This Week in the Law Library …

This week we’re preparing for our Legal Research & Legal Technology Competency Programs’ summer sessions, looking at bar exam resources, reviewing basic legal research skills for summer, and continuing our celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month as well as beginning our celebration of Pride Month.

Legal Research Competency & Legal Technology Competency Programs

Upcoming Summer Competency Program Schedule

  • Wednesday, June 7
    • 12:00 – 12:30pm
    • Room 107 or Zoom
    • Terms & Connectors Searching – Laura Dixon-Caldwell
  • Wednesday, June 14
    • 12:00 – 12:30pm
    • Room 107 or Zoom
    • What is Technology Competency – Shannon Kemen
  • Wednesday, June 21
    • 12:00 – 12:30pm
    • Room 107 or Zoom
    • Researching Jury Verdicts on Lexis & Westlaw – Laura Dixon-Caldwell
  • Wednesday, June 28
    • 12:00 – 12:30pm
    • Room 107 or Zoom
    • Using Legal Technology Audits – Shannon Kemen

You can learn more about each of these programs by visiting the following websites:

Legal Research Competency Guide

Legal Technology Competency Guide

Bar Exam Study Resources

Congratulations! You have made it through law school but now the bar exam looms. Don’t worry, the Law Library’s got your back. When you’ve caught your breath and you’re ready to start your bar studying, we have resources that can help. Check out our Bar Exam Research Guide.

The July 2023 bar examination will be administered at the Roberts Centre, 123 Gano Road, Wilmington, Ohio July 25-26, 2023. The Holiday Inn Roberts Centre room block opens on May 15, 2023, at 11 a.m. Ohio Bar Exam FAQs

5 More Bar Exam Resources

The Bar Exam is not a sprint, it’s a marathon so pace yourself! Check out this week’s Bar Exam Resource highlights below.

Acing the Bar Exam

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, Acing the Bar Exam provides candidates with a complete guide to the bar exam — from pre-planning considerations through bar review and sitting for the exam. It features comprehensive coverage of the Uniform Bar Exam, including an explanation of each component and how to prepare for it. Every aspect of the process is explained in detail and by example. The bar exam is de-constructed, section by section, where candidates are led through the steps they need to follow to succeed. Approaches for learning the black letter law, setting study schedules, and answering essay and multiple-choice questions are combined to maximize the likelihood of success. Each of these tasks is then configured into checklist format to help candidates navigate each step.

Multiple-Choice Questions: Wrong Answer Pathology

This CALI Lesson teaches you how to select the right answer in a multiple-choice question by better understanding how to identify wrong answers, based on nine specific types of wrong answers. If using CALI, you will need to create an account (if you have not already done so) using a Cincinnati Law authorization code. You can obtain this code from a reference librarian

A Methodical Approach to Improve Multiple Choice Performance

This CALI Lesson teaches a methodical approach for all law school multiple choice questions. The step-by-step approach provides a framework to work through questions so students can more easily eliminate distractor answer choices. The lesson will thoroughly explore each step in this analytical approach. If using CALI, you will need to create an account (if you have not already done so) using a Cincinnati Law authorization code. You can obtain this code from a reference librarian

Assessing Your Own Work

Although this CALI Lesson references law school exams, students studying for the bar exam will find it useful. Throughout law school, students will be asked to assess their own essays by comparing them to a model or sample student answer provided by their professor. It can often be difficult to distinguish one’s work from the model. Sometimes it is hard to distinguish what a student knows, from what they wrote down. Experienced legal writers understand that subtle differentiation in language changes the meaning of what was written. This lesson will provide students with strategies for self-assessment, so that they can become critical judges of their work, and consequently precise legal writers. If using CALI, you will need to create an account (if you have not already done so) using a Cincinnati Law authorization code. You can obtain this code from a reference librarian


This lesson focuses upon the concept of metacognition and teaches you how to enhance your understanding about how you learn to better improve your study, organizational, test-taking and self-assessment skills with the goal of improving your performance in law school. The lesson should help you better understand your individual learning process and show you how to use this information to develop study and test-taking skills needed for success. If using CALI, you will need to create an account (if you have not already done so) using a Cincinnati Law authorization code. You can obtain this code from a reference librarian

Summer Legal Research Tips

Previously, we looked at initial steps to take when you get a summer research project. Once you’ve identified the resources available to you at your place of summer employment and asked questions, you may need to do background research about your issue before jumping into primary sources such as statutes and case law. Learn more about researching in secondary sources in our Researching Secondary Sources Guide or watch our videos on finding and searching within the various secondary source types.

Use Secondary Sources

A good secondary source can explain the law around your issue and cite you to primary sources. It can save you a lot of time and effort! Which secondary sources should you look at? Read on!

Start with a Research Guide

Yes, you can google but google smartly! Start by searching for a research guide on a subject. Law librarians write guides on researching specific areas of law that will identify good secondary sources, as well as relevant primary sources in that subject area. Here at the Robert S. Marx Law Library, we have over 80 research guides that can help you with a summer project! These guides are available 24/7. If one of our guides doesn’t have the information you’re looking for, type in your legal subject and the terms +research +guide in your favorite search engine.

Types of Secondary Sources

There are different types of secondary sources and some may be more helpful to you than others. Secondary sources can only be persuasive, they can never be mandatory or binding on a court of law. The persuasive value of a secondary source depends on its author. Below are some secondary sources that you might remember from your legal research classes and some tips on when to use them.

Legal Encyclopedias

Legal encyclopedias are great places to start if you need an overview of a legal subject or don’t know much about the subject. There are two general legal encyclopedias: (1) American Jurisprudence 2d (Am. Jur.) and Corpus Juris Secundum (C.J.S.). Many states also have legal encyclopedias. The Ohio legal encyclopedia is Ohio Jurisprudence 3d (Oh. Jur.).

Practice Guides and Handbooks

Practice guides and handbooks are secondary sources that are very practitioner oriented. Often the practice guides and handbooks will include forms and procedural information.


Treatises give you more in-depth treatment of subjects than the practice guides and handbooks. Treatises are usually written by experts and scholars in the field.

Law Review Articles

Law review articles are journal articles written by students, practitioners, and scholars. Law review articles are often good resources for cutting edge, controversial, or new developments in the law.

American Law Reports

American Law Reports contain two kinds of material: articles (also sometimes called annotations) and cases. The articles are what you would be interested in for research purposes. Articles cover a topic through cases that focus on a particular point of law. These articles collect the cases from a variety of state and federal courts or jurisdictions and arrange them according to how the courts have ruled. American Law Reports are great to use for researching narrow topics, doing a survey of existing law, identifying trends in the law, and finding persuasive case law.


Restatements of the Law are highly regarded uniform statements of the law produced by the American Law Institute (ALI), an organization comprised of prominent American judges, lawyers, and law professors. They are heavily annotated and may be adopted by jurisdictions. Each restatement is arranged first by chapter, then by topic and title, and then by section. Restatement sections generally begin with a “black letter” statement of the law followed by comments, illustrations, and reporter notes. Case annotations to the Restatements can be useful to find how a Restatement provision has been applied by a particular court.


May Is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month!

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month

This month we’re celebrating Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month! After decades of celebrating Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week, Congress finally passed Public Law 102-450 which annually designated May as Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month. The month of May was chosen to commemorate the immigration of the first Japanese to the United States on May 7, 1843, and to mark the anniversary of the completion of the transcontinental railroad on May 10, 1869. Read President Biden’s 2023 Proclamation on Asian American, Native Hawaiian, And Pacific Islander Heritage Month.

UC College of Law & Campus Celebrations for Asian American and Pacific Islanders Heritage Month

Law Library Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month Display

2023 Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage month

UC Alumni Association Celebrates Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month

Library Displays at UCBA, Asian-Pacific Heritage Month

5 More Resources to More About Asian American and Pacific Islanders:


AAPI Data is a nationally recognized publisher of demographic data and policy research on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.

Library of Congress, Discrimination Against Asian and Pacific Islander Americans: A Research Guide

Throughout the history of the United States, Asian Americans and Pacific Islander Americans have been discriminated against legally, socially, and economically. This research guide provides primary and secondary sources, in electronic and print formats, regarding historical and contemporary aspects of discrimination against Asian Americans.

Race, Rights, and the Asian American Experience (e-Book)

In Race, Rights, and the Asian American Experience, Angelo N. Ancheta demonstrates how United States civil rights laws have been framed by a black-white model of race that typically ignores the experiences of other groups, including Asian Americans. When racial discourse is limited to antagonisms between black and white, Asian Americans often find themselves in a racial limbo, marginalized or unrecognized as full participants. Ancheta examines legal and social theories of racial discrimination, ethnic differences in the Asian American population, nativism, citizenship, language, school desegregation, and affirmative action. In the revised edition of this influential book, Ancheta also covers post-9/11 anti-Asian sentiment and racial profiling. He analyzes recent legal cases involving political empowerment, language rights, human trafficking, immigrant rights, and affirmative action in higher education-many of which move the country farther away from the ideals of racial justice. On a more positive note, he reports on the progress Asian Americans have made in the corporate sector, politics, the military, entertainment, and academia. A skillful mixture of legal theories, court cases, historical events, and personal insights, this revised edition brings fresh insights to U.S. civil rights from an Asian American perspective.

Citizens of Asian America: Democracy and Race during the Cold War (e-Book)

While histories of international politics and U.S. race relations during the Cold War have largely overlooked the significance of Asian Americans, Cheng challenges the black-white focus of the existing historiography. She highlights how Asian Americans made use of the government’s desire to be leader of the “free world” by advocating for civil rights reforms, such as housing integration, increased professional opportunities, and freedom from political persecution. Further, Cheng examines the liberalization of immigration policies, which worked not only to increase the civil rights of Asian Americans but also to improve the nation’s ties with Asian countries, providing an opportunity for the U.S. government to broadcast, on a global scale, the freedom and opportunity that American society could offer.

The Color of Success: Asian Americans and the Origins of the Model Minority (e-Book)

The Color of Success tells of the astonishing transformation of Asians in the United States from the “yellow peril” to “model minorities” — peoples distinct from the white majority but lauded as well-assimilated, upwardly mobile, and exemplars of traditional family values — in the middle decades of the twentieth century. Wu provides an unprecedented view of racial reform and the contradictions of national belonging in the civil rights era. By charting the emergence of the model minority stereotype, The Color of Success reveals that this far-reaching, politically charged process continues to have profound implications for how Americans understand race, opportunity, and nationhood.


June Is Pride Month!

Rainbow flag

About Pride Month

Pride Month is commemorated each year in the month of June to honor the 1969 Stonewall uprising in New York City. The Stonewall Inn was a popular gay bar that police raided on Jun 28, 1969. The raid resulted in days of protest and the uprising is often cited as a catalyst for LGBTQ+ activism.

5 Pride Month Resources

Learn more about Pride Month and LGBTQ+ issues by checking out the resources below!

June ABA 21-Day LGBTQ+ Equity Habit Building Challenge ©

This Challenge is modeled after the “21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge©,” which was conceived several years ago by diversity expert Dr. Eddie Moore, Jr. to advance deeper understandings of the intersections of race, power, privilege, supremacy, and oppression. The goal of the Challenge is to assist each of us to become more aware, compassionate, constructive, engaged people in the quest for equity, and specifically to learn more about the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and many communities included under the “LGBTQ+ umbrella.” It transcends our roles as lawyers. Non-lawyers are also welcome to participate. The Challenge invites participants to complete a syllabus of 21 daily, short assignments (typically taking 15-30 minutes), over 21 consecutive days, that includes readings, videos, or podcasts. The assignments seek to expose participants to perspectives on elements of LGBTQ+ histories, identities, and cultures. This Challenges cannot possibly highlight all of the diversity of experiences and opinions within the LGBTQ+ community itself, much less substitute for learnings about any other community. This syllabus is but an introduction to what we hope will be a rewarding journey that extends far beyond the limits of this project.

ABA, Commission on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, Welcoming our Transgender Colleagues in the Law

As transgender lawyers increasingly join our profession, lawyers are more likely to interact with them at their offices, in courthouses, and at bar events. How can we move past tolerance toward understanding so that we can meet our obligations of civility and professionalism, “the hallmarks of a learned profession dedicated to public service”.
This panel of notable transgender lawyers and social justice leaders will discuss how the increasing visibility of transgender, non-binary, and non-gender-conforming individuals has changed the legal profession, and what they want lawyers to know so we can create an inclusive environment for all of our legal colleagues.

ABA, Commission on Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity, Combating LGBT Implicit Bias in the Legal Profession

A panel on addressing LGBT implicit bias in the legal profession.

Peter Blanck et al., Diversity and Inclusion in the American Legal Profession: First Phase Findings from a National Study of Lawyers with Disabilities and Lawyers who identify as LGBTQ+, 23 UDC/DCSL L. Rev. 23 (2020).

First phase findings from a National Study of Lawyers with Disabilities and Lawyers who identify as LGBTQ+ in collaboration with the Burton Blatt Institute at Syracuse University.

ABA, Council for Diversity in the Educational Pipelinem Centering on Experiences: Supporting LGBTQ+ Individuals in the Pipeline

Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ+) students face distinct challenges navigating the pipeline into law school and the profession. Those obstacles intensify for students who identify as transgender or nonbinary, where existing programs may support LGBTQ+ students generally, but are not fully inclusive of transgender and nonbinary issues. This is also true for students at the intersection of race, sexual orientation and gender identity. As the number of LGBTQ+ individuals entering law school and the legal profession continues to grow, it is important to critically consider (1) how to better support LGBTQ+ students into and through law school, and (2) how to help ensure a successful transition into the legal profession. This program will explore the unique issues LGBTQ+ individuals are facing in the long road to becoming a lawyer. Panelists from a variety of backgrounds will discuss their personal experiences in the pipeline, in legal education, and the legal profession, and how law school and legal profession stakeholders can offset the impact of a system that often sets them up to fail.


This Week in the Law Library …

This week we’re reviewing summer access to legal databases, looking at bar exam resources, providing the schedule for Legal Research & Legal Technology Competency Programs’ summer sessions, reviewing basic legal research skills for summer, and continuing our celebration of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month.

Summer & Post-Graduation Access to Lexis, Westlaw, & Bloomberg Law

Post Graduation Access


When you graduate, you’ll automatically have seamless Lexis+ access for 6 months, excluding public records. Continue to use your law school username and password while you prepare for the bar exam and employment. Plus, access exclusive resources and a Rewards program for graduates. Note that Lexis points will expire. Students need to redeem their points by June 30, 2023.

Lexis Aspire Program

Any graduating student who has verifiable employment with a non-profit organization can apply via Lexis ASPIRE program for 12 months of free Lexis access. Students can visit for details on either of these offers.You’ll also have access to exclusive resources related to the transition from law school to employment and a Graduate Rewards Program.


Access is “normal” until May 31st. Starting June 1-Nov 30th graduates will have 60 hours of usage per month for 6 months. Direct link to extend for grad access is You must use this link to extend your access.

All graduates will also automatically retain access to a number of job searching databases for 18-months following graduation for 1-hour a month. Please contact the Westlaw Representative for more information.

B-Law (Bloomberg Law)

2023 Graduating students will have unlimited and unrestricted Bloomberg access for 6 months after graduation.

Summer 2023 Access for Current Students


If you’re already registered for Lexis, you don’t need to do anything else to get Summer Access. Access is unlimited for any purpose.


You can use Westlaw over the summer for non-commercial research. You can turn to these resources to gain understanding and build confidence in your research skills, but you cannot use them in situations where you are billing a client. Examples of permissible uses for your academic password include the following:

  • Summer coursework
  • Research assistant assignments
  • Law Review or Journal research
  • Moot Court research
  • Non-Profit work
  • Clinical work
  • Externship sponsored by the school

Please contact the Westlaw Representative for more information.

B-Law (Bloomberg Law)

If your workplace has a Bloomberg Law account, you are expected to use that, but there are no restrictions on your student Bloomberg accounts over the summer.

Bar Exam Study Resources

Congratulations! You have made it through law school but now the bar exam looms. Don’t worry, the Law Library’s got your back. When you’ve caught your breath and you’re ready to start your bar studying, we have resources that can help. Check out our Bar Exam Research Guide.

The July 2023 bar examination will be administered at the Roberts Centre, 123 Gano Road, Wilmington, Ohio July 25-26, 2023. The Holiday Inn Roberts Centre room block opens on May 15, 2023, at 11 a.m. Ohio Bar Exam FAQs

5 Bar Exam Resources to Start You Off

Bar Exam Basics: Discussions in Law School Success (Podcast)

Available via CALI, this podcast provides critical information that you should consider before you begin to study for the bar exam. There is a lot to think about even before you start your bar review, whether that’s meeting deadlines or preparing for hurdles. This podcast offers tips and considerations to help you navigate the process more smoothly. If using CALI, you will need to create an account (if you have not already done so) using a Cincinnati Law authorization code. You can obtain this code from a reference librarian.

The Bar Exam in a Nutshell

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this edition walks you through the entire bar preparation process from getting a head start during your last year of law school to taking the exam. It features comprehensive coverage of the Uniform Bar Exam, including an explanation of each component and how to prepare for it, to the larger question of what “portability” really means for the bar candidate. This edition also provides guidelines for selecting a bar review course, bar planner checklists, advice on how to manage the material you cover in bar review courses, and advice on how to learn the law so you can remember it and use it to answer exam questions. It identifies the basic skills the exam tests and the precise manner in which these skills are tested, showing you how to target your study efforts to maximize results. An Appendix provides practice materials for the MPT and essays, including the MEEs, with “answer de-constructions” to explain why bar examiners chose those answers as “better than average.”

Bar Exam Success: A Comprehensive Guide

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this book (there is also an audio version) is written from the perspective of a bar mentor, your “trainer at the academic gym,” with concrete advice on how to handle the many challenges facing today’s law students. There are dozens of self-assessments, tools to help you face very real challenges on every level, and to organize and prepare to pass the bar exam. The book includes trustworthy advice and powerful personal examples from the author’s decades of helping students pass bar exams nationwide. The book is uplifting and positive, while harnessing cutting-edge, scientific learning theories.

The Essential Rules for Bar Exam Success

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this book presents a method for teaching students to pass the bar that is easy to learn and implement. Topics covered include learning to study actively rather than passively; choosing study partners who will help, not hinder, your studying; learning to think, read, and write critically; dissecting multistate exam questions; coping with pressure; making the most of the weeks before the bar exam; and preparing for the day of the exam.

Passing the Bar: A Quick Reference Guide For Today’s Law Student

Available via CALI, this e-book (there is also an audio version) is designed to provide guidance to law students as they prepare to embark upon bar study. It covers topics such as how to make a study plan, strategies for successful bar study, tips for attacking each portion of the exam, taking care of your mental health, and preparing your loved ones for bar study. The book also provides weekly tips for use during the bar study period, and for exam day itself. The quick reference format allows students to easily access advice for whatever is most pressing to them at a particular moment. It provides a guide to bar exam preparation for all law students, but with a particular focus on those who aspire to be public interest or social justice attorneys, first-generation law students, those law students who do not come from families of lawyers, or who come from communities that are traditionally underrepresented in the legal profession. While much of the advice is universal, this book focuses on those students who are about to enter bar study and will not see your communities – or your future clients – represented on the bar exam. You may have found that your law school colleagues have received advice about how to study and navigate law school, when no one was there to advise you. This book aims not just to level the playing field, but to give you an edge when it comes to studying for the bar exam. If using CALI, you will need to create an account (if you have not already done so) using a Cincinnati Law authorization code. You can obtain this code from a reference librarian.

Legal Research Competency & Legal Technology Competency Programs

Upcoming Summer Competency Program Schedule

  • Wednesday, June 7
    • 12:00 – 12:30pm
    • Room 107 or Zoom
    • Terms & Connectors Searching – Laura Dixon-Caldwell
  • Wednesday, June 14
    • 12:00 – 12:30pm
    • Room 107 or Zoom
    • What is Technology Competency – Shannon Kemen
  • Wednesday, June 21
    • 12:00 – 12:30pm
    • Room 107 or Zoom
    • Researching Jury Verdicts on Lexis & Westlaw – Laura Dixon-Caldwell
  • Wednesday, June 28
    • 12:00 – 12:30pm
    • Room 107 or Zoom
    • Using Legal Technology Audits – Shannon Kemen

You can learn more about each of these programs by visiting the following websites:

Legal Research Competency Guide

Legal Technology Competency Guide

Summer Legal Research Tips

Get Up to Speed on What Resources Are Available

Ask question such as:

  • What resources are available and what are you allowed to access?
  • Does your employer have a library and a law librarian?
  • What internal resources such as document templates, document management systems, and brief banks are available?
  • What citation style is used?

Have the vendor help numbers ready to access!

Ask Questions & Ask for Help

Don’t be afraid to ask questions or to ask for help if you need it. Among the questions to ask:

  • When is it due?
  • Are there any cost or resource restrictions?
  • Who else know about or is working on the project?
  • Is there a client ID or billing code that should be used?
  • What type of information would be most useful?
  • How much information is wanted or needed?
  • How is the information going to be used?
  • How much time should you spend on it?
  • What format should the final product be in?


If you have access to a law librarian at your place of employment, ask for help when you get stuck! You can also ask local law librarians, most Ohio counties have a law library, and we can help you out too! Often the vendors for products are helpful resources. For example, Lexis and Westlaw have reference attorneys on staff who can help with searching.

Develop a Research Plan

Having a research strategy is the best way to make sure your research is complete and accurate, and it will also make your research more efficient. There is no single correct plan. Your research strategy will change depending on your knowledge and expertise, the complexity of the issue, the resources to which you have access, your budget, your time, and what you discover as you research. If you know the area well, you will not have to look for authorities in as many places and you can zero in on the sources you know are likely to lead you directly to the answer. A good research strategy for a law student researching an unfamiliar legal issue is to plan on consulting secondary sources before moving on to primary sources. A secondary source is about the law and primary source is the actual law itself. Secondary sources can help you learn the basics of a particular area of law, provide you with the vocabulary used in that area of law and what that terminology means, and identify primary sources of law.

Once you have a plan, you will identify the issues and the best resources in which to research those issues. After you have identified the best resources to use, you will need to locate those resources and then evaluate them in the context of your research needs. You will sort and sift through those resources, choosing the material that you will use to solve your problem. As you go through these steps, you will document and update your research and then start the cycle again.

Read more about developing a research plan on our Research Strategy & Documentation guide.

May Is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month!

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month

This month we’re celebrating Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month! After decades of celebrating Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week, Congress finally passed Public Law 102-450 which annually designated May as Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month. The month of May was chosen to commemorate the immigration of the first Japanese to the United States on May 7, 1843, and to mark the anniversary of the completion of the transcontinental railroad on May 10, 1869. Read President Biden’s 2023 Proclamation on Asian American, Native Hawaiian, And Pacific Islander Heritage Month.

UC College of Law & Campus Celebrations for Asian American and Pacific Islanders Heritage Month

Law Library Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month Display

2023 Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage month

Please stop by in the next few weeks to view our exhibit, curated by Rhonda Wiseman, spotlighting monographs from our collection that focus on the history and journey of Asian American and Pacific Islander contributions to the legal community and beyond.

UC Alumni Association Celebrates Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month

Library Displays at UCBA, Asian-Pacific Heritage Month

5 Resources to Learn More About Asian American and Pacific Islanders:

Asian Pacific American Law Journal (APALJ)

Established in 1991, the Asian Pacific American Law Journal (APALJ) is dedicated entirely to Asian Pacific American issues. APALJ is one of only two law journals in the nation that focuses exclusively on the legal issues affecting APA communities. Run by students at the UCLA School of Law, the Journal seeks to facilitate discourse on issues affecting South Asian, Southeast Asian, East Asian, and Pacific Islander communities in the United States. APALJ plays an important role by providing a forum for legal scholars, practitioners and students to communicate about emerging concerns specific to Asian Pacific Americans and by disseminating these writings to APA populations. The journal welcomes articles from academics and professionals in the field, as well as comments and case notes from law students.

Asian American Law Journal

The Asian American Law Journal (AALJ) is one of only two law journals in the United States focusing on Asian American communities in its publication agenda. Known as the Asian Law Journal until 2007, AALJ was first published in October 1993 in a joint publication with the California Law Review. AALJ’s first independent issue was published in May 1994. AALJ serves dual purposes for the Asian Pacific American and legal communities. First, the journal sets a scholarly foundation for exploring the unique legal concerns of Asian Pacific Americans. Second, AALJ seeks to put that scholarship in action and open the dialogue between those who study law and those who are affected by it. In pursuit of these goals, AALJ strives to provide a forum for the many voices and opinions of the Asian Pacific American community through events such as its annual Spring Symposium and Neil Gotanda Lecture in Asian American Jurisprudence.

Library of Congress Asian American and Pacific Islander Materials: A Resource Guide

This guide serves as a point of entry for researchers seeking materials in multiple formats on Asian American/Pacific Islander studies and related resources at the Library of Congress. The types of resources covered in this guide range from special collections containing photographs, diary entries, and recorded interviews to monographs, reference works, and serials.

National Archives, Asian Pacific American Heritage Month

The National Archives holds a wealth of material documenting the Asian and Pacific Islander experience, and it highlights these resources online, in programs, and through traditional and social media.

The Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center

The Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center serves as a dynamic national resource for discovering why the Asian Pacific American experience matters every day, everywhere, and all of the time.

This Week in the Law Library …

This week in the Law Library we’re celebrating our graduates; providing information on graduate and summer access to Lexis, Westlaw, and B-Law; reminding you of our Bar Exam resources; giving you a heads up on the Legal Research & Legal Technology Competency Programs summer sessions; celebrating Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month; and previewing Ohio Supreme Court oral arguments.

Congratulations Graduates!

Overhead view of Cincinnatil Law graduation caps

A heartfelt congratulations to all of our graduates! We’re so proud of you and excited for your journey ahead!

Access to Lexis, Westlaw, & Bloomberg Law for Summer or After Graduation

Post Graduation Access


When you graduate, you’ll automatically have seamless Lexis+ access for 6 months, excluding public records. Continue to use your law school username and password while you prepare for the bar exam and employment. Plus, access exclusive resources and a Rewards program for graduates. Note that Lexis points will expire. Students need to redeem their points by June 30, 2023.

Lexis Aspire Program

Any graduating student who has verifiable employment with a non-profit organization can apply via Lexis ASPIRE program for 12 months of free Lexis access. Students can visit for details on either of these offers.You’ll also have access to exclusive resources related to the transition from law school to employment and a Graduate Rewards Program.


Access is “normal” until May 31st. Starting June 1-Nov 30th graduates will have 60 hours of usage per month for 6 months. Direct link to extend for grad access is You must use this link to extend your access.

All graduates will also automatically retain access to a number of job searching databases for 18-months following graduation for 1-hour a month. Please contact the Westlaw Representative for more information.

B-Law (Bloomberg Law)

2023 Graduating students will have unlimited and unrestricted Bloomberg access for 6 months after graduation.

Summer 2023 Access for Current Students


If you’re already registered for Lexis, you don’t need to do anything else to get Summer Access. Access is unlimited for any purpose.


You can use Westlaw over the summer for non-commercial research. You can turn to these resources to gain understanding and build confidence in your research skills, but you cannot use them in situations where you are billing a client. Examples of permissible uses for your academic password include the following:

  • Summer coursework
  • Research assistant assignments
  • Law Review or Journal research
  • Moot Court research
  • Non-Profit work
  • Clinical work
  • Externship sponsored by the school

Please contact the Westlaw Representative for more information.

B-Law (Bloomberg Law)

If your workplace has a Bloomberg Law account, you are expected to use that, but there are no restrictions on your student Bloomberg accounts over the summer.

Bar Exam Study Resources

Congratulations! You have made it through law school but now the bar exam looms. Don’t worry, the Law Library’s got your back. When you’ve caught your breath and you’re ready to start your bar studying, we have resources that can help. Check out our Bar Exam Research Guide.

Legal Research Competency & Legal Technology Competency Programs

Upcoming Summer Competency Program Schedule

  • Wednesday, June 7
    • 12:00 – 12:30pm
    • Room 107 or Zoom
    • Terms & Connectors Searching – Laura Dixon-Caldwell
  • Wednesday, June 14
    • 12:00 – 12:30pm
    • Room 107 or Zoom
    • What is Technology Competency – Shannon Kemen
  • Wednesday, June 21
    • 12:00 – 12:30pm
    • Room 107 or Zoom
    • Researching Jury Verdicts on Lexis & Westlaw – Laura Dixon-Caldwell
  • Wednesday, June 28
    • 12:00 – 12:30pm
    • Room 107 or Zoom
    • Using Legal Technology Audits – Shannon Kemen

You can learn more about each of these programs by visiting the following websites:

Legal Research Competency Guide

Legal Technology Competency Guide

May Is Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month!

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month

This month we’re celebrating Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month! After decades of celebrating Asian/Pacific American Heritage Week, Congress finally passed Public Law 102-450 which annually designated May as Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month. The month of May was chosen to commemorate the immigration of the first Japanese to the United States on May 7, 1843, and to mark the anniversary of the completion of the transcontinental railroad on May 10, 1869. Read President Biden’s 2023 Proclamation on Asian American, Native Hawaiian, And Pacific Islander Heritage Month.

UC College of Law & Campus Celebrations for Asian American and Pacific Islanders Heritage Month

Law Library Asian-Pacific American Heritage Month Display

2023 Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage month

Please stop by in the next few weeks to view our exhibit, curated by Rhonda Wiseman, spotlighting monographs from our collection that focus on the history and journey of Asian American and Pacific Islander contributions to the legal community and beyond.

UC Alumni Association Celebrates Asian/Pacific American Heritage Month

Library Displays at UCBA, Asian-Pacific Heritage Month

5 Resources to Learn More About Asian American and Pacific Islanders in/and the Law:

May ABA-Wide 21-Day Racial Equity Habit-Building Challenge © AAPI Heritage Month

The goal of the Challenge is to assist each of us to become more aware, compassionate, constructive, engaged people in the quest for racial equity, and specifically to learn more about the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities. It transcends our roles as lawyers. Non-lawyers are also welcome to participate.

ABA Celebrating Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage (PDF)

A presentation featuring leaders in activism and the legal profession who are of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage.

ABA Section on Civil Rights & Social Justice, Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month 2021 Webinar Series

A month-long webinar series created two years ago that dives into the experiences of the Asian American and Pacific Islander communities along with the social, political, and economic issues they have and continue to face.

U.S. Courts, Asian Pacific American Heritage Month

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month is observed throughout May to pay tribute to the achievements of generations who have contributed to American life. The federal courts join in celebrating their accomplishments at every level of the Third Branch of government.

May Oral Arguments at the Ohio Supreme Court

You can view the live stream of oral arguments on the Court’s website or see them after the arguments take place in the Ohio Channel archives.

Ohio Supreme Court Chamber

Tuesday, May 16, 2023

Thomas v. McCloud, Adm’r, Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Comp. – whether an independent medical review paid by the Bureau of Workers’ Compensation is a cost paid “on behalf of the claimant” and thus subject to subrogation. Court News Ohio Oral Argument Preview

Disciplinary Couns. v. Shaaban – whether the Board of Professional Conduct’s recommendation that an attorney be suspended for two years, with on year stayed with conditions is appropriate for an attorney found to have violated ethics rules requiring attorneys to act diligently, consult with clients about what they want to achieve, keep them informed about their cases, and explain matters so that clients can make informed decisions. Court News Ohio Oral Argument Preview

Disciplinary Couns. v. Warner – whether an indefinite suspension with no credit for time served under the interim felony suspension is the appropriate sanction for a former judge that was convicted of leaving the scene of an accident and tampering with evidence. Court News Ohio Oral Argument Preview

Hildebrant v. Weidman (Case Nos. 2022-0837 and 2022-1042) – (1) whether there is an exception to the one-year statute of limitations on a libel claim if the publication of defamatory statements was secretive, concealed, or otherwise unknowable; (2) whether Ohio should recognize an exception to the statute of limitations for libel lawsuits that allow for filing the suit when the plaintiff discovers or should have discovered a defamatory statement; and (3) whether such an exception to the one-year statute of limitations on libel claims would apply to additional claims such as false light, invasion of privacy, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. Court News Ohio Oral Argument Preview

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

In re C.C. – (1) whether a trial court’s continuance without a definite trial date due to the COVID-19 pandemic was a “reasonable” justification for excluding days counted toward a speedy trial violation; and (2) whether a continuance due to a court’s inability to accommodate jury trials will toll time for cases where the person has not yet been indicted. Court News Ohio Oral Argument Preview

City of Toledo v. Randolph – (1) whether a rental property owner, or their agent, can prohibit a person from entering onto the property such that a tenant of that property is prohibited from inviting that person to the tenant’s residence or apartment; and (2) whether a rental property owner’s interests in the property supersede a tenant’s right to invite visitors who have been banned. Court News Ohio Oral Argument Preview

Disciplinary Couns. v. Hoover – (1) whether the Board of Professional Conduct correctly found that Judge Kim Hoover ignored Ohio Rev. Code sec. 2947.14 procedures and used threats and coercion to collect payments for fines and court costs; and (2) whether the recommendation of a two-year suspension beginning immediately from judicial office without pay is appropriate. Court News Ohio Oral Argument Preview

Selected Study Aids for Take Home Exams for Spring 2023

Previously we looked at selected study aids for the first and second week of Spring 2023 exams. This blog post looks at selected study aids for the exams scheduled as a take-home this semester.

Study Spaces

Looking for a place to study? Reserve a study room through TWEN or study in the carrels in the basement (use your ID to swipe in after 5 pm), the second floor Law Library Reading Room, the fourth floor Quiet Reading Room, or the open seating on the fifth floor.

Study Breaks & Snacks

When you’re ready for a short break or need to decompress, the Law Library offers puzzles and coloring pages and colored pencils in room 110, the Law Library Services Suite (use your ID to swipe in before 8am and after 6 pm).

Practice Exams

You can find sample and practice exams in many of the study aids. We also have a limited number of sample and practice exams from faculty available on the Law School Sample / Practice Exams TWEN site.

Accessing Law Library Study Aids


If using CALI, you will need to create an account (if you have not already done so) using a Cincinnati Law authorization code. You can obtain this code from a reference librarian.

LexisNexis Digital Library (OverDrive)

If accessing study aids from the LexisNexis Digital Library, you will need to login using your UC credentials.

West Academic

To create an account, click the Create an Account link at the top right corner of the Study Aids Subscription page. Use your UC email as the email address. Once you have filled in the required information to set up an account, you will need to verify your email address (they will send you a confirmation email that you will need answer to verify the email address — be sure and check your junk mail). Once you have created an account and logged in, you can use the links below to access individual study aids or you can access all study aids through

Aspen Learning Library

If accessing study aids from the Aspen Learning Library subscription, you will need to login using your UC credentials.

Electronic Discovery

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding the Law of Electronic Discovery

Electronic Discovery and Digital Evidence in a Nutshell

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this text includes extensive treatment of preservation, search for and production of ESI, privilege protection, sanctions, ethical obligations of attorneys with respect to technology, and how the federal rules can be and have been adopted to accommodate digital evidence. Written by the author of the landmark Zubulake opinions and the Sedona Conference, which is at the forefront of thinking and writing on electronic discovery.

Students may also find it helpful to look at study aids for Criminal Procedure II, Civil Procedure, and Evidence

Estate Planning

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Estate Planning Law

Wills, Trusts, & Estates CALI Lessons

CALI currently offers many interactive exercises for Estate Planning students. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.

Examples & Explanations for Wills, Trusts, and Estates

Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this text covers intestate succession, wills, trusts, estate administration, nonprobate assets, wealth transfer taxation, disability and death planning (including elder law concerns), and malpractice and professional responsibility to augment Wills, Trusts, and Estates and related courses that expose students to estate planning, decedents’ estates, and trusts. Analysis is first provided for a topic and then examples are given to help students understand the analysis. A series of problems at the end of each section or chapter assist you in testing your understanding. Answers are provided for these problems

Understanding Trusts & Estates

Available via LexisNexis Digital Library study aid subscription, this text discusses foundational principles of estates and trusts. Each case cited includes a brief factual description and extensive footnotes direct the reader to other sections of the book and related cases. Updates include coverage of electronic wills, new uniform act treatment of the parent-child relationship and unmarried cohabitants, directed trusts and trust protectors, and the uniform power of appointment act.

Wills, Trusts and Estates Including Taxation and Future Interests

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this hornbook covers intestate succession, wills, nonprobate mechanisms, trusts, fiduciary administration, and choice of law. The book includes the very latest hot topics including electronic wills, trust decanting, directed trusts, asset protection trusts, and planning for modern families. The book incorporates the most recent provisions of the Uniform Probate Code, the Uniform Trust Code, and the many other uniform laws relating to the donative transfer of wealth. The book also includes an overview of the federal transfer tax laws. An essential guide for students and practitioners.

Selected Study Aids for Estate Planning Law Exam Review and Preparation

Exam Pro on Wills, Trusts, and Estates

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this book contains sample tests that cover an entire wills, trusts, and estates course as well as mini exams that cover discrete topics such as intestacy and future interests. The book also covers the Uniform Probate Code and general common law principles. A detailed answer key explains why the correct answer is the best choice and why other answers are not.

Exam Pro Workbook on Estates and Future Interests

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this title provides a basic introduction to estates and future interests law. Designed to offer solid knowledge of the area’s central concepts, it guides readers through a series of increasingly complex conveyances. The workbook begins with an analysis of the fee simple estate and builds sequentially toward more complicated interests and conveyances. The information proceeds from the simple to more complex, later problems building on the successful command of earlier material. Each problem is followed not only by that problem’s answer but also by a complete analysis of how the answer was derived. The workbook also contains an extensive glossary, summary charts, and a set of review problems that test the reader’s developing mastery of the material.

Friedman’s Wills, Trusts, and Estates

Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this text features long essay questions as well as some that are relatively short and medium-length, giving you great practice in the length and variation of questions on the final. Test your knowledge of key concepts and rules with comprehensive essay and multiple-choice questions. Find insight into what professors look for when grading.

A Student’s Guide to Estates in Land and Future Interests

Available via LexisNexis Digital Library study aid subscription, this guide facilitates the understanding of complex materials from Property courses. Chronologically organized material familiarizes students with basic concepts and necessary technical vocabulary. The authors graphically explain complex concepts, and provide extensive problem and answer sets. Topics include basic possessory estates, remainders and executory interests in response to the statute of uses, modifications of the common law scheme, and interesting complexities and modern changes.

More study aids on Estate Planning

Insurance Law

Selected Study Aids for Help in Understanding Insurance Law

Insurance Law CALI Lessons

CALI currently offers interactive exercises for Insurance Law students. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.

Insurance Law: A Guide to Fundamental Principles, Legal Doctrines, and Commercial Practices

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this hornbook explains how certain principles or doctrines such as insurable interests, designation of insurers, and risk transference apply to property, life, liability, or other types of insurance. It also addresses insurance law issues and suggests lines of analysis to consider in order to better evaluate the merits of a claim. Other subjects include conceptualization, classification, marketing, indemnity, insurability, claim processes, and settlements. Also overviews insurance regulation, government sponsorship of insurance, and resolving disputed claims.

Insurance Law in a Nutshell

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this nutshell provides a discussion of the fundamentals of insurance law. It covers various lines of insurance such as Auto, Commercial General Liability, Health, Life, Property, Cyber, Directors and Officers Liability (D&O), Errors and Omissions (E&O or Professional Liability), Employers Liability (EPL), and Flood. It also covers topics such as the rules of insurance policy interpretation, coverage for intentional torts, insurable interest, claims submission/handling, duty to defend and settle, insurer bad faith, insurer defenses, loss valuation, guaranty funds, “surplus line” insurers, regulation of insurers, reinsurance, risk transfer, subrogation, surety bonds, and waiver and estoppel. This new edition also has new sections that discuss insurance for natural catastrophe losses as well as business interruption insurance, which includes a brief discussion regarding the COVID-19 business interruption coverage litigation. This new edition also has an expanded discussion regarding claims made insurance, which has become the dominant form of insurance for newer lines of liability insurance.

Understanding Insurance Law

Available via LexisNexis Digital Library study aid subscription, the premise of this book’s organization is that insurance law is best understood if its legal principles are arranged according to the various stages in the life of a contract. Part A considers the question, “What is insurance law?” Part B considers issues germane to the establishment of the contractual relationship between insurer and insured. Part C considers issues relevant to the performance of contractual obligations. In particular, this Part treats issues related to claim presentation in all lines of coverage and liability insurers’ duties in a comprehensive fashion unmatched in any other single-volume treatise. Finally, Part D examines topics that defy easy categorization, including special problems in group insurance, special issues in automobile insurance, issues in reinsurance, and a chapter on excess and umbrella coverage.

this guide facilitates the understanding of complex materials from Property courses. Chronologically organized material familiarizes students with basic concepts and necessary technical vocabulary. The authors graphically explain complex concepts, and provide extensive problem and answer sets. Topics include basic possessory estates, remainders and executory interests in response to the statute of uses, modifications of the common law scheme, and interesting complexities and modern changes.

More study aids on Insurance Law

Legal Ethics

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Legal Ethics

Legal Ethics / Professional Responsibility CALI Lessons

CALI offers a number of interactive exercises for students studying Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.

Legal Ethics, Professional Responsibility, and the Legal Profession (Hornbook)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this new Hornbook on professional responsibility provides both a snapshot of ongoing systemic changes and a thorough examination of the fundamentals of lawyer and judicial ethics. As a multi-dimensional work by scholarly experts in several fields, the Hornbook (1) begins with the changing environment in which legal services are provided in the modern economy; (2) continues with a theoretical grounding of legal ethics in moral philosophy; (3) offers empirical evidence and discussion about professional formation and moral development; (4) provides a comprehensive analysis of the law of lawyer ethics; (5) includes a rich discussion of the modern law of legal malpractice, and (6) concludes with exploration of the rules of judicial ethics.

Professional Responsibility: Examples & Explanations

Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this text covers the whole field of professional responsibility, focusing not only on the ABA Model Rules, but on the often-complex relationship between the rules and doctrines of agency, tort, contract, evidence, and constitutional law. Beginning with the formation of the attorney-client relationship, the book proceeds through topics including attorneys’ fees, malpractice and ineffective assistance of counsel, confidentiality and privilege rules, conflicts of interest, witness perjury and litigation misconduct, advertising and solicitation, admission to practice, and the organization of the legal profession. Coverage includes all subjects that are tested on the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE), including: A chapter on judicial ethics, a subject tested on the MPRE and not often covered thoroughly, if at all, in law school professional responsibility courses. Updated discussion and examples based on recent developments in the law, including the ABA’s simplification of the rules on advertising and solicitation, new Model Rule 8.4(g) on discrimination in the practice of law, the California Supreme Court’s Sheppard Mullin opinion on advance waivers of conflicts, and continuing developments in the impact of technology on the practice of law. A series of problems at the end of each section or chapter assist you in testing your understanding. Answers are provided for these problems. More MPRE-style multiple-choice questions in the Examples.

Understanding Lawyers’ Ethics

Available via Lexis Nexis study aid subscription, this Understanding treatise analyzes the fundamental issues of lawyers’ ethics and the ABA’s Model Rules. It is designed to facilitate a real understanding of legal rules as distinguished from a superficial familiarity with them by challenging the reader to test their understanding of the legal rules against the reader’s own moral standards and reasoned judgment. The fifth edition includes new chapters on Lawyers’ Ethics in a Time of Crisis and Counseling Clients, Coaching Witnesses, and Cross-Examining to Discredit the Truth, and substantial updates on Judicial Ethics and more.

Selected Study Aids for Legal Ethics Exam Review and Preparation

Acing Professional Responsibility

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, Acing Professional Responsibility provides a dual benefit to law students who, to become licensed lawyers, have to pass both a law school exam in a Legal Ethics course as well as the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE). To prepare for the law school examination, there are pages of text, numerous outlines, bullet points, sample essay questions and answers, and mini-checklists to learn the basics and fine points of Professional Responsibility. The Acing book also enables students to quickly recall and pass the MPRE. The materials are current through the Model Rules changes in 2018.

Exam Pro on Professional Responsibility

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this book consists of three objective examinations in professional responsibility, containing a total of 180 objective questions. Each exam consists of sixty objective problems followed by four multiple-choice answers. Each exam is intended to take two hours and five minutes, thereby approximating the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination [MPRE]. The exam problems cover the following general topics: regulation of the legal profession, the lawyer-client relationship, client confidentiality, conflicts of interest, competence and legal malpractice, litigation and other forms of advocacy, communications with non-clients, different roles of the lawyer, safekeeping property, advertising and solicitation, duties to the public and the legal system, and judicial ethics.

Glannon Guide to Professional Responsibility

Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this study aid covers all heavily tested subjects on the MPRE and taught in a Professional Responsibility course. It includes a chapter devoted to the Code of Judicial Conduct and updated questions to reflect recent ABA Ethics Opinions and Supreme Court decisions in this area.

More study aids for Legal Ethics

Mental Health Law II

Selected Study Aids for Help in Understanding Mental Health Law

Disability Law and Policy (Concepts & Insights)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this text provides an overview of the major themes and insights in disability law. It is also a compelling compendium of stories about how our legal system has responded to the needs of impacted individuals. The year 2020 marks the thirtieth anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act. During the past three decades, disability law and policy, including the law of the ADA itself, have evolved dramatically in the United States and internationally. Walls of inaccessibility, exclusion, segregation, stigma, and discrimination have been torn down, often brick-by-brick. But the work continues, many times led by advocates who have never known a world without the ADA and are now building on the efforts of those who came before them.

Mental Health Law in a Nutshell

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this Nutshell introduces you to the broad range of criminal and civil issues in mental health law, including diagnosis of mental illness; expert testimony on mental health issues; civil commitment; competence to stand trial; the insanity defense; various competencies; ethical/legal issues facing mental health professionals, including informed consent, confidentiality, privilege, and malpractice; discrimination against persons with mental illness; financial and medical benefits for disabled persons.

Understanding Disability Law

Available via LexisNexis Digital Library study aid subscription, Understanding Disability Law discusses important statutory and constitutional issues relating to disability discrimination. It includes an analysis of the Fourteenth Amendment, the Americans with Disabilities Act, section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act, the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, the Fair Housing Act Amendments, and other laws, as they relate to controversial issues of disability rights. The book discusses the leading cases on each of the major topics of disability law, and suggests ways of thinking about unresolved questions and debates over legal policy. It covers Constitutional law bearing on disability discrimination; The controversy over who is a person with a disability for purposes of federal statutes; Employment discrimination rights and remedies; Educational discrimination, including special education law and higher education for students with disabilities; Discrimination in public accommodations; Discrimination by federal, state, and local governments; and Disability discrimination related to housing, transportation, and telecommunications. This new third edition adds analysis of the Supreme Court’s recent Fry and Endrew F. decisions, discussion of the new developments in the litigation over the accessibility of currency for people with visual impairments, insights on the recent implementation of numerical targets for employment of people with disabilities by federal grantees and agencies, and more.


Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Property

Property CALI Lessons by The Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction

CALI currently offers many interactive exercises for Property. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.

Available on the Aspen Learning Library subscription, this study aid that offers introductions to legal terms and concepts in property law, followed by examples and explanations that test and apply the reader’s understanding of the material covered. Using a six-part topical organization, the authors ensure that the rules and doctrines making up the first-year course on the law of property are well covered. New to the Sixth Edition: a more structured development of Chain of Title problems inherent in recording systems; an added discussion of Construction Industry of Sonoma County v. City of Petaluma in the exclusionary zoning section Incorporation of the Department of Justice’s regulations; examples interpreting the Religious Land Use and Institutional Persons Act; expanded guidance on the Wireless Communication Facilities Act; emphasis on how exceptions build on the Penn Central Transportation Co. v. New York City ad hoc factors Discussion on Muir v. Wisconsin in the Takings analysis (states’ ability to conceptually merge parcels to defeat a Takings claim); follow-ups on the effect (or lack thereof) of Stop the Beach Renourishment, Inc. v. Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection; discussion of Marvin M. Brandt Revocable Trust v. United States in easement chapter (whether a railroad abandoning a strip of land held an easement or a fee simple determinable); and clarification and expansion of the discussion of landlord-tenant issues.
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this title is a comprehensive, one-volume introduction to the modern law of real property. Each chapter begins with an overview of rules and concepts, followed by a series of problems and exercises designed to demonstrate how the rules and concepts apply in real situations. Each problem is followed by a comprehensive analysis of the legal issues raised, including citations of the relevant cases and statutes. This edition has been fully updated to reflect current developments.
Available via LexisNexis Digital Library study aid subscription, this this is a comprehensive and authoritative treatise designed for law students who are taking the standard first-year course on property. It (1) explains the basic principles of property law in the United States and (2) discusses the policy concerns and historical currents that shape this law. This book provides complete coverage of all standard topics covered in the basic property course, including landlord-tenant law, adverse possession, rights in personal property, intellectual property, estates and future interests, cotenancies, marital property, sales transactions, mortgages, easements, covenants, servitudes, nuisances, eminent domain, zoning, takings, and other land use issues. In addition, the book analyzes cutting-edge issues in modern property law, such as rights in human body parts, current takings issues, judicial reactions to the Restatement (Third) of Property: servitudes, rights and duties of homeowners associations, and rights in personal names and likenesses.

Selected Study Aids for Property Law Exam Review and Preparation

Acing Property

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this study aid uses a checklist format to lead students through the questions they need to ask and answer to fully analyze the legal questions they are trying to resolve. Each chapter begins with a review and explanation of the important rules, concepts and principles that govern a particular area of property law. The review material is then synthesized into a checklist. Each chapter concludes with practice problems and solutions. The fourth edition includes: Two full-length, four-hour practice essay exams (with model answers); A new Master Checklist for issue-spotting essay questions; Updated discussion and Chapter Checklists for new developments in the law; New exam tips for regulatory takings and real covenants questions; Additional discussion of bailments, co-ownership, servitudes, and real estate transactions.

Exam Pro Workbook on Estates and Future Interests

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this title provides a basic introduction to estates and future interests law. Designed to offer solid knowledge of the area’s central concepts, it guides readers through a series of increasingly complex conveyances. The workbook begins with an analysis of the fee simple estate and builds sequentially toward more complicated interests and conveyances. The information proceeds from the simple to more complex, later problems building on the successful command of earlier material. Each problem is followed not only by that problem’s answer but also by a complete analysis of how the answer was derived. The workbook also contains an extensive glossary, summary charts, and a set of review problems that test the reader’s developing mastery of the material.

The Glannon Guide to Property

Available on the Aspen Learning Library subscription, this study aid provides a concise review of property topics through the use of multiple-choice questions. After each question the author explains how the correct choice was chosen, So that students learn how to analyze exam questions while they review course material.This edition contains two new chapters on “Bailments” and “Eminent Domain”, and new text and questions on the scope and termination of easements and the scope and termination of covenants.

A Student’s Guide to Estates in Land and Future Interests

Available via LexisNexis Digital Library study aid subscription, this guide facilitates the understanding of complex materials from Property courses. Chronologically organized material familiarizes students with basic concepts and necessary technical vocabulary. The authors graphically explain complex concepts, and provide extensive problem and answer sets. Topics include basic possessory estates, remainders and executory interests in response to the statute of uses, modifications of the common law scheme, and interesting complexities and modern changes.

More study aids for Property


Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Remedies

Remedies CALI Lessons

CALI currently offers many interactive exercises for Remedies. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.

Law of Remedies (hornbook)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this definitive treatise explains available remedies across a wide range of public and private causes of action—from torts to intellectual property, contracts to fiduciary breaches, and civil rights to nuisance. Topics include compensatory damages for tangible and intangible harms, punitive damages, unjust enrichment and restitution, equitable remedies, and much more. This single-volume text unpacks major developments of the last twenty-five years for the law of remedies in the United States with citations to hundreds of cases, articles, and statutes. It incorporates key advancements from the Restatement (Third) of Restitution and Unjust Enrichment, the Restatement (Third) of Torts, and significant updates in the law of injunctions, punitive damages, and beyond.

Remedies: Examples and Explanations

Available on the Aspen Learning Library subscription, this study aid contains new discussions of the draft Restatement of the Law Torts (Third): Liability for Economic Harm’s treatment of the economic harm rule; special emotional distress rules for cases involving high risk of causing such distress, such as mishandling human remains and injuring pets; emotional distress damages for breach of contract; the basis for temporary restraining orders, including the appealability of such orders (which has become a contested issue in challenges to Trump administration executive orders); the controversy over the use of nationwide injunctions in highly charged political cases, a trend that has emerged to challenge policies of both the Obama and Trump administrations; restitutionary claims for constructive trusts involving disproportionate gains, such as lottery winnings, under both the common law and Restatement (Third) of Restitution; on opportunistic breach of contract in Restitution, including the Supreme Court’s recent endorsement of the section in a 2015 case; and on the relationship between laches and statutes of limitations and new Supreme Court authority on the question.

Understanding Remedies

Available via LexisNexis Digital Library study aid subscription, the fourth edition of Understanding Remedies is designed to provide a thorough overview of the remedies a civil plaintiff may obtain to secure appropriate redress for wrongs inflicted. As with prior editions of Understanding Remedies, the book materials are organized around two themes. Chapters one through seven examine general remedial considerations, such as damages, restitution, and defenses as standalone concepts. The goal here is to give the reader a firm foundational understanding of the concept itself. Chapters eight through twenty-four examine the general remedial consideration in specific contexts, for example, what remedies are available when a person sustains bodily injury caused by anothers legal wrong. In this setting the available remedies are identified and discussed. Also addressed are the tactical strategic issues that would influence the desirability and availability of specific remedies, for example, an injunction to abate a nuisance or restitution to redress a trespass.

Selected Study Aids for Remedies Law Exam Review and Preparation

Black Letter Outline on Remedies

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this text provides a concise summary of equity laws including equity and equitable remedies, enforcement of equitable decrees, injunctions, restitution, declaratory judgments, and damages. It discusses the historical perspective on equity, contempt rules, and forms of loss as they relate to damages.

Gilbert Law Summary on Remedies

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this study aid covers damages, equitable remedies (including injunctions and specific performance), restitution, injuries to tangible property interests, and injuries to business and commercial interests (including business torts, inducing breach of contract, patent infringement, unfair competition, and trade defamation). Also discussed are injuries to personal dignity and related interests (including defamation, privacy, religious status, and civil and political rights), personal injury and death, fraud, duress, undue influence, unconscionable conduct, mistake, breach of contract, and unenforceable contracts, including statute of frauds, impossibility, lack of contractual capacity, and illegality.

Questions and Answers: Remedies

Available via LexisNexis Digital Library study aid subscription, this study guide uses multiple-choice and short-answer questions to test your students’ knowledge of remedies law doctrine. Each multiple-choice question is accompanied by a detailed answer that indicates which of four options is the best answer and explains why that option is better than the other three options. Each short-answer question (designed to be answered in no more than fifteen minutes) is followed by a thoughtful, yet brief, model answer.

More study aids for Remedies

Sex, Gender and the Law

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Sex, Gender and the Law

Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, and the Law in a Nutshell

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this Nutshell presents an overview of legal topics relating to sexual orientation, gender identity and the law. Topics covered include: regulation of sexuality, gender identity and expression, parenthood, marriage, United States military, nondiscrimination statutes and ordinances, freedom of expression, freedom of association, and religious freedom. Discussion includes developments at the federal, state and local level. Statutes discussed include Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; Title IX; the Fair Housing Act; the Affordable Care Act; Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell; Defense of Marriage Act, as well as some of the anti-LGBT rights measures that have been adopted in various states.

Sports Law

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Sports Law

Sports Law in a Nutshell

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this study aid contains the elements of sports law explained in an organized, coherent manner. It simplifies the complex world of sports law and provides a road map to all of its intricacies from contracts, torts, antitrust, liabilities, constitutional implications, labor law, taxes. The Sixth Edition continues to update the material with a focus on important recent legal developments.

Trademark & Unfair Competition

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Trademark & Unfair Competition

Intellectual Property CALI Lessons

CALI currently offers many interactive exercises for Intellectual Property students. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.

Intellectual Property: Examples & Explanations

Available on the Aspen Learning Library subscription, this study guide provides students with a short account of the law, followed by a variety of concrete Examples & Explanations that help reinforce and give substance to the key rules and concepts in intellectual property law. It covers topics that range from copyrights, to patents, trademarks and trade secrets.

Trademark and Unfair Competition in a Nutshell

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this text provides a comprehensive treatment of the law of trademark, unfair competition, false advertising, and the right of publicity.

Understanding Trademark Law

Available via LexisNexis Digital Library study aid subscription, this Understanding treatise is a comprehensive and up-to-date guide to the law of trademarks and unfair competition. It provides a thorough introduction to the federal laws protecting registered trademarks and trade dress, as well as the broad array of federal and state unfair competition doctrines which protect unregistered trademarks and trade dress. Coverage includes the standards and procedures for obtaining federal registration, the rights and remedies available to owners of both registered and common law marks under federal and state law, and the full array of applicable defenses.

Selected Study Aids for Trademark & Unfair Competition Law Exam Review and Preparation

Acing Intellectual Property

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this study aid uses outline-like checklists to lead law students through the analytical steps necessary to analyze intellectual property issues. The book covers trademark, patent, copyright, and trade secret law. Each chapter begins with a brief review of the important rules and concepts that govern a particular area of intellectual property law. The review material is followed by a checklist that provides students with a clear roadmap for answering intellectual property questions. Each chapter concludes with practice problems and solutions that illustrate how students can use the checklist to analyze intellectual property issues.

Intellectual Property Crunchtime

Available on the Aspen Learning Library subscription, this CrunchTime covers intellectual property generally, trade secrets (status, ownership, and public policy); patents (novelty, non-obviousness); rights in undeveloped ideas; copyright (idea/expression, originality, infringement); trademark law (policies, registerd and common-law marks, origin, product feature trade dress; unfair competition; and federal and state law relationship.

Questions and Answers: Trademark and Unfair Competition

Available via LexisNexis Digital Library study aid subscription, this study guide uses multiple-choice and short-answer questions to test your students’ knowledge of trademark and unfair competition law doctrine. Each multiple-choice question is accompanied by a detailed answer that indicates which of four options is the best answer and explains why that option is better than the other three options. Each short-answer question (designed to be answered in no more than fifteen minutes) is followed by a thoughtful, yet brief, model answer.

More study aids on Trademark & Unfair Competition

Selected Study Aids for the 2nd Week of Spring 2023 Final Exams

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Study Breaks & Snacks

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Practice Exams

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1L Subjects for the 2nd Week of Spring 2023 Exams

Civil Procedure II

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Civil Procedure

Civil Procedure CALI Lessons

CALI offers many interactive exercises for Civil Procedure students. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.

Civil Procedure: Examples & Explanations

Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this book provides introductions to the principles of civil procedure, together with examples that illustrate how these principles apply in typical cases. Clear introductions and explanations cover all aspects of the first-year course including the areas of res judicata, collateral estoppel, personal and subject matter jurisdiction, and three chapters on various aspects of the Erie doctrine. A series of problems at the end of each section or chapter assist you in testing your understanding. Answers are provided for these problems.

Understanding Civil Procedure

Available via the LexisNexis Digital Library study aid subscription, this book is premised on the assumption that the key to understanding the principles of civil procedure is to know why: why the principles were created and why they are invoked. The treatise is written to answer these questions as it lays out the basic principles of civil procedure. Although they discuss important civil procedure cases in the text, thus supporting the most widely used civil procedure casebooks using these same cases, they also provide useful references to secondary sources and illustrative cases for the reader who wants to explore further.

Selected Study Aids for Civil Procedure Exam Review and Preparation

Acing Civil Procedure

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this book uses a checklist format to lead students through the questions they need to ask and answer to fully analyze the legal questions they are trying to resolve. It assembles the different issues, presenting a clear guide to procedural analysis that students can draw upon when writing their exams. Other study aids provide sample problems, but this book offers a systematic approach to problem solving.

The Glannon Guide to Civil Procedure

Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this book provides a short review of basic topics in Civil Procedure, organized around the theme of multiple-choice questions. In each chapter, the individual sections explain fundamental principles of a topic—such as stream-of-commerce jurisdiction, joinder under Rule 14, or the requirements for res judicata—and illustrate them with one or two multiple-choice questions. After each question, the correct answer is revealed and explained and the author discusses why the wrong answers are wrong.

Mastering Multiple Choice for Federal Civil Procedure MBE Bar Prep and 1L Exam Prep

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this fourth edition (expanded with new questions, new answers, and new explanations) encompasses material reflecting all Civil Procedure Rule amendments through December 2021, along with applicable new case law through February 2022. This multiple choice practice book is designed for: (a) bar exam takers, who are preparing to take the MBE multiple choice bar exam, and (b) 1L law students, who are preparing to take their course examinations. This practice book offers practical, easy-to-follow advice on multiple choice exam-taking strategies, clear suggestions on effective multiple choice practicing techniques, and a robust set of Civil Procedure multiple choice practice questions with answers and explanations (designed to simulate MBE-style questions). Tables help users decode the tested-topic for each practice question.

More Study Aids on Civil Procedure


Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Property

Property CALI Lessons by The Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction

CALI currently offers many interactive exercises for Property. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.

Available on the Aspen Learning Library subscription, this study aid that offers introductions to legal terms and concepts in property law, followed by examples and explanations that test and apply the reader’s understanding of the material covered. Using a six-part topical organization, the authors ensure that the rules and doctrines making up the first-year course on the law of property are well covered. New to the Sixth Edition: a more structured development of Chain of Title problems inherent in recording systems; an added discussion of Construction Industry of Sonoma County v. City of Petaluma in the exclusionary zoning section Incorporation of the Department of Justice’s regulations; examples interpreting the Religious Land Use and Institutional Persons Act; expanded guidance on the Wireless Communication Facilities Act; emphasis on how exceptions build on the Penn Central Transportation Co. v. New York City ad hoc factors Discussion on Muir v. Wisconsin in the Takings analysis (states’ ability to conceptually merge parcels to defeat a Takings claim); follow-ups on the effect (or lack thereof) of Stop the Beach Renourishment, Inc. v. Florida Dept. of Environmental Protection; discussion of Marvin M. Brandt Revocable Trust v. United States in easement chapter (whether a railroad abandoning a strip of land held an easement or a fee simple determinable); and clarification and expansion of the discussion of landlord-tenant issues.
Available on the West Academic study aid subscription, this title is a comprehensive, one-volume introduction to the modern law of real property. Each chapter begins with an overview of rules and concepts, followed by a series of problems and exercises designed to demonstrate how the rules and concepts apply in real situations. Each problem is followed by a comprehensive analysis of the legal issues raised, including citations of the relevant cases and statutes. This edition has been fully updated to reflect current developments.
Available on the LexisNexis Digital Library study aid subscription, this this is a comprehensive and authoritative treatise designed for law students who are taking the standard first-year course on property. It (1) explains the basic principles of property law in the United States and (2) discusses the policy concerns and historical currents that shape this law. This book provides complete coverage of all standard topics covered in the basic property course, including landlord-tenant law, adverse possession, rights in personal property, intellectual property, estates and future interests, cotenancies, marital property, sales transactions, mortgages, easements, covenants, servitudes, nuisances, eminent domain, zoning, takings, and other land use issues. In addition, the book analyzes cutting-edge issues in modern property law, such as rights in human body parts, current takings issues, judicial reactions to the Restatement (Third) of Property: servitudes, rights and duties of homeowners associations, and rights in personal names and likenesses.

Selected Study Aids for Property Law Exam Review and Preparation

Acing Property

Available on the West Academic study aid subscription, this study aid uses a checklist format to lead students through the questions they need to ask and answer to fully analyze the legal questions they are trying to resolve. Each chapter begins with a review and explanation of the important rules, concepts and principles that govern a particular area of property law. The review material is then synthesized into a checklist. Each chapter concludes with practice problems and solutions. The fourth edition includes: Two full-length, four-hour practice essay exams (with model answers); A new Master Checklist for issue-spotting essay questions; Updated discussion and Chapter Checklists for new developments in the law; New exam tips for regulatory takings and real covenants questions; Additional discussion of bailments, co-ownership, servitudes, and real estate transactions.

Exam Pro Workbook on Estates and Future Interests

Available on the West Academic study aid subscription, this title provides a basic introduction to estates and future interests law. Designed to offer solid knowledge of the area’s central concepts, it guides readers through a series of increasingly complex conveyances. The workbook begins with an analysis of the fee simple estate and builds sequentially toward more complicated interests and conveyances. The information proceeds from the simple to more complex, later problems building on the successful command of earlier material. Each problem is followed not only by that problem’s answer but also by a complete analysis of how the answer was derived. The workbook also contains an extensive glossary, summary charts, and a set of review problems that test the reader’s developing mastery of the material.

The Glannon Guide to Property

Available on the Aspen Learning Library subscription, this study aid provides a concise review of property topics through the use of multiple-choice questions. After each question the author explains how the correct choice was chosen, So that students learn how to analyze exam questions while they review course material.This edition contains two new chapters on “Bailments” and “Eminent Domain”, and new text and questions on the scope and termination of easements and the scope and termination of covenants.

A Student’s Guide to Estates in Land and Future Interests

Available on the LexisNexis Digital Library subscription, this guide facilitates the understanding of complex materials from Property courses. Chronologically organized material familiarizes students with basic concepts and necessary technical vocabulary. The authors graphically explain complex concepts, and provide extensive problem and answer sets. Topics include basic possessory estates, remainders and executory interests in response to the statute of uses, modifications of the common law scheme, and interesting complexities and modern changes.

More study aids for property

2L, 3L & LLM Subjects

Asylum & Refugee Law

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Asylum & Refugee Law

Immigration Law and Procedure in a Nutshell

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this compact title offers a thorough overview of the history, constitutional basis, statutory structure, regulatory provisions, administrative procedure, and ethical principles related to immigration law and practice.

Global Issues in Immigration Law

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, topics in this study aidinclude an introductory discussion of comparative versus international law and the relevance of both to U.S. Jurisprudence; a comprehensive overview of international migration multilateral and bilateral regimes; glimpses into the immigration law and practices of Mexico, Canada, the European Union, the United Kingdom, France, and Spain; and a final part that examines international norms on freedom of movement, the right to nationality, policing, living conditions, immigrant workers and anti-terrorism law.

Understanding Immigration Law

Available via LexisNexis Digital Library study aid subscription, the third edition of Understanding Immigration Law lays out the basics of U.S. immigration law in an accessible way to newcomers to the field. It offers background about the intellectual, historical, and constitutional foundations of U.S. immigration law. The book also identifies the factors that have historically fueled migration to the United States, including the economic “pull” of jobs and family in the United States and the “push” of economic hardship, political instability, and other facts of life in the sending country. Each chapter has been updated to analyze the unprecedented number of immigration enforcement measures—and many simply unprecedented measures—taken by the Trump administration.

More Study Aids on Asylum & Refugee Law

Corporate Finance

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Corporate Finance Law

Business Organization and Finance, Legal and Economic Principles (Concepts & Insights)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this study aid explains the basic economic elements and legal principles of business organization and finance. It distills in a straightforward and accessible way the essential elements of these often complex topics and explains the basic economic elements and legal principles of business organization and finance with concise, conceptual overviews. It contains a detailed introduction outlining the essential functions of corporate law. It contains an invaluable new section covering recent developments in financial markets, the financial crisis, the role of derivatives and financial complexity in the modern corporation to give students background on modern financial issues.

Corporate Finance in a Nutshell

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this title covers the entire field of corporate finance, including changes stemming from the Dodd-Frank Act. In addition to discussing accounting and valuation concepts, it provides extensive coverage of the legal and financial underpinnings of debt securities, preferred and common stock, and derivative instruments (options, forward contracts, futures contracts and swap contracts). It also provides sample valuation problems, answers, and explanations.

Corporate Finance (Hornbook)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this Hornbook lays out the fundamentals of corporate finance from a legal and business perspective in a manageable, user-friendly manner. The author highlights how accounting, finance and corporate law intersect and operate synergistically. The book provides an in-depth analysis of how the law affects both equity securities (common stock and preferred stock) and debt securities (bonds, debentures and notes), as well as a company’s capital structure generally. New to the Second Edition is a substantial chapter focused on raising capital through the issuance of securities through both registered public offerings under the Securities Act of 1933 and transactions exempt from Securities Act registration. The SEC’s integration of multiple securities offerings is also covered.

Mergers and Acquisitions Law (Hornbook)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this Hornbook provides a comprehensive exploration of this important topic. Written in a casual style designed to engage the reader, the book clarifies and critiques critical doctrine. In addition to covering corporate laws governing mergers and acquisitions, the book explores securities, tax, and antitrust laws, as well as addressing the business, financial, and practical lawyering aspects of mergers and acquisitions.

Study aids on Corporations, Business Associations, and Securities may also be helpful here.

Selected Study Aids for Corporate Finance Law Exam Review and Preparation

Gilbert Law Summaries on Securities Regulation

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this study aid contains an outline on securities regulation. Topics covered include the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), jurisdiction and interstate commerce, and the Securities Act of 1933 (including persons and property interests covered, registration statements, exemptions from registration requirements, and liabilities). It also discusses the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (including rule 10b-5, tender offers and repurchases of stock, regulation of proxy solicitations, liability for short-swing profits on insider transactions, and SEC enforcement actions), regulation of the securities markets, multinational transactions, and the state regulation of securities transactions.

Study aids on Corporations, Business Associations, and Securities may also be helpful here.

Land Use Law and Development

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Land Use Law and Development

Land Use Law in a Nutshell

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this study aid reviews the common law principles that underpin modern land use regulations, including covenants and restrictions that work with government regulation to limit the use of private property. The Nutshell clearly explains the legal aspects of land planning and regulation, project review processes, and innovative and flexible regulatory devices. Subdivision and site plan regulation, local environment law, discrimination in zoning based on race and religion, regulatory takings, inverse condemnation, and community development practices are all explored. In addition, the book discusses the law of smart growth, and addresses current trends in land use law including the siting of renewable energy facilities, marijuana and drones. An appendix of internet-based resources is also provided.

Land Use Planning and Development Regulation Law (Hornbook)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this Hornbook introduces the fundamentals of land use planning and control law. Subjects covered include the planning process, zoning, development permission, subdivision control law, and building and housing codes. Discusses constitutional limitations and the environmental aspects of land use controls. Explores aesthetic regulation, historic preservation, and agricultural land protection.

Understanding the Law of Zoning and Land Use Control

Available via LexisNexis Digital Library study aid subscription, this a text addressing zoning, land use, and environmental regulation in a national, jurisdiction-independent manner. It first sets out the constitutional framework for land use regulation in a discussion of the takings clause, followed by a discussion of the basic form of land use controls, Euclidian zoning, and then non-Euclidian regulations. Also discussed are administrative and legislative relief from land use controls, the bread and butter of a land use practice.

Selected Study Aids for Land Use Law and Development Exam Review and Preparation

Black Letter Outline on Environmental Law

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this Outline summarizes the basic black letter rules of Environmental Law in a way that allows students to appreciate how different parts of their course material fit together. The Outline covers approaches to environmental regulations, constitutional issues in Environmental Law, the National Environmental Policy Act, Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act and other toxic substances statutes. The Outline also discusses the complex intersection of law, sciences such as biology, geology, and engineering, and important economic, ethical, and social issues. It also includes a glossary of environmental terms and practice exam questions.

Questions and Answers: Environmental Law

Available via LexisNexis Digital Library study aid subscription, this study guide uses multiple-choice and short-answer questions to test your students’ knowledge of environmental law doctrine. Each multiple-choice question is accompanied by a detailed answer that indicates which of four options is the best answer and explains why that option is better than the other three options. Each short-answer question (designed to be answered in no more than fifteen minutes) is followed by a thoughtful, yet brief, model answer.


Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Sales

CALI currently offers many interactive exercises for Sales students. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.
Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this text offers introductions, concrete examples, and explanations for understanding UCC Articles 2 and 2A. It addresses efforts to revise Articles 2 and 2A. It also includes recent cases on the scope of Article 2, as well as those on the disclaimer of consequential damages.
Available via LexisNexis Digital Library study aid subscription, this Understanding treatise offers a concise, yet comprehensive survey and analysis of the legal principles that affect the law governing sales and leases of goods. This book presents an integrated treatment of Articles 2 and 2A of the Uniform Commercial Code. The primary focus is on sales, with material addressing lease transactions woven into the text at appropriate points.
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this fully revised 7th Edition will give students a comprehensive introduction to the Uniform Commercial Code without burdening them with unnecessary detail: Articles 1 and 2 (sales), Articles 3, 4, 4A and 5 (payment systems), and Article 9 (secured transactions), as well as related statutes, amendments, regulations, and operating rules. The new edition deals not only with the 1999 revisions to Article 9 but also with the recent revisions to Article 1. This edition also addresses the earlier revisions to Articles 5, 3, and 4. It has limited coverage of the failed attempt to revise Article 2.

Selected Study Aids for Sales Exam Review and Preparation

Friedman’s Sales

Available via the Aspen Learning Library, Friedman’s Practice Series helps you develop the skills for spotting issues and preparing answers for your next exam. Real laws school exams test your knowledge of the key concepts and rules with a collection of essay and multiple-choice questions. Set up to mirror actual exams, the series features long essay questions as well as some that are relatively short and medium-length.

Gilbert Law Summaries on Sale and Lease of Goods

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, the topics discussed in the Sale and Lease of Goods outline are Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Article 2, sales contract (including offer and acceptance, parol evidence rule, statute of frauds, assignment and delegation, and revision of contract terms). Also covered are types of sales, including cash sale transactions, auctions, “sale or return”, and “sale on approval” transactions, express and implied warranties, and privity.

Glannon Guide to Sales

Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this text includes an introduction to working with the uniform commercial code; discusses the the scope of article 2; formation; the parol evidence rule; interpretation and modification; the statute of frauds; warranties; disclaimer of warranties; third-party beneficiaries; the code scheme for performance; delivery and shipment; excuse of performance; assurances and reclamation; Seller’s remedies; Buyer’s remedies; limitation of remedies; assignment and delegation; the statute of limitations. Coverage of Article 2a looks at leases of goods; software transactions; and International sales.

More Study Aids on Sales

White Collar Crime

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding White Collar Crime

White Collar Crime (Hornbook)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this text covers conspiracy, fraud, corruption, RICO, false statements, perjury, tax, currency reporting, bankruptcy, environmental and computer crimes. Procedural issues are addressed in detail, including the grand jury process, agency investigations, parallel proceedings, self-incrimination (testimony and documents), searches, and privileges. In addition to statutes and caselaw, the book covers strategy and DOJ internal guidelines and also includes sentencing of both individuals and corporations in white collar cases.

White Collar Crime in a Nutshell

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this text provides a broad overview of white collar crime, including procedural and evidentiary issues. It covers specific offenses such as mail and bank fraud, securities fraud, obstruction of justice, bribery, the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), and computer crimes. It covers procedural topics such as those related to grand jury and administrative agency investigations, self-incrimination, and parallel proceedings. Also discussed are punishment and sanctions for white collar crimes.

Understanding White Collar Crime

Available via LexisNexis Digital Library study aid subscription, this text covers the complexities of mainstay white collar crimes — from wire fraud and insider trading to computer crime and money laundering — through straightforward analyses of statutory elements, supported by a discussion of the main U.S. Supreme Court and Circuit Court cases interpreting those statutes. In addition, the book explores the significant policy issues that arise in white collar and corporate crime investigations, prosecutions, pretrial diversion agreements, and sentences.

Study aids on Criminal Law may also be helpful here.

Criminal Procedure I

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Criminal Procedure I

Criminal Procedure CALI Lessons

Criminal Procedure I: The Constitution and the Police: Examples & Explanations

Available via the Aspen Learning Library subscription, this study aid provides an overview of Criminal Procedure, together with examples that illustrate how these principles apply in typical cases. The text gives students a sense of the theoretical flow and logic of law enforcement by following police procedural order. It includes a special section on terrorism in the United States and the Fourth Amendment ramifications. A series of problems at the end of each section or chapter assist you in testing your understanding. Answers are provided for these problems.

Principles of Investigative Criminal Procedure (Concise Hornbook)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this text assists students in learning about Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Amendment issues associated with criminal investigations. The materials discuss and analyze the criminal procedure jurisprudence of the United States Supreme Court, with extensive use of primary source material that affects judges, prosecutors, defense counsel, and criminal defendants. Discussions relate to breakthrough decisions like Miranda v. Arizona, as well as cases adding a nuance to topics already well-developed in prior Court decisions. “The Court” is a phrase used hundreds of times as a shorthand reference to the work of the United States Supreme Court. Footnotes provide specific page citations in United States Reports for a quick reference to Westlaw. The coverage of this book extends to United States Supreme Court cases through the 2020–2021 Term.

Understanding Criminal Procedure: Vol. 1 Investigation

Available via LexisNexis Digital Library study aid subscription, Understanding Criminal Procedure Volume One: Investigation is intended for use in introductory criminal procedure courses focusing primarily or exclusively on police investigative process and constitutional concerns. A chapter on the defendant’s right to counsel at trial and appeal and other non-police-practice issues is included in both volumes. The eighth edition of Investigation incorporates all of the major Supreme Court cases since the last edition was published, such as Carpenter v. United States, Mitchell v. Wisconsin, Collins v. Virginia, and Kansas v. Glover. It also includes an in-depth discussion of the mosaic theory of searches, and contains expanded coverage of issues surrounding border searches, the third-party doctrine, and the exigent circumstances exception to the warrant requirement.

Selected Study Aids for Criminal Procedure I Exam Review and Preparation

Acing Criminal Procedure

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this text covers incorporation and retroactivity, right to counsel, search and seizure, police interrogations and confessions, identification Procedures, the Exclusionary Rule, and entrapment. Checklists are provided for all topics generally covered in the basic criminal procedure course.

Glannon Guide to Criminal Procedure

Available via the Aspen Learning Library subscription, this Glannon Guide reviews the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendment cases and principles typically covered in law school criminal procedure class. It mirrors the classroom experience by teaching through explanation, interspersed with hypotheticals to illustrate application. Both correct and incorrect answers are explained; you learn why a solution does or does not work.

Questions and Answers: Criminal Procedure — Police Investigation

Available via LexisNexis Digital Library study aid subscription, this book will assist readers’ learning and exam preparation in criminal procedure courses and for the bar exam. This volume covers arrest, search and seizure, interrogation, identification, suppression issues, and entrapment.

More Study Aids for Criminal Procedure

State & Local Tax

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding States & Local Tax

Local Government Law (Hornbook)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this edition continues the emphasis of prior editions on such topics as the relationship of local governments to state and federal governments; the needs of local governments for territory, for personnel, and for adequate financing; and the principal activities and possible liabilities of local government. There is increased attention to land use control, an area of growing activity on the part of institutions, ranging from the U.S. Supreme Court to local zoning boards. This includes material not found in some books in this field, on such important concepts as “smart growth,” “new urbanism,” and “regulatory takings.”

State and Local Taxation and Finance in a Nutshell

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this nutshell is a fully updated summary of state and federal laws that pertain to public finance and taxation. The nutshell places the technical legal rules it considers in the context of the broader public policy issues that those rules raise. It focuses on several past fiscal crises as a catalyst for, as well as a source of, doctrinal changes in these areas of the law.

Understanding Local Government

Available via LexisNexis Digital Library study aid subscription, this treatise aims to provide a general understanding of the functionality of local governments. It identifies the underpinnings and the concepts that determine how local governments function in fulfilling their purpose of providing both needed and desired services to their residents. The book also makes numerous references to laws and other materials of particular states and regions, making it easy to provide illustrative examples and to supplement the text.

Business Tax

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Business Tax

Corporate Taxation: Examples & Explanations

Available via the Aspen Learning Library subscription, this study guide provides explanation of Subchapter C, addressing the tax consequences of corporate formations, distributions, liquidations, reorganizations, and divisions. It covers changes resulting from the 2017 legislation and subsequent reforms and how those changes can affect business structures.

Taxation of Business Entities CALI Lessons

CALI currently offers a number of interactive exercises for students studying Business Law. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.

Understanding Taxation of Business Entities

Available via LexisNexis Digital Library study aid subscription, this book is broken into parts on partnership taxation, C corporation taxation, and S corporation taxation. Each chapter contains a basic overview and a detailed analysis; this allows for an understanding of the big picture before diving into the details, and the basic overview alone may be sufficient for some topics that may be covered lightly in a business entity taxation course. For each type of business tax entity, the book covers its life cycle – formation, operations, and liquidation – along with reorganizations and divisions for corporations. The book is replete with descriptions and analyses of the relevant Internal Revenue Code and Treasury Regulations provisions, summaries of leading cases and IRS rulings, and plenty of examples that apply the law to hypothetical situations.

Selected Study Aids for Business Tax Exam Review and Preparation

Black Letter Outline on Corporate Taxation

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this comprehensive and clearly written text is designed to help students recognize and understand the basic principles and issues covered in law school courses in corporate taxation at both the J.D. and LL.M. levels. It explains all the fundamental concepts and transactions affecting C and S corporations and their shareholders, and includes numerous illustrative examples, self-test questions with answers, and sample exam questions. The Ninth Edition incorporates all relevant provisions of the 2017 legislation known as the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

Exam Pro on Partnership Taxation

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this study aid includes lectures and study questions on the deduction for qualified business income under section 199A, the new regulations on allocating partnership recourse debt, and the choice of entity for conducting business and investment activities. New sample exams at the basic, intermediate and advanced levels give you an even better shot to ace your partnership tax exam. The book is designed to help JD and LLM students from the first day of class. It begins with over 50 short lectures on topics in partnership tax ranging from basic to advanced, illustrated by over 280 study questions, each with a complete explanation of the right (and wrong) answers. Several of the lectures focus on the basic accounting concepts that are essential to understanding partnership tax, to give students with no prior accounting background the tools they need to succeed in this subject. The book includes twelve sample exams (a total of 120 more questions) that, like the lectures, increase in difficulty from basic to advanced, labeled so that students can pick the exams that are right for them and the course they are taking. Full answers to each of the exam questions are provided, with cross-references to the lectures and the study questions.

Gilbert Law Summaries on Taxation of Business Entities

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this outline discusses taxation of partnerships, including current partnership income, contributions of property to partnership, sale of partnership interest, distributions, and liquidations, as well as the taxation of corporations, including formation, corporate distributions, sales of stock and assets, and reorganizations, S corporations. The book has been updated to include discussion of the special taxation of Qualified Business Income and other changes adopted as part of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act.

More Study Aids on Business Tax


Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Copyright

Copyright: Examples & Explanations

Available via the Aspen Learning Library subscription, this study aid provides an overview of Copyright Law, together with examples that illustrate how these principles apply in typical cases. Discussions of issues include whether artists have copyright in their performances, first sale of digital works, copying of information from famous news photographs, copyright of works in virtual worlds, fair use of appropriation art, news clippings services, Google Books, course pack, secondary liability of BitTorrent and YouTube, and reasonable royalty damages. A series of problems at the end of each section or chapter assist you in testing your understanding. Answers are provided for these problems.

Copyright Law (Concepts & Insights)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this text provides an exploration of the doctrinal and policy issues in American copyright law. It covers every major topic in basic copyright courses: the history of copyright, ownership and duration, formalities, exclusive rights of the copyright holder, fair use, civil and criminal enforcement of copyright law, and federal preemption of state law. Beyond that, the authors address the major new issues that have emerged over the past two decades, including the rules of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act regarding circumvention of technological protections of copyrighted materials, and the principles of secondary liability, both in their basic form and as developed through application of the DMCA to internet service providers. Moreover, attention is given to the important points at which U.S. copyright law intersects with international intellectual property treaties.

Intellectual Property CALI Lessons

CALI currently offers interactive exercises for intellectual property students. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. You can get this code from any reference librarian or at the Circulation Desk.

Understanding Copyright Law

Available via LexisNexis Digital Library study aid subscription, this study aid has incorporated all the recent case law and legislative developments, focusing on the challenges of the digital age. In addition to including the latest case law developments, this edition incorporates the Music Modernization Act of 2018. The seventh edition covers all aspects of the MMA, a dazzling legislative overhaul of the musical copyright, which among its other provisions, creates a new blanket license for digital deliveries and provides protection to pre-1972 sound recordings.

Selected Study Aids for Copyright Exam Review and Preparation

Acing Intellectual Property

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this study aid uses outline-like checklists to lead law students through the analytical steps necessary to analyze intellectual property issues. The book covers trademark, patent, copyright, and trade secret law. Each chapter begins with a brief review of the important rules and concepts that govern a particular area of intellectual property law. The review material is followed by a checklist that provides students with a clear roadmap for answering intellectual property questions. Each chapter concludes with practice problems and solutions that illustrate how students can use the checklist to analyze intellectual property issues.

Intellectual Property Crunchtime

Available via the Aspen Learning Library subscription, this CrunchTime covers intellectual property generally, trade secrets (status, ownership, and public policy); patents (novelty, non-obviousness); rights in undeveloped ideas; copyright (idea/expression, originality, infringement); trademark law (policies, registerd and common-law marks, origin, product feature trade dress; unfair competition; and federal and state law relationship.

Questions and Answers: Copyright

Available via LexisNexis Digital Library study aid subscription, this study aid includes over fifty new multiple choice questions, as well as three new practice examinations. These additions reflect the latest developments in this ever-changing field, including the implications of U.S. Supreme Court decisions such as Petrella v. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Kirtsaeng v. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Golan v. Holder, and American Broadcasting Cos., Inc. v. Aereo, Inc. The questions and practice exams span the varied landscape of copyright, including: Requirements for copyright protection; Copyrightable subject matter; Ownership of copyright; Protection of exclusive rights; Copyright formalities; Length of copyright protection; Infringement; Fair use and other affirmative defenses; Remedies; and Enhanced protection for digital materials.

More Study Aids for Copyright

Selected Study Aids for the First Week of Spring 2023 Final Exams

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Study Breaks & Snacks

When you’re ready for a short break or need to decompress, the Law Library offers puzzles and coloring pages and colored pencils in room 110, the Law Library Services Suite (use your ID to swipe in before 8am and after 6 pm).

Practice Exams

You can find sample and practice exams in many of the study aids. We also have a limited number of sample and practice exams from faculty available on the Law School Sample / Practice Exams TWEN site.

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If accessing study aids from the Aspen Learning Library subscription, you will need to login using your UC credentials.

1L Subjects for the First Week of Spring 2023 Exams

Criminal Law

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Criminal Law

Criminal Law CALI Lessons

CALI currently offers a number of interactive exercises for students studying Criminal Law. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.

Criminal Law: Examples & Explanations

Available on the Aspen Learning Library subscription, this study aid combines textual material with examples, explanations, and questions to test students’ comprehension of the materials and provide practice in applying information to fact patterns. This study aid provides an overview of Criminal Law, together with examples that illustrate how these principles apply in typical cases. Features coverage of subjects in eight major areas: the purposes of punishment, Actus Reus & Mens Rea, homicide causation, inchoate crimes: solicitation & attempt, group criminality: conspiracy & complicity, rape defenses & excuses. A series of problems at the end of each section or chapter assist you in testing your understanding. Answers are provided for these problems.

Available on the West Academic study aid subscription, this Hornbook provides detailed discussion on the topics of responsibility, justification and excuse, inchoate crimes, accomplice, and liability. Attention is also given to subjects such as causation, insanity, and conspiracy.
Available on the LexisNexis Digital Library subscription, this text focuses on the basic elements of, and defenses to, all crimes; provides in-depth coverage of such crimes as homicide, rape, and theft; and covers other important topics covered in the Criminal Law course, such as accomplice and inchoate liability. Understanding Criminal Law also covers theories of punishment, sources of the criminal law, and overarching principles such as legality and proportionality. The common law is emphasized with extensive comparisons to the Model Penal Code and modern statutes. This edition offers the most significant updating ever, including coverage of quickly-changing legal areas, such as sexual assault and self-defense law. Recent and ongoing revisions to the Model Penal Code are also covered.

Selected Study Aids for Criminal Law Exam Review and Preparation

Exam Pro on Criminal Law (Objective)

Available on the West Academic study aid subscription, this study aid contains more than 200 multiple-choice questions, some of which focus on specific subject areas, and some of which are mixed together in practice exams covering multiple topics. Together, these questions survey most of the material covered in a typical criminal law course. Each question is accompanied by a detailed and thorough explanation of what is the correct answer to each of these questions, and what is not.

Available on the West Academic study aid subscription, this title contains more than one hundred essay questions, some of which focus on specific subject areas, and some of which examine a number of interwoven topics. Together, these questions survey all of the material covered in a typical criminal law course. Each question is accompanied by a comprehensive model answer that can be used to foster a deeper understanding of criminal law, and to show students exactly how to apply the rules they learned in class on an actual exam.
Available on the Aspen Learning Library subscription, The Glannon Guide to Criminal Law is a concise, clear review of criminal law topics organized around multiple-choice questions. It includes brief explanatory text about each topic, followed by one or two multiple-choice questions. After each question, the author explains how the correct choice was chosen and clarifies why other options were not correct. New hypotheticals feature situations involving the Model Penal Code.

Available on the West Academic study aid subscription, this is an interactive workbook designed to effectively prepare students to pass exams. The most heavily tested legal rules are presented in a format that mirrors the way they arise as issues in typical testing fact patterns. Rule statements are set out in easy-to-memorize statements, with a breakdown of the element components and logical steps to take to apply new facts to each legal element. The Guide contains short-answer Test Yourself questions. Working through these questions and then reading the answers and explanations to determine where your understanding is clear and where you must do additional work will help you master the skill of applying the relevant rules to new and different fact patterns. In addition to the short-answer questions, this Guide also includes numerous full-length essay questions with sample answers —providing further practice to test your knowledge and deepen your learning.

More study aids for Criminal Law

Constitutional Law II

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Constitutional Law

Constitutional Law CALI Lessons

CALI currently offers a number of interactive exercises for students studying Constitutional Law. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.

Constitutional Law Individual Rights: Examples and Explanations

Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this text is a problem-oriented guide to the principle doctrines of Constitutional law as covered in the typical course. This text walks the student through the provisions that protect individual rights. It combines textual material with examples, explanations, and questions to test the students’ comprehension of the materials and provide practice in applying legal principles to fact patterns.New to the Ninth Edition: inclusion of nearly 50 new Supreme Court cases, as well as expanded discussion of the freedom of association and the Richer treatment of the right to keep and bear arms.

Understanding Constitutional Law

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, Understanding Constitutional Law covers all of the central concepts and issues students encounter in any basic constitutional law course. Structure of Government issues revolve around the twin themes of federalism and separation of powers.

United States Constitutional Law (Concepts & Insights)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, United States Constitutional Law guides law students, political science students, and engaged citizens through the complexities of U.S. Supreme Court doctrine—and its relationship to constitutional politics—in key areas ranging from federalism and presidential power to equal protection and substantive due process. Rather than approach constitutional law as a static structure or imagine the Supreme Court as acting in isolation from society, the book elaborates and clarifies key constitutional doctrines while also drawing on scholarship in law and political science that relates the doctrines to large social changes such as industrialization, social movements such as civil rights and second-wave feminism, and institutional tensions between governmental actors. Combining legal analysis with historical narrative and sensitivity to political context, the book provides deeper understanding of how constitutional law arises, functions, and changes in a complex, often-divided society.

Selected Study Aids for Constitutional Law Exam Review and Preparation

Acing Constitutional Law

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this study aid uses a checklist format to lead students through the questions they need to ask and answer to fully analyze the legal questions they are trying to resolve. It presents numerous hypothetical problems and sample answers. Acing Constitutional Law covers the topics typical of a first-year Con Law course, things such as judicial review, national legislative power, federal executive powers, state power to regulate commerce, intergovernmental immunities, procedural due process, substantive due process, economic rights, equal protection, freedom of expression, the Establishment Clause, the Free Exercise Clause, and state action.

The Glannon Guide to Constitutional Law

Available via the Aspen Learning Library subscription, this Glannon Guide offers explanations, multiple-choice questions, and analyses. It provides an overview of the constitutional doctrines that govern the structure and powers granted in the U.S. Constitution, as well as those that protect individual rights and liberties. New to the Third Edition: combined the government structure and powers volume with the rights and liberties volume into one convenient, economical, and easy-to-use aid Updated with recent Supreme Court cases and related questions; new flowcharts and tables visually illustrate and clarify complex areas of doctrine New Closing Closers. Provides multiple choice questions at varying levels of difficulty, along with detailed explanations of correct and incorrect answers that all students can use to self-test within each chapter.

Questions and Answers: Constitutional Law

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this study guide includes 192 multiple-choice and short-answer questions arranged topically for ease of use during the semester, plus an additional set of 24 questions comprising a comprehensive “practice exam.” For each multiple-choice question, the authors provide a detailed answer that indicates which of four options is the best answer and explains thoroughly why that option is better than the other three options. Each short-answer question is designed to be answered in fifteen minutes or less, and includes a thoughtful, comprehensive, yet brief model answer.

More Study Aids on Constitutional Law

2L & 3L Subjects

Conflict of Laws

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Conflict of Laws

Conflict of Laws: Examples & Explanations

Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this text explores all topics covered in Conflicts courses, including personal jurisdiction and the Erie doctrine. It covers traditional and modern approaches to choice of law, proof of law, and enforcement of foreign country and sister state judgments. It provides up-to-date coverage of constitutional limits on personal jurisdiction, choice of law, and actions against sister states.New to the Fourth Edition: substantially revised personal jurisdiction chapters to add latest Supreme Court cases; new material on full faith and credit and immunity of state governments to sue in sister states in response to recent Supreme Court decisions; new material on proof of foreign country law in response to recent Supreme Court decision Additional material on state law proof of law that refers to new developments in state law; new examples and explanations that apply most recent changes in law such as coverage of same-sex marriage rights after Obergefell.

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this authoritative text covers jurisdiction and interstate and international private litigation in torts, contracts, business planning, family law (marriage, same-sex relationships, property rights, support, child custody), property, succession and estate administration, and the recognition of sister-state and foreign judgments. The text examines in depth the development and current state of approaches to choice of law. It also addresses issues of jurisdiction and applicable law in private litigation in federal court.
Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this text provides treatment of the U.S. Supreme Court’s recent personal jurisdiction decisions in J. McIntyre Machinery Ltd. v. Nicastro and Goodyear Dunlop Tires Operations, S.A. v. Brown, and updated material on jurisdiction in cyberspac; discussion of recent choice-of-law cases, choice-of-law codification efforts, and new developments relating to the Erie doctrine; updated discussions of conflict-of-laws issues surrounding same-sex marriage and the Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act;and expanded coverage of international conflict-of-laws issues, including forum non conveniens, recognition and enforcement of foreign country judgments, the Hague Service Convention, the Convention on Choice of Court Agreements, the U.N. Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Arbitral Awards, the Convention on the International Recovery of Child Support and Other Forms of Family Maintenance, the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction, and the Convention on Protection of Children and Cooperation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption.

Selected Study Aids for Conflict of Laws Exam Review and Preparation

Black Letter Outline on Conflict of Laws

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this outline covers: overview of litigational matters; domestic relations; problems of what law applies in particular types of cases; and issues of federalism.

Gilbert Law Summaries on Conflict of Laws

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, the topics covered in this outline include domicile, jurisdiction (including notice and opportunity to be heard, minimum contacts, and types of jurisdiction), choice of law (including vested rights approach, most significant relationship approach, and governmental interest analysis), and choice of law in specific substantive areas. Also included are traditional defenses against application of foreign law, constitutional limitations and overriding federal law (including Due Process Clause, Full Faith and Credit Clause, and conflict between state and federal law), and recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments.

Sum and Substance Quick Review of Conflict of Laws

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this product provides clear and concise explanations of the issues surrounding the conflict of laws. The text provides an analytical and exam approach accompanied by typical questions found on a conflict of laws exam. It includes multiple-choice questions and answers, practice essay questions and model answers, and Case Squibs.

More Study Aids for Conflict of Laws

Selected Study Aid for Labor Law

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Labor Law

Labor Law (Concepts & Insights)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this one-volume, concise treatise on labor law explains the analytical structure that governs how employees form workplace organizations and bargain over the terms and conditions of employment. It covers new forms of labor organizing, such as the corporate campaign, card check/neutrality agreements, and worker centers. It is designed to complement leading labor law casebooks with analysis of the principal decisions, context, and social justice policy. It reflects decisional and other developments through August 2019.

Labor Law in a Nutshell

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this comprehensive guide reviews labor relations law in the United States from its origins to the creation of key statutory protections and the up to date developments of the modern-day National Labor Relations Board (NLRB). Expert commentary offers insight into primary legal issues such as union organizing, picketing, employer responses, the duty to bargain, and enforcement of collective bargaining agreements and their arbitration provisions.

Understanding Labor Law

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this Understanding treatise examines the multifaceted and complex law of private-sector Labor Law. Because Understanding Labor Law focuses on relations between management and labor in the private sector, it deals primarily with the National Labor Relations Act, as amended, and its interpretation and application by the federal courts and the National Labor Relations Board. The book is organized in a format that is consistent with the organization of most Labor Law courses. At the end of each chapter is a section titled “Chapter Highlights,” summarizing some of the major doctrines discussed in the chapter.

Selected Study Aids for Labor Law Exam Review and Preparation

Gilbert Law Summaries on Labor Law

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, the topics covered in this Labor Law legal studies outline are statutory foundations of present labor law (including National Labor Relations Act (NLRA), Taft-Hartley, Norris-LaGuardia Act, and Landrum-Griffin Act), organizing campaigns, selection of the bargaining representative, collective bargaining (including negotiating the agreement, lockouts, administering the agreement, and arbitration), strikes, boycotts, and picketing. Other topics include concerted activity protected under the NLRA, civil rights legislation, grievance, federal regulation of compulsory union membership arrangements, state regulation of compulsory membership agreements, “right to work” laws, discipline of union members, election of union officers, and corruption.

More Study Aids for Labor Law

Administrative Law

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Administrative Law

Administrative Law CALI Lessons

CALI currently offers a number of interactive exercises for students studying Administrative Law. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.

Administrative Law: Examples and Explanations

Available via the Aspen Learning Library, the first two chapters of this text provide an overview of administrative law, what administrative agencies are, and how they fit into government structure. Later chapters go into detail about rulemaking and adjudication. The next chapters cover judicial review of agency action. Finally, it discusses information gathering and disclosure. Discussion of each topic is followed by examples to test your understanding of the topic and explanations of the examples.

Administrative Law (Hornbook)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this treatise provides a comprehensively updated analysis of administrative law in the United States, placing special emphasis on topics undergoing significant evolution or transformation in the Supreme Court and federal courts of appeals. These include, for example, the latest developments in Congress’s authority to delegate legislative authority to agencies, deference to agency legal interpretations, the so-called “major questions doctrine,” modern due process issues, and the presidential appointments power. The fundamental purposes of this book are to assess and explain the current state of the core doctrines of administrative law, place the most important aspects of those doctrines in a historical context, and identify important trends that can help readers understand how the doctrines may continue to evolve.

Understanding Administrative Law

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this Understanding treatise is designed to help the reader grasp the fundamental concepts of administrative law. Understanding Administrative Law concentrates on the process of administrative decision making but also deals with the substantive law of agencies when appropriate. As students progress through the course and later enter practice, they will find that substance and procedure become more and more intertwined and, in many instances, become almost inextricable. An awareness that there is no bright line between substance and procedure, particularly in the context of an administrative agency, is especially helpful to a thorough understanding of the subject. A good deal of the material in this book consists of recommendations and processes to identify administrative problems and mechanisms for organizing a reader’s thinking when the problem is identified. Understanding Administrative Law highlights the manner in which a client’s problem moves through the typical agency and the manner in which a lawyer copes with the various problems and issues encountered in representing clients before administrative agencies. In addition, this book contains a significant amount of material on trends in administrative law such as deregulation and regulatory reform.

Selected Study Aids for Administrative Law Exam Review and Preparation

Black Letter Outline on Administrative Law

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this outline covers: Rulemaking, Adjudications, Choice of Procedures and Nonlegislative Rules, The Availability of Judicial Review, Inspections, Reports & Subpoenas, Agency Structure, Public Access to Agency Processes, and Attorney’s Fees.

Administrative Law CrunchTime

Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this CrunchTime covers sources of administrative law, separation of powers, judicial review, rulemaking and adjudication, policy, enforcement and licensing, liability, and FOIA. You can test your knowledge by working through short-answer Q&A s, which are organized by topic. It also allows you to practice your essay exam skills by answering questions asked on past exams.

Questions and Answers: Administrative Law

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this study guide uses over 200 multiple-choice and short-answer questions to test your students’ knowledge of administrative law and procedure. It includes an introduction to the study of administrative law and the Administrative Procedure Act, as well as such topics as rulemaking procedures, adjudication procedures and due process, retroactivity, non-legislative rules, reviewability, agency structure, inspections, reports, subpoenas, the Freedom of Information Act, and attorneys’ fees. Each multiple-choice question is accompanied by a detailed answer that indicates which of four options is the best answer and explains why that option is better than the other three options. Each short-answer question (designed to be answered in no more than fifteen minutes) is followed by a thoughtful, yet brief, model answer. Q & A: Administrative Law also includes a comprehensive topical index.

More Study Aids for Administrative Law


Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Bankruptcy

CALI currently offers many interactive exercises for Bankruptcy students. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.
Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this text covers the rules of bankruptcy law and applies them in context, using the examples. It covers the nature, source, and policies of bankruptcy law formation; the framework of the debtor/creditor relationship; unsecured debt; secured debt and priorities; debt collection under state law; fraudulent transfers; bankruptcy jurisdiction, the powers of the bankruptcy court; debtor eligibility and bankruptcy relief; commencement and dismissal of the bankruptcy case; the automatic stay; property of the estate; trustee powers; executory contracts and unexpired leases; claims against the estate; Chapter 13 and 11 plans. New cases cover 363 asset sales, fraudulent transfer law, 524(g), small buisness bankruptcy under Subchapter V, and dischargeability of student loan debt. A series of problems at the end of each section or chapter assist you in testing your understanding. New problems address mass tort bankruptcies. Answers are provided for these problems.
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this text provides a comprehensive introduction to the basic principles of bankruptcy law. In addition to covering foundational questions such as the fresh start for individuals, property of the estate, executory contracts, adequate protection, preferences, and fraudulent conveyances, this book also covers cutting-edge issues such as restructuring support agreements, nonconsensual third-party releases, make-whole clauses, carve-outs, trap doors, and backstops. The seventh edition also takes stock of recent developments from the Supreme Court and elsewhere, including such cases as Mission Product Holdings, Jevic, Fulton, and Purdue Pharma.
Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this book provides a detailed introduction to bankruptcy and related state and federal debtor-creditor law. It is equally useful in an introductory Creditors’ Rights course that emphasizes bankruptcy; a free-standing Bankruptcy course; or an advanced course in Chapter 11 Reorganization. It provides an ample explanation of the issues likely to arise in any of these courses, specifically including issues raised by the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005

Selected Study Aids for Bankruptcy Exam Review and Preparation

Black Letter Outline on Bankruptcy

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription,this Black Letter Outline on Bankruptcy and Related Law helps law students recognize and understand the basic principles and issues of law covered in law school courses. Coverage includes: Extrajudicial collection devices Judicial debt collection Fraudulent transfers Creditors with special rights Debtor’s state law remedies and the Collective Creditor Act Commencement, conversion, and dismissal of a bankruptcy case Stay of collection actions Property of the estate Exemptions A Text Correlation Chart outline is cross-referenced to the leading casebooks on creditors’ rights and bankruptcy. This volume includes numerous examples, short questions and answers, a practice examination, and analysis.

The Glannon Guide to Bankruptcy

Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this study guide is designed to help you prepare for the introductory bankruptcy and creditors’ rights class, as well as a more advanced Chapter 11 class. It starts with a few chapters on state court collection procedures, then introduces the Bankruptcy Code system and its definitions, discusses bankruptcy court jurisdiction and administration, and then covers various bankruptcy topics that are applicable in any type of bankruptcy. Thereafter, the guide discusses topics in the context of the three main types of bankruptcy cases, known by their chapter numbers within the Bankruptcy Code: Chapter 7 liquidation cases; Chapter 13 individual payment plan cases; and Chapter 11 business reorganization cases. Brief explanatory text about a topic is followed by one or two multiple-choice questions, and after each question the author explains how the correct choice was chosen. New to the 5th Edition: Thorough coverage of new subchapter V of the Small Business Reorganization Act Text and question on the Supreme Court’s decision in City of Chicago v. Fulton regarding automatic stay violations. New material on third-party releases, including Purdue Pharma’s Chapter 11 case Bankruptcy Code dollar figures updated with inflation-adjusted numbers.

Questions and Answers: Bankruptcy

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this book contains 398 multiple-choice and short-answer questions with clear, detailed answers for each question, along with a two-hour, comprehensive practice exam, also with detailed, step-by-step explanations. The questions and answers cover the major chapters of the Bankruptcy Code (7, 11, 12, and 13) and include expertly designed questions on consumer bankruptcy, corporation liquidation, corporate reorganization, family farms, bankruptcy procedure, and many other issues. Specific coverage includes: the structure of the Code, bankruptcy eligibility, property of the estate and exclusions, the automatic stay, claims resolution and distribution, administrative powers, executory contracts, avoiding powers, preferences and exceptions, strong-arm powers, fraudulent transfers, recovery of avoided transfers, discharge and dischargeability, exemptions, means-testing, redemption, reaffirmation, reorganization plans in both chapter 11 and chapter 13, plan confirmation, advanced issues in chapter 11, non-discrimination, lien avoidance, and revocation of plan confirmation.

More Study Aids on Bankruptcy

Business Associations

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Business Associations

Agency, Partnerships, and LLCs: Examples & Explanations 

Available via the Aspen Learning Library subscription, this text is written by the professor who drafted the uniform limited partnership act and co-drafted the newest uniform limited liability company act. It provides in-depth treatment of limited liability companies (LLCs) and limited liability partnerships (LLPs), including a discussion of the newest Revised Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. It contains updated agency materials that fully integrate the recently finalized Restatement (Third) of Agency. It has refined its coverage of general partnership law to reflect the ascendancy of the Revised Uniform Partnership Act (RUPA) and revised coverage of limited partnership law to reflect the increasing acceptance of the 2001 version of the Uniform Limited Partnership Act. It also includes analysis of issues unique to limited liability companies. Analysis is first provided for a topic and then examples are given to help students understand the analysis. A series of problems at the end of each section or chapter assist you in testing your understanding. Answers are provided for these problems.

Business Associations CALI Lessons

CALI currently offers many interactive exercises for Business Associations students. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.

Business Organizations Law (Hornbook)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this Hornbook is thoroughly updated to include recent U.S. Supreme Court, Delaware and other leading decisions and regulatory developments (for example, the most recent version of the Model Business Corporation Act as well as the Delaware statute) that impact the conduct of corporate affairs including fiduciary obligations and duties in corporate transactions, governance, and management of corporations and LLCs, as well as benefit corporations, including the landscape of securities fraud suits in the federal courts, new discussions of unincorporated forms of business, insightful explanations of such news-making issues as corporate governance and director liabilities, and coverage of LLCs and LLPs.

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this book examines the legal rules and doctrines associated with running a business–from formation to dissolution to everything in between. These rules and doctrines are explored within the context of the various organizational forms in which a business may be operated. Thus, reading this book will provide you with a solid grounding in the law of agency, general partnerships, corporations, limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships, and limited liability companies.

Selected Study Aids for Business Associations Exam Review and Preparation

Acing Business Associations

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this book provides an explanation of corporations, agency and partnership, and the other subjects addressed in most Business Associations courses. To accompany its explanations, the guide utilizes a checklist format to lead students through questions they need to ask and issues they need to address, to fully evaluate the agency, partnership or corporations, problems they will face when studying this subject.

Exam Pro on Business Associations, Objective

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, Exam Pro-Objective on Business Associations is a study aid that helps law students prepare to take their Business Associations exam. Taking the sample objective exams and using the corresponding answers and analysis provides students with a more thorough understanding of Business Associations and a better understanding of how to take exams.

Corporations and Other Business Entities CrunchTime

Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this study aid provides flow charts, capsule summaries, exam tips, short answer exam questions, multiple choice questions, and essay questions with model answers.

Questions and Answers: Business Associations

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this study guide includes over 190 multiple-choice and short-answer questions arranged topically for ease of use during the semester, plus an additional set of 28 questions comprising a comprehensive “practice exam.”

More Business Associations Study Aids

International Criminal Law

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding International Criminal Law

International Criminal Law: Intersections and Contradictions (Concepts & Insights)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this primer presents the field of International Criminal Law (ICL), providing a concise summary of key ICL doctrines while also raising novel and interdisciplinary perspectives. Part I introduces the domain of ICL. Specific chapters are devoted to the different strands of the field’s history; the web of institutions that apply and interpret ICL; how the rules of international law generally, and ICL in particular, are created; theories that attempt to explain why certain crimes are subject to international regulation; and the unique challenges posed by the principle of legality within ICL. Part II is devoted to the intersecting elements of the major crimes recognized by international law (war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, aggression, and terrorism), the unique development of modes of liability under international law (including superior responsibility, complicity, co-perpetration, and joint criminal enterprise), and some of the defenses that might be deployed to block or mitigate liability (immunities, amnesties, and excuses). The text ends with two synthesis chapters. The first provides an in-depth case study of Syria to illustrate the way in which members of the international community can attempt to invoke, and block access to, the architecture of ICL and related accountability mechanisms. The second revisits some of the fundamental objectives underlying ICL, the more trenchant critiques of the project of international justice, and the breadth of creativity underlying alternative mechanisms developed under the cognate fields of transitional justice and conflict resolution.

International Criminal Law in a Nutshell

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this text is intended as an introduction for students taking a first course in international criminal law as well as practitioners with little or no familiarity with the field. After a brief introduction to the history of international criminal law (from its origins through Nuremburg to the ad hoc tribunals for the Former Yugoslavia and Rwanda), it summarizes basic principles of international accountability (such as the doctrine of “legality”) and concepts of international criminal jurisdiction (including “universal” jurisdiction). Several chapters focus on the International Criminal Court, in particular its substantive jurisdiction (genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and aggression), modes of liability and available defenses. Additional chapters cover the purposes and procedures of extradition (and its alternatives, such as “rendition”) and mutual legal assistance (obtaining evidence abroad for use in criminal cases). Attention is also given to the major “transnational crimes,” including terrorism, corruption, trafficking and organized crime.

Understanding International Criminal Law

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, the first part provides a general overview, with definitions to key terms that appear throughout the book. It covers the area of jurisdiction, as this is the starting point in determining the applicability of using international law. The second part covers selected areas of international criminal law. Choices of specific crimes to cover were made on the basis of showing a diversity of topics, new and developing areas such as computer crimes, and the older more traditional areas such as piracy. It provides materials on both violent and non-violent crimes. Areas of immediate importance, such as terrorism and narcotics trafficking, are discussed. The third part covers procedural issues. It includes constitutional issues, immunities, obtaining evidence from abroad, obtaining people from abroad, and post conviction issues such as prisoner transfers. The final part of this treatise covers the international aspects of international criminal law. In addition to examining what constitutes an international crime, it looks at human rights issues, international tribunals, and the International Criminal Court.

Selected Study Aids for International Criminal Law Exam Review and Preparation

Emanuel Law Outlines for International Law

Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this outline covers the concept of Public International law, sources of International Law, International Law and Municipal law, States, State Jurisdiction, IGOs, International Dispute Settlement, International Human Rights Law, Armed Conflict, Law of the Sea, Air and Space Law, International Environmental Law, and International Criminal Law.

Questions and Answers: International Law

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this text offers multiple choice questions and a final practice essay exam covering a wide array of areas likely to be addressed in any International Law course. The areas covered include: Principles of International Law; Jurisdiction; Sources of International Law; The United Nations; The Use of Force and Humanitarian Law; International Criminal and Human Rights Law; Indigenous Peoples; International Environmental Law; The Law of the Sea; and International Trade Law.

More International Criminal Law Study Aids

Criminal Procedure II

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Criminal Procedure II

Criminal Procedure CALI Lessons

Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this study aid provides an overview of Criminal Procedure, together with examples that illustrate how these principles apply in typical cases. The text additionally contains information on non-criminal trial remedies for prosecutorial misconduct; treatment of ABA standards, especially those relating to effective assistance of counsel; emphasis on the continuing struggle with rules of discovery, both as a constitutional matter, and as a matter of court rules, both federal and state; the expansion of the right to counsel, in Rothgery and other cases; and the Court’s willingness to impose on counsel, but not on judges, the duty to provide defendants prior to entry of a guilty plea of important information on collateral matters. A series of problems at the end of each section or chapter assist you in testing your understanding. Answers are provided for these problems.
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this text walks step-by-step through the criminal adjudication process, from the post-arrest bail decision and the right to counsel through the post-trial direct appeal. It analyzes the main cases and statutes in each area, showing how the doctrine has developed and its current state. The book also places great emphasis on the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure.
Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this text covers the criminal process after the police investigation ends and the adjudicative process commences. The text covers the most important United States Supreme Court cases in the field. Where pertinent, the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure, federal statutes, and lower federal and state court cases are considered. The broad overarching policy issues of criminal procedure are laid out and some of the hottest debates in the field are considered in depth and objectively.

Selected Study Aids for Criminal Procedure II Exam Review and Preparation

Criminal Procedure CrunchTime

Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this study aid provides flowcharts and capsule summaries of major points of law and critical issues, as well as exam tips for identifying common traps and pitfalls, and sample exam and essay questions with model answers.

Exam Pro on Criminal Procedure (Objective)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this study aid contains three comprehensive sample examinations, containing 40 questions each. It contains answers that explain why one choice is correct and why the alternatives are wrong.

Glannon Guide to Criminal Procedure

Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this Glannon Guide reviews the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Fourteenth Amendment cases and principles typically covered in law school criminal procedure class. It mirrors the classroom experience by teaching through explanation, interspersed with hypotheticals to illustrate application. Both correct and incorrect answers are explained; you learn why a solution does or does not work.

More Study Aids for Criminal Procedure II

International Business Transactions

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding International Business Transactions

International Business Transactions in a Nutshell

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this work examines the law and practices relevant to the principal forms of international business and commercial transactions. It includes chapters on negotiating business transactions; the law governing international sales of goods; structuring international sales transactions; the function and substance of international commercial terms; the law governing the international transportation of goods; financing international business transactions, especially through letters of credit; electronic transactions and the protection of data privacy; technology transfers; the initiation, operation, and termination of, as well as the limitations imposed on, foreign investments; property takings, including the options for protecting against and remedies for such actions; the extraterritorial regulation of international business; anti-corruption law; and the resolution of international disputes, whether through litigation in domestic court or through international arbitration.

Principles of International Business Transactions

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this study aid provides a more comprehensive examination of the law relevant to the subject matter and detailed citations to caselaw and other supporting authorities. It tracks the authors’ popular problem-oriented coursebook, International Business Transactions. Coverage moves sequentially from structuring international sales transactions to international sales law and letters of credit to regulation of international trade to transfers of technology to foreign investment to international business dispute settlement.

Understanding International Business and Financial Transactions

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this study aid provides an overview of International Business and Financial Transactions. This edition covers a wide range of topics relating to money, currency and finance in International Trade, The Rules of International Trade, United States Trade Laws, international sales, operating in foreign markets and taxation of international transactions. Understanding International Business and Financial Transactions also addresses recent developments in international business and finance particularly since the global financial crisis reached its full force in 2008.

Selected Study Aids for International Criminal Law Exam Review and Preparation

Emanuel Law Outlines for International Law

Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this outline covers the concept of Public International law, sources of International Law, International Law and Municipal law, States, State Jurisdiction, IGOs, International Dispute Settlement, International Human Rights Law, Armed Conflict, Law of the Sea, Air and Space Law, International Environmental Law, and International Criminal Law.

Questions and Answers: International Law

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this text offers multiple choice questions and a final practice essay exam covering a wide array of areas likely to be addressed in any International Law course. The areas covered include: Principles of International Law; Jurisdiction; Sources of International Law; The United Nations; The Use of Force and Humanitarian Law; International Criminal and Human Rights Law; Indigenous Peoples; International Environmental Law; The Law of the Sea; and International Trade Law.

More Study Aids on International Business Transactions. Students may find it useful to also look at Business Associations & Corporations Study Aids and the International Law Study Aids.

State & Local Government Law

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding State & Local Government Law

Local Government Law in a Nutshell

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this study aid features added emphasis on finance, including special tax districts and the implications of the Civil Rights Act of 1991. Discusses taxation, borrowing, and updating in the area of 1983. A review of each rule is included, accompanied by expert explanation of its underlying concepts.

Local Government Law (Hornbook)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this edition continues the emphasis of prior editions on such topics as the relationship of local governments to state and federal governments; the needs of local governments for territory, for personnel, and for adequate financing; and the principal activities and possible liabilities of local government. There is increased attention to land use control, an area of growing activity on the part of institutions, ranging from the U.S. Supreme Court to local zoning boards. This includes material not found in some books in this field, on such important concepts as “smart growth,” “new urbanism,” and “regulatory takings.”

Understanding Local Government

Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this treatise aims to provide a general understanding of the functionality of local governments. It identifies the underpinnings and the concepts that determine how local governments function in fulfilling their purpose of providing both needed and desired services to their residents. The book also makes numerous references to laws and other materials of particular states and regions, making it easy to provide illustrative examples and to supplement the text.

Government Contracts

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Government Contracts

Principles of Government Contracts (Concise Hornbook)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this expanded Principles of Government Contracts, 7th summarizes the Federal Acquisition Regulation System (FARS), improper business practices and personal conflicts of interest, publicizing contract actions, and competition requirements. Addresses acquisition planning, contractor qualifications, and descriptions of agency needs. Explains socio-economic policies, commercial items, contract types, options, sealed bidding, and contracting by negotiation. Reviews intellectual property, cost accounting standards, cost principles, financing, protests, disputes, and appeals. Explores research and development contracting, construction and architect-engineer contracts, inspection and warranty, value engineering, delays, suspension of work, changes and equitable adjustments, subcontracting, and government contract terminations for default and convenience.

Legal Ethics: Skills & Applications

Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Legal Ethics

Legal Ethics / Professional Responsibility CALI Lessons

CALI offers a number of interactive exercises for students studying Legal Ethics and Professional Responsibility. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.

Legal Ethics, Professional Responsibility, and the Legal Profession (Hornbook)

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this new Hornbook on professional responsibility provides both a snapshot of ongoing systemic changes and a thorough examination of the fundamentals of lawyer and judicial ethics. As a multi-dimensional work by scholarly experts in several fields, the Hornbook (1) begins with the changing environment in which legal services are provided in the modern economy; (2) continues with a theoretical grounding of legal ethics in moral philosophy; (3) offers empirical evidence and discussion about professional formation and moral development; (4) provides a comprehensive analysis of the law of lawyer ethics; (5) includes a rich discussion of the modern law of legal malpractice, and (6) concludes with exploration of the rules of judicial ethics.

Professional Responsibility: Examples & Explanations

Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this text covers the whole field of professional responsibility, focusing not only on the ABA Model Rules, but on the often-complex relationship between the rules and doctrines of agency, tort, contract, evidence, and constitutional law. Beginning with the formation of the attorney-client relationship, the book proceeds through topics including attorneys’ fees, malpractice and ineffective assistance of counsel, confidentiality and privilege rules, conflicts of interest, witness perjury and litigation misconduct, advertising and solicitation, admission to practice, and the organization of the legal profession. Coverage includes all subjects that are tested on the Multistate Professional Responsibility Exam (MPRE), including: A chapter on judicial ethics, a subject tested on the MPRE and not often covered thoroughly, if at all, in law school professional responsibility courses. Updated discussion and examples based on recent developments in the law, including the ABA’s simplification of the rules on advertising and solicitation, new Model Rule 8.4(g) on discrimination in the practice of law, the California Supreme Court’s Sheppard Mullin opinion on advance waivers of conflicts, and continuing developments in the impact of technology on the practice of law. A series of problems at the end of each section or chapter assist you in testing your understanding. Answers are provided for these problems. More MPRE-style multiple-choice questions in the Examples.

Understanding Lawyers’ Ethics

Available via Lexis Nexis study aid subscription, this Understanding treatise analyzes the fundamental issues of lawyers’ ethics and the ABA’s Model Rules. It is designed to facilitate a real understanding of legal rules as distinguished from a superficial familiarity with them by challenging the reader to test their understanding of the legal rules against the reader’s own moral standards and reasoned judgment. The fifth edition includes new chapters on Lawyers’ Ethics in a Time of Crisis and Counseling Clients, Coaching Witnesses, and Cross-Examining to Discredit the Truth, and substantial updates on Judicial Ethics and more.

Selected Study Aids for Legal Ethics Exam Review and Preparation

Acing Professional Responsibility

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, Acing Professional Responsibility provides a dual benefit to law students who, to become licensed lawyers, have to pass both a law school exam in a Legal Ethics course as well as the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE). To prepare for the law school examination, there are pages of text, numerous outlines, bullet points, sample essay questions and answers, and mini-checklists to learn the basics and fine points of Professional Responsibility. The Acing book also enables students to quickly recall and pass the MPRE. The materials are current through the Model Rules changes in 2018.

Exam Pro on Professional Responsibility

Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this book consists of three objective examinations in professional responsibility, containing a total of 180 objective questions. Each exam consists of sixty objective problems followed by four multiple-choice answers. Each exam is intended to take two hours and five minutes, thereby approximating the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination [MPRE]. The exam problems cover the following general topics: regulation of the legal profession, the lawyer-client relationship, client confidentiality, conflicts of interest, competence and legal malpractice, litigation and other forms of advocacy, communications with non-clients, different roles of the lawyer, safekeeping property, advertising and solicitation, duties to the public and the legal system, and judicial ethics.

Glannon Guide to Professional Responsibility

Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this study aid covers all heavily tested subjects on the MPRE and taught in a Professional Responsibility course. It includes a chapter devoted to the Code of Judicial Conduct and updated questions to reflect recent ABA Ethics Opinions and Supreme Court decisions in this area.

More Study Aids for Legal Ethics

This Week in the Law Library … Celebrate National Library Week!

This week in the Law Library we’re celebrating National Library Week! We’re also teaching low cost and free legal resources, continuing to highlight our environmental law and justice display, continuing our celebration of Arab American Heritage Month, and previewing United States Supreme Court oral arguments.

National Library Week

National Library Week April 23 - 29 2023

It’s National Library Week! The theme for National Library Week 2023, “There’s More to the Story,” promotes the idea that libraries are full of stories in a variety of formats from picture books to large print, audiobooks to ebooks, and more. But there’s so much more to the story. Libraries of Things lend items like museum passes, games, musical instruments, and tools. Library programming brings communities together for entertainment, education, and connection through book clubs, storytimes, movie nights, crafting classes, and lectures. Library infrastructure advances communities, providing internet and technology access, literacy skills, and support for businesses, job seekers, and entrepreneurs. National Library Week 2023 will be a great time to tell your library’s multi-faceted story. First sponsored in 1958, National Library Week is sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA) and observed in libraries across the country each April. All types of libraries – school, public, academic and special – participate. Follow National Library Week activities at our library, the American Library Association, and I Love Libraries on social media by tracking the hashtags:  #NationalLibraryWeek | #RighttoRead

Right to Read

Right to Read Day
The Monday of National Library Week – April 24, 2023 – will mark one year since the launch of the Unite Against Book Bans campaign. To honor the occasion, we’re calling on readers, advocates, and library lovers to fight back against censorship in a national day of action to defend, protect, and celebrate your right to read freely. We’re calling it Right to Read Day.

Nominate a Library Star

National Library Workers Day

National Library Workers Day is observed on the Tuesday of National Library Week, which is on April 25th this year. The day recognizes the importance and contributions of the library staff who keep our libraries running while we get lost in the wonderful books. Libraries are more than a place for borrowing books, they reflect the needs and expectations of our community. And library workers are the ones fulfilling those needs and expectations by making information, books, and resources more accessible. Libraries work because we work! Let’s take this time to flood social media (using the hashtag #NLWD23) with words of gratitude for all library workers. Start by nominating library workers as Stars for the ALA-APA Galaxy of Stars. Nominate a stellar library worker!

Take Action for Libraries Day

2023 Take Action for Libraries: Tell Congress to Stand Against Censorship

Library advocates across the country stand united on Take Action for Libraries Day, an annual day of action during National Library Week! From Congress to local library boards, our elected officials need to hear from library supporters at all levels of government. This year on Thursday, April 27, advocates are joining together to tell Congress to protect the freedom to read and stand against censorship.

This Week’s Research Sessions

Monday, April 24, 2023

Advanced Legal Research

Legal Technology & Research Instructional Services Librarian, Shannon Kemen & Electronic Resources​  & Instructional Technology Librarian Ron Jones
1:30pm – 2:55pm
Room 107

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Lawyering II, Advocacy, sec. 4

Shannon Kemen, Legal Technology & Research Instructional Services Librarian
Room 145
9:00am – 10:25am
Low Cost & Free Legal Resources

Lawyering II, Advocacy, sec. 3

Shannon Kemen, Legal Technology & Research Instructional Services Librarian
Room 145
1:30pm – 2:55pm
Low Cost & Free Legal Resources

Law Library Environmental Law & Justice Display

Environmental Justice and Energy Law Display
In honor of Earth Day, our April display features items from our collection that highlight environmental justice and energy law. Earth Day was first observed on April 22, 1970, when an estimated 20 million people nationwide attended the inaugural events at tens of thousands of sites including elementary and secondary schools, universities, and communities across the United States. By the twentieth anniversary of the first event, more than 200 million people in 141 countries had participated in Earth Day celebrations. The celebrations continue to grow. Please stop into the Library Services Suite (Room 110) in the next few weeks to view our exhibit, curated by Rhonda Wiseman, spotlighting monographs from our collection that focus on environmental justice and energy law. Feel free to check out materials on display!

Celebrate Arab American Heritage Month

Arab American Heritage Month April 2023

April is National Arab American Heritage Month (NAAHM) and celebrates the heritage, culture, and contributions of Arab Americans. Immigrants with origins from the Arab world have been arriving to the United States since before our country’s independence and have contributed to our nation’s advancements in science, business, technology, foreign policy, and national security. The Arab American Foundation and Arab America initiated the National Arab American Heritage Month in 2017. States and other organizations began recognizing April as National Arab American Heritage Month and this year President Biden issued an official proclamation.

According to the Arab American Institute, “Today, it is estimated that nearly 3.7 million Americans trace their roots to an Arab country. Arab Americans are found in every state, but more than two thirds of them live in just ten states: California, Michigan, New York, Florida, Texas, New Jersey, Illinois, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Virginia. Metropolitan Los Angeles, Detroit, and New York are home to one-third of the population.” Ohio has one of the fastest growing Arab populations in the country.

Selected Resources to Learn More for Arab American Heritage Month

In previous weeks we looked at databases, media, archives, and books to learn more about Arab Americans. This week we continue to take a look at more books.

Between Arab and White: Race and Ethnicity in the Early Syrian American Diaspora

This multifaceted study of Syrian immigration to the United States places Syrians- and Arabs more generally-at the center of discussions about race and racial formation from which they have long been marginalized. Between Arab and White focuses on the first wave of Arab immigration and settlement in the United States in the years before World War II, but also continues the story up to the present. It presents an original analysis of the ways in which people mainly from current day Lebanon and Syria-the largest group of Arabic-speaking immigrants before World War II-came to view themselves in racial terms and position themselves within racial hierarchies as part of a broader process of ethnic identity formation.

Backlash 9/11: Middle Eastern and Muslim Americans Respond

For most Americans, September 11, 2001, symbolized the moment when their security was altered. For Middle Eastern and Muslim Americans, 9/11 also ushered in a backlash in the form of hate crimes, discrimination, and a string of devastating government initiatives. This book provides the first comprehensive analysis of the impact of the post-9/11 events on Middle Eastern and Muslim Americans as well as their organized response. Through fieldwork and interviews with community leaders, Anny Bakalian and Mehdi Bozorgmehr show how ethnic organizations mobilized to demonstrate their commitment to the United States while defending their rights and distancing themselves from the terrorists.

Bint Arab: Arab and Arab American women in the United States

This book tells the long neglected story of the bint arab―the Arab woman―in the United States. Drawing on primary sources such as club minutes, census records, and dozens of interviews, the book explores the experience of late 19th- and early 20th-century immigrants―mostly Christian peasants from Lebanon and Syria―and their American-born daughters. Later, the book moves on to the well-assimilated granddaughters (many of whom have reidentified with the Arab community and begun to fight its political battles). The work concludes with those women―most of them Muslim―who have emigrated over the last quarter century from many Arab countries, particularly Palestinians.

Race and Arab Americans Before and After 9/11: From Invisible Citizens to Visible Subjects

Bringing the rich terrain of Arab American histories to bear on conceptualizations of race in the United States, this groundbreaking volume fills a critical gap in the field of U.S. racial and ethnic studies. The articles collected here highlight emergent discourses on the distinct ways that race matters to the study of Arab American histories and experiences and asks essential questions. What is the relationship between U.S. imperialism in Arab homelands and anti-Arab racism in the United States? In what ways have the axes of nation, religion, class, and gender intersected with Arab American racial formations? What is the significance of whiteness studies to Arab American studies? Transcending multiculturalist discourses that have simply added on the category “Arab-American” to the landscape of U.S. racial and ethnic studies after the attacks of September 11, 2001, this volume locates September 11 as a turning point, rather than as a beginning, in Arab Americans’ histories.

Transnational Muslims in American Society

This in-depth yet accessible guide to Islamic immigrants from the Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and Africa challenges the widely held perception that Islam is monolithic and exclusively Arab in identity and expression. Offering a topical discussion of Islamic issues, the author argues that there is no one immigrant Islam community but a multifaceted and multi-cultural Islamic world. She offers an insider’s look at what ideals and practices Muslims bring to this nation, how they see themselves as Americans, and how they get along with each other and with indigenous American Muslims.

April Arguments at the United States Supreme Court

US Supreme Court - corrected

From SCOTUS Blog:

Monday, April 24, 2023

Lac du Flambeau Band of Lake Superior Chippewa Indians v. Coughlin – whether the Bankruptcy Code expresses unequivocally Congress’ intent to abrogate the sovereign immunity of Indian tribes.

Dupree v. Younger – whether to preserve the issue for appellate review a party must reassert in a post-trial motion a purely legal issue rejected at summary judgment.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Yegiazaryan v. Smagin – whether a foreign plaintiff states a cognizable civil claim under the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act when it suffers an injury to intangible property, and if so, under what circumstances.

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Tyler v. Hennepin Cnty. – (1) whether taking and selling a home to satisfy a debt to the government, and keeping the surplus value as a windfall, violates the Fifth Amendment’s takings clause; and (2) whether the forfeiture of property worth far more than needed to satisfy a debt, plus interest, penalties, and costs, is a fine within the meaning of the Eighth Amendment.