Welcome Back Returning Students!

Like the birders and tourists who anxiously await the return of the swallows to Capistrano, the library staff is excited to see that you’ve returned to the college and are making use of the law library. We have resources and services to help you kick off a successful year. You’ll find helpful information about many of these in our library guides series. Throughout the semester we’ll be presenting research sessions that can give you pointers on making the best use of our various legal research systems. The Library Lunch and Learn Series is a partnership between the Law Library and some of our research service vendors. The sessions provide you lunch and training that will make your research efforts easier and more productive. The next available session is Lexis Training for 1L Students, schedule for room 118 on Tuesday, September 9th, from 12:15 – 1:15 P.M. Please register by sending an email to Shannon Kemen by Friday, September 5th. 2L and 3L students who want to learn more about researching statutes can register by September 19th for the session to be held on Tuesday, September 23rd.

Welcome 1L and LLM students!

This morning we presented information about the Law Library and I.T. services to the college’s incoming students. It was a pleasure to meet with the students as they begin their time in the law school. John Hopkins noted that comprehensive information about computing and networks is available in the Student Computing Guide. Likewise, Susan Boland showed the 1L Survival Guide to the Law Library. We noted that the library maintains a presence on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.

A resource we did not mention is CALI, which provides hundred of online review lessons and other materials that can help you with your studies. For a description of what CALI is and does, see this week’s CALI Spotlight blog post. A set of Time Trial cards with the law school’s authorization code was included in the goodie bags distributed at this morning’s orientation session.

New students, we’re glad that you’re here, and we encourage to seek us out whenever you need help with research and technology!

Law Librarians Keep Busy During the Summer

One of the most frequent questions I am asked by those unfamiliar with academic law library operations is whether the librarians take off the entire summer. No, we do not. Although the College of Law does not hold summer classes and many teaching faculty are away from our building much of the summer, the Marx Law Library remains open Monday through Friday. Our librarians and other staff are here throughout the summer, although most of us will use our annual leave (vacation days) to take some time off.

During the summer librarians are still providing service to faculty, students, and other patrons who need help finding legal information. We’re preparing workshops to present to the faculty and already thinking about the fall research classes for new students. Our I.T. staff are upgrading computers and preparing documentation. And many of us attend professional conferences that let us learn more about providing terrific resources and service to all of you.

The biggest conference that we attend is the annual meeting of the American Association of Law Libraries. This year’s meeting is in San Antonio, Texas, and six of our librarians will be attending. The meeting is the association’s primary education event, and it offers opportunities to learn in formal sessions as well as to network with 1,500 colleagues from the United States and several other countries. Susan Boland, Associate Director for Research and Public Services, is speaking in “Inventing the New Classroom,” which focuses on pedagogy and methods for teaching today’s students. Our members also actively participate and take leadership roles in professional associations. Susan is completing her term as chair of the AALL Grants Committee. Shannon Kemen, Reference Librarian, is the incoming president of the Ohio Regional Association of Law Libraries (ORALL). Akram Sadeghi Pari, Catalog Librarian, serves on the AALL Indexing of Periodical Literature Committee. And I’m honored to be starting my second year as a member of the AALL Executive Board.

In short, law librarians at the College of Law keep busy year round so that we can better provide you with the service and resources that enable you to be a successful student, professor, administrator, or attorney.

     ——–Kenneth J. Hirsh, Director of the Law Library and I.T.

Preparing for Exams…and Beyond

Looking for Help with Exam Preparation? Start with the Law Library and CALI® Lessons

The Law Library subscribes to CALI, which provides more than 950 lessons that you access using your CALI account credentials. The lessons can help you review concepts in most course areas and are the perfect tools for identifying both your strengths and the areas where you need to brush up on your studies. If you haven’t yet created a CALI account, ask a reference librarian for the college’s authorization code and then visit the CALI account registration page.

For help identifying resources such as treatises and databases that can help you with your studies, check out the Law Library’s Research Guides. There you’ll find 40 guides covering a range of legal topics. And the authors are happy to get follow-up questions from you – just stop by the library or send an email message.

Summer Research Boot Camp is Back!

Get yourself in shape for a productive summer by joining us in one of the two days of Legal Research Boot Camp, presented jointly with librarians from the Chase College of Law at NKU. Whichever side of the river you call home, you’ll find it easy to spend a half-day boning up on the research knowledge you need to shine like a star.

Register for either the afternoon session, starting with lunch, here in room 302 on Monday, May 19th, from 12:30 — 4:00 pm; or the morning session on Tuesday, May 20th at the Chase College of Law, room 324, Nunn Hall, starting with breakfast from 8:30 a.m. — Noon.

For registration and complete details visit http://www.law.uc.edu/library/bootcamp. If you need more information, contact Ron Jones or Susan Boland.

This Week in the Law Library

Legal Research Sessions

  • Tuesday, April 22
    • Professor Smith’s Advocacy section 3
      • Low Cost & Free Resources with Susan Boland
      • 10:40 a.m. — 12:05 p.m.
      • Room 100B
    • Professor Smith’s Advocacy section 5
      • Cost Effective Research with Susan Boland
      • 1:30 p.m. — 2:55 p.m.
      • Room 100B
  • Thursday, April 24
    • Professor Smith’s Advocacy section 5
      • Low Cost & Free Resources with Susan Boland
      • 1:30 p.m. — 2:55 p.m.
      • Room 100B
  • Next Week: Wednesday, April 30
    • Professor Lenhart’s Advocacy section 1
      • Cost Effective Research with Ron Jones
      • 9:00 a.m. — 10:25 a.m.
      • Room 100A

Sharpen Your Legal Research Skills Before Starting the Summer!

  • Choose May 19th or May 20th
  • One date here at UC, the other date at Chase College of Law/NKU
  • Details and Registration coming soon!

National Library Week is April 13 – 19

Why Not Stop In Today!

Your friendly neighborhood law librarians and staff in the Marx Law Library are happy to see you any time of year, but we especially invite you to come by this week. National Library Week helps remind all of us of the important role that libraries of all types play in all kinds of communities. While the meaning of “library” may be changing with the shift of many resources to digital form, the fundamental characteristics remain stable. Libraries and librarians are dedicated to getting our customers, traditionally called “patrons,” the information AND personal assistance they need when they need it, quickly and efficiently. Our librarians maintain access to printed and digital resources, teach legal research in multiple settings, and participate in local, regional, and national associations to learn more and to serve their constituents and their profession. Whether you are a student, professor, staff member, or visitor, we stand at the ready to help fill your legal information needs.

Upcoming Legal Research Sessions

  • Monday, April 14
    • Advocacy, Professor Bradley’s section 4
    • Low Cost & Free Resources with Shannon Kemen
    • 10:40 a.m. — 12:05 p.m.
    • Room 302

  • Tuesday, April 15
    • Advocacy, Professor Bradley’s section 2
    • Low Cost & Free Resources with Susan Boland
    • 1:30 p.m. — 2:55 p.m.
    • Room 302

  • Wednesday, April 16
    • Advocacy, Professor Lenhart’s section 1
    • Low Cost & Free Resources with Ron Jones
    • 9:00 a.m. — 10:25 a.m.
    • Room 100A

This Week in the Law Library

Legal Research Sessions

  • Monday, April 7
    • Professor Bradley’s Advocacy section 4
      • 10:40 a.m. — 12:05 p.m.
      • Room 302
      • Administrative Law with Shannon Kemen
  • Tuesday, April 8
    • Professor Bradley’s Advocacy section 2
      • 1:30 p.m. — 2:55 p.m.
      • Room 302
      • Administrative Law with Shannon Kemen
  • Wednesday, April 9
    • Professor Lenhart’s Advocacy section 1
      • 9:00 a.m. — 10:25 a.m.
      • Room 100A
      • Administrative Law with Ron Jones
  • Thursday, April 10
    • Professor Bradley’s Advocacy section 4
      • 10:40 a.m. — 12:05 p.m.
      • Room 302
      • Cost Effective Research with Shannon Kemen
    • Professor Smith’s Advocacy section 3
      • 10:40 a.m. — 12:05 p.m.
      • Room 100B
      • Cost Effective Research with Susan Boland
    • Professor Bradley’s Advocacy section 2
      • 1:30 p.m. — 2:55 p.m.
      • Room 302
      • Cost Effective Research with Susan Boland

UC Law Library & Lexis 1-L Brunch

  • Wednesday, April 9
  • 12:15 p.m. — 1:15 p.m.
  • Room 114
  • Researching from Start to Finish with Ashley Russell and Shannon Kemen
  • (For registered participants)


Make-Up Class for Advanced Legal Research

  • Friday, April 11
    • 12:15 p.m. — 1:40 p.m.
    • Room 302


Featured Research Guide


Featured Research Database