotal to modern jurisprudence and has been since its adoption in the aftermath of the Civil War. John Bingham is properly thought of as the father of this amendment, however, he often remains in its shadow. As we celebrate the amendment’s 150th anniversary, Judge Wilkins will explore John Bingham’s personal history and his role in shaping the language of, and adoption of, the amendment.

About the Lecturer:
The lecturer, the Hon. Robert L. Wilkins, is a former staff attorney and special litigation chief for the Public Defender Service for the District of Columbia, as well as a partner at law firm Venable LLP, handling white-collar defense, intellectual property and complex civil litigation matters. During his tenure with the Public Defender Service and in private practice, Judge Wilkins served as the lead plaintiff in Wilkins, et al. v. State of Maryland, a landmark civil rights lawsuit that inspired nationwide legislative and executive reform of police stop-and-search practices and the collection of data regarding those practices.

Judge Wilkins also had a key role in the establishment of the Smithsonian National Museum of African American History and Culture, serving as the chairman of the Site and Building Committee of the Presidential Commission whose work led to the Congressional authorization of the museum and the selection of its location. In his book “Long Road to Hard Truth: The 100-Year Mission to Create the National Museum of African American History and Culture”, Judge Wilkins shares how his curiosity about why there wasn’t a national museum dedicated to African American history and culture became an obsession for him. Long Road to Hard Truth chronicles the early history, when staunch advocates sought to create a monument for Black soldiers 50 years after the end of the Civil War and in response to the indignities of the time, including lynching, segregation, and the slander of the film Birth of a Nation. The movement evolved to envision creating a national museum, and he follows the obstacles through the decades. Today, the museum stands as a showcase of the many ways the African American experience has helped shape the nation.

He is a graduate of Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology and Harvard Law School. As a practicing lawyer, he was named one of the “40 under 40 most successful young litigators in America” by the National Law Journal and one of the “90 Greatest Washington Lawyers of the Last 30 Years” by the Legal Times. </br>

It’s Taft Week at the College of Law

A Large Man Who Played an Outsized Role

William Howard Taft was many things: a judge in Cincinnati’s courts, a student of and later dean of what became the University of Cincinnati College of Law, Governor of the Philippines, President of the United States, and Chief Justice of the United States. Beginning Tuesday the college celebrates Taft Week with several events. You'll find a listing of them on the College of Law website. Friday speaker Professor Jeffrey Rosen’s recent biography, titled William Howard Taft, is available in the Law Library’s reserve collection. The University of Cincinnati Archives hold correspondence from Taft during his time as Governor of the Philippines. We invite you to join the College of Law as we celebrate the legacy of William Howard Taft.