Final exams are here and the Law Library can help!
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Fall 2021 Law Library Final Exam Preparation Workshop Video
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1L Subjects for the First Week of Spring 2022 Exams
Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Property
CALI currently offers many interactive exercises for Property. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.
Selected Study Aids for Property Law Exam Review and Preparation
Available on the West Academic study aid subscription, this study aid uses a checklist format to lead students through the questions they need to ask and answer to fully analyze the legal questions they are trying to resolve. Each chapter begins with a review and explanation of the important rules, concepts and principles that govern a particular area of property law. The review material is then synthesized into a checklist. Each chapter concludes with practice problems and solutions. The fourth edition includes: Two full-length, four-hour practice essay exams (with model answers); A new Master Checklist for issue-spotting essay questions; Updated discussion and Chapter Checklists for new developments in the law; New exam tips for regulatory takings and real covenants questions; Additional discussion of bailments, co-ownership, servitudes, and real estate transactions.
Exam Pro Workbook on Estates and Future Interests
Available on the West Academic study aid subscription, this title provides a basic introduction to estates and future interests law. Designed to offer solid knowledge of the area’s central concepts, it guides readers through a series of increasingly complex conveyances. The workbook begins with an analysis of the fee simple estate and builds sequentially toward more complicated interests and conveyances. The information proceeds from the simple to more complex, later problems building on the successful command of earlier material. Each problem is followed not only by that problem’s answer but also by a complete analysis of how the answer was derived. The workbook also contains an extensive glossary, summary charts, and a set of review problems that test the reader’s developing mastery of the material.
Available on the Aspen Learning Library subscription, this study aid provides a concise review of property topics through the use of multiple-choice questions. After each question the author explains how the correct choice was chosen, So that students learn how to analyze exam questions while they review course material.This edition contains two new chapters on “Bailments” and “Eminent Domain”, and new text and questions on the scope and termination of easements and the scope and termination of covenants.
A Student’s Guide to Estates in Land and Future Interests
Available on the LexisNexis Digital Library subscription, this guide facilitates the understanding of complex materials from Property courses. Chronologically organized material familiarizes students with basic concepts and necessary technical vocabulary. The authors graphically explain complex concepts, and provide extensive problem and answer sets. Topics include basic possessory estates, remainders and executory interests in response to the statute of uses, modifications of the common law scheme, and interesting complexities and modern changes.
Criminal Law
Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Criminal Law
CALI currently offers a number of interactive exercises for students studying Criminal Law. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.
Criminal Law: Examples & Explanations
Available on the Aspen Learning Library subscription, this study aid combines textual material with examples, explanations, and questions to test students’ comprehension of the materials and provide practice in applying information to fact patterns. This study aid provides an overview of Criminal Law, together with examples that illustrate how these principles apply in typical cases. Features coverage of subjects in eight major areas: the purposes of punishment, Actus Reus & Mens Rea, homicide causation, inchoate crimes: solicitation & attempt, group criminality: conspiracy & complicity, rape defenses & excuses. A series of problems at the end of each section or chapter assist you in testing your understanding. Answers are provided for these problems.
Selected Study Aids for Criminal Law Exam Review and Preparation
Exam Pro on Criminal Law (Objective)
Available on the West Academic study aid subscription, this study aid contains more than 200 multiple-choice questions, some of which focus on specific subject areas, and some of which are mixed together in practice exams covering multiple topics. Together, these questions survey most of the material covered in a typical criminal law course. Each question is accompanied by a detailed and thorough explanation of what is the correct answer to each of these questions, and what is not.
Available on the West Academic study aid subscription, this is an interactive workbook designed to effectively prepare students to pass exams. The most heavily tested legal rules are presented in a format that mirrors the way they arise as issues in typical testing fact patterns. Rule statements are set out in easy-to-memorize statements, with a breakdown of the element components and logical steps to take to apply new facts to each legal element. The Guide contains short-answer Test Yourself questions. Working through these questions and then reading the answers and explanations to determine where your understanding is clear and where you must do additional work will help you master the skill of applying the relevant rules to new and different fact patterns. In addition to the short-answer questions, this Guide also includes numerous full-length essay questions with sample answers —providing further practice to test your knowledge and deepen your learning.
More study aids for Criminal Law
2L & 3L Subjects
Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Evidence
CALI currently offers many interactive exercises for Evidence students. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.
Evidence: Examples & Explanations
Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this text covers the Federal Rules of Evidence and includes the latest Supreme Court cases. It also analyzes the ebb and flow of Confrontation Clause jurisprudence. Analysis is first provided for a topic and then examples are given to help students understand the analysis. A series of problems at the end of each section or chapter assist you in testing your understanding. Answers are provided for these problems.
Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, the fifth edition of A Student’s Guide to Hearsay focuses on the Federal Rules of Evidence, breaking down the hearsay rule into its elements and explaining them in straightforward language. It does the same for each of the 29 exceptions to the hearsay rule. The book covers the Sixth Amendment Confrontation Clause and includes a proposed amendment to the Rules. It also explains related subjects: what a grand jury is and how it operates; offers of proof, order of proof, burdens of proof; conditional relevancy and conditional admissibility; and privileged communications.
Selected Study Aids for Evidence Exam Review and Preparation
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, Acing Evidence is a study aid that helps law students prepare to take their Evidence exam. Providing many helpful examples and employing checklists at the end of every chapter, Acing Evidence presents an organized way to analyze evidence problems and spot hidden issues. The third edition adds new examples and reflects changes in the Federal Rules of Evidence.
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, Exam Pro-Essay is a study aid that helps law students prepare to take their Evidence exam. Answering the sample essay exams and the specific subject matter essay questions, followed by review of the corresponding answers and analysis, provides students with a more thorough comprehension of the Federal Rules of Evidence and a better understanding of how to take exams.
Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this study aid provides an explanation of the Federal Rules of Evidence, with each chapter corresponding to the 10 main articles of evidence. Substantial text is spent on Hearsay, Character evidence, and Impeachment. Each chapter begins with an explanation of the rules and follows with multiple choice questions applying the rules to hypotheticals. An analysis of the correct answers is also provided.
Questions and Answers: Evidence
Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this Q & A includes over 260 multiple-choice and short-answer questions, arranged topically for ease of use during the semester, plus an additional set of 50 “practice exam” questions. For each multiple-choice question, there is a detailed answer that indicates which of four options is the best answer and explains thoroughly why that option is better than the other three options.
Administrative Law
Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Administrative Law
Administrative Law CALI Lessons
CALI currently offers a number of interactive exercises for students studying Administrative Law. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.
Administrative Law: Examples and Explanations
Available via the Aspen Learning Library, the first two chapters of this text provide an overview of administrative law, what administrative agencies are, and how they fit into government structure. Later chapters go into detail about rulemaking and adjudication. The next chapters cover judicial review of agency action. Finally, it discusses information gathering and disclosure. Discussion of each topic is followed by examples to test your understanding of the topic and explanations of the examples.
Administrative Law (Concepts & Insights)
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this mini-treatise discusses and analyzes principal concepts of administrative law and process, including the political and legal nature of administrative law; legislative control of administrative discretion; executive control of administrative discretion; judicial control of agency discretion (threshold issues, procedural issues, substantive issues); and access to private and public information.
Understanding Administrative Law
Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this Understanding treatise is designed to help the reader grasp the fundamental concepts of administrative law. Understanding Administrative Law concentrates on the process of administrative decision making but also deals with the substantive law of agencies when appropriate. As students progress through the course and later enter practice, they will find that substance and procedure become more and more intertwined and, in many instances, become almost inextricable. An awareness that there is no bright line between substance and procedure, particularly in the context of an administrative agency, is especially helpful to a thorough understanding of the subject. A good deal of the material in this book consists of recommendations and processes to identify administrative problems and mechanisms for organizing a reader’s thinking when the problem is identified. Understanding Administrative Law highlights the manner in which a client’s problem moves through the typical agency and the manner in which a lawyer copes with the various problems and issues encountered in representing clients before administrative agencies. In addition, this book contains a significant amount of material on trends in administrative law such as deregulation and regulatory reform.
Selected Study Aids for Administrative Law Exam Review and Preparation
Black Letter Outline on Administrative Law
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this outline covers: Rulemaking, Adjudications, Choice of Procedures and Nonlegislative Rules, The Availability of Judicial Review, Inspections, Reports & Subpoenas, Agency Structure, Public Access to Agency Processes, and Attorney’s Fees.
Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this CrunchTime covers sources of administrative law, separation of powers, judicial review, rulemaking and adjudication, policy, enforcement and licensing, liability, and FOIA. You can test your knowledge by working through short-answer Q&A s, which are organized by topic. It also allows you to practice your essay exam skills by answering questions asked on past exams.
Available via the Aspen Learning Library subscription, this text offers laws school exams to test your knowledge of the key concepts and rules with a collection of essay and multiple-choice questions. Set up to mirror actual exams, the series features long essay questions as well as some that are relatively short and medium-length, giving you great practice in the length and variation of questions on the final. Friedman’s texts are compiled by professors who wrote the exams, you get sound advice as well as keen insight on what instructors look for in grading your answers.
Questions and Answers: Administrative Law
Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this study guide uses over 200 multiple-choice and short-answer questions to test your students’ knowledge of administrative law and procedure. It includes an introduction to the study of administrative law and the Administrative Procedure Act, as well as such topics as rulemaking procedures, adjudication procedures and due process, retroactivity, non-legislative rules, reviewability, agency structure, inspections, reports, subpoenas, the Freedom of Information Act, and attorneys’ fees. Each multiple-choice question is accompanied by a detailed answer that indicates which of four options is the best answer and explains why that option is better than the other three options. Each short-answer question (designed to be answered in no more than fifteen minutes) is followed by a thoughtful, yet brief, model answer. Q & A: Administrative Law also includes a comprehensive topical index.
More Study Aids for Administrative Law
Business Associations
Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Business Associations
Agency, Partnerships, and LLCs: Examples & Explanations
Available via the Aspen Learning Library subscription, this text is written by the professor who drafted the uniform limited partnership act and co-drafted the newest uniform limited liability company act. It provides in-depth treatment of limited liability companies (LLCs) and limited liability partnerships (LLPs), including a discussion of the newest Revised Uniform Limited Liability Company Act. It contains updated agency materials that fully integrate the recently finalized Restatement (Third) of Agency. It has refined its coverage of general partnership law to reflect the ascendancy of the Revised Uniform Partnership Act (RUPA) and revised coverage of limited partnership law to reflect the increasing acceptance of the 2001 version of the Uniform Limited Partnership Act. It also includes analysis of issues unique to limited liability companies. Analysis is first provided for a topic and then examples are given to help students understand the analysis. A series of problems at the end of each section or chapter assist you in testing your understanding. Answers are provided for these problems.
Business Associations CALI Lessons
CALI currently offers many interactive exercises for Business Associations students. You will need to set up a password to use CALI online. To set up a username and password, you will be asked to enter UC Law’s authorization code. UC Law students can get this code from any reference librarian.
Business Organizations Law (Hornbook)
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this Hornbook is thoroughly updated to include recent U.S. Supreme Court, Delaware and other leading decisions and regulatory developments (for example, the most recent version of the Model Business Corporation Act as well as the Delaware statute) that impact the conduct of corporate affairs including fiduciary obligations and duties in corporate transactions, governance, and management of corporations and LLCs, as well as benefit corporations, including the landscape of securities fraud suits in the federal courts, new discussions of unincorporated forms of business, insightful explanations of such news-making issues as corporate governance and director liabilities, and coverage of LLCs and LLPs.
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this book examines the legal rules and doctrines associated with running a business–from formation to dissolution to everything in between. These rules and doctrines are explored within the context of the various organizational forms in which a business may be operated. Thus, reading this book will provide you with a solid grounding in the law of agency, general partnerships, corporations, limited partnerships, limited liability partnerships, and limited liability companies.
Selected Study Aids for Business Associations Exam Review and Preparation
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this book provides an explanation of corporations, agency and partnership, and the other subjects addressed in most Business Associations courses. To accompany its explanations, the guide utilizes a checklist format to lead students through questions they need to ask and issues they need to address, to fully evaluate the agency, partnership or corporations, problems they will face when studying this subject.
Exam Pro on Business Associations, Objective
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, Exam Pro-Objective on Business Associations is a study aid that helps law students prepare to take their Business Associations exam. Taking the sample objective exams and using the corresponding answers and analysis provides students with a more thorough understanding of Business Associations and a better understanding of how to take exams.
Corporations and Other Business Entities CrunchTime
Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this study aid provides flow charts, capsule summaries, exam tips, short answer exam questions, multiple choice questions, and essay questions with model answers.
Questions and Answers: Business Associations
Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this study guide includes over 190 multiple-choice and short-answer questions arranged topically for ease of use during the semester, plus an additional set of 28 questions comprising a comprehensive “practice exam.”
More Business Associations Study Aids
Mergers and Acquisitions
Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Mergers and Acquisitions
Selected Study Aids for Mergers and Acquisitions Exam Review and Preparation
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, Chapter 10 of this text deals with mergers and acquisitions.
Black Letter Outline on Antitrust
Although this Black Letter Outline, available via the West Academic study aid subscription, is on Antitrust, several chapters cover mergers and acquisitions.
Gilbert Law Summaries on Corporations
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this outline clearly examines the full range of issues that arise in classes focused on business organizations. The central distinctions among business forms such as general and limited partnerships, limited liability corporations as well as close and public corporations. Both federal and state statutes that regulate the affairs of corporations are examined. The legal requirements for their formation, operation and management. Also includes shareholders’ right to inspect records, shareholders’ suits, capitalization, dividends, redemption of shares, fundamental changes in corporate structure, and applicable conflict of laws principles. Contemporary practices and legal provisions addressing corporate governance are described. Special attention is given to the fiduciary obligations of owners and managers as well as the governance rights of shareholders. The materials provide detailed coverage of the federal provisions addressing proxy solicitations, insider trading, disclosure requirements and the scope of the anti-fraud provision Rule 10b-5. The outline provides comprehensive treatment of a wide range of mergers and acquisition issues including the procedural requirements to effect acquisitions, the fiduciary obligations to defend and transfer control, and the intricate case law surrounding self-dealing acquisitions.
More Mergers & Acquisitions Study Aids
Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Bankruptcy
Selected Study Aids for Bankruptcy Exam Review and Preparation
Black Letter Outline on Bankruptcy
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription,this Black Letter Outline on Bankruptcy and Related Law helps law students recognize and understand the basic principles and issues of law covered in law school courses. Coverage includes: Extrajudicial collection devices Judicial debt collection Fraudulent transfers Creditors with special rights Debtor’s state law remedies and the Collective Creditor Act Commencement, conversion, and dismissal of a bankruptcy case Stay of collection actions Property of the estate Exemptions A Text Correlation Chart outline is cross-referenced to the leading casebooks on creditors’ rights and bankruptcy. This volume includes numerous examples, short questions and answers, a practice examination, and analysis.
The Glannon Guide to Bankruptcy
Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this study guide is designed to help you prepare for the introductory bankruptcy and creditors’ rights class, as well as a more advanced Chapter 11 class. It starts with a few chapters on state court collection procedures, then introduces the Bankruptcy Code system and its definitions, discusses bankruptcy court jurisdiction and administration, and then covers various bankruptcy topics that are applicable in any type of bankruptcy. Thereafter, the guide discusses topics in the context of the three main types of bankruptcy cases, known by their chapter numbers within the Bankruptcy Code: Chapter 7 liquidation cases; Chapter 13 individual payment plan cases; and Chapter 11 business reorganization cases. Brief explanatory text about a topic is followed by one or two multiple-choice questions, and after each question the author explains how the correct choice was chosen.
Questions and Answers: Bankruptcy
Available via Lexis OverDrive study aid subscription, this book contains 398 multiple-choice and short-answer questions with clear, detailed answers for each question, along with a two-hour, comprehensive practice exam, also with detailed, step-by-step explanations. The questions and answers cover the major chapters of the Bankruptcy Code (7, 11, 12, and 13) and include expertly designed questions on consumer bankruptcy, corporation liquidation, corporate reorganization, family farms, bankruptcy procedure, and many other issues. Specific coverage includes: the structure of the Code, bankruptcy eligibility, property of the estate and exclusions, the automatic stay, claims resolution and distribution, administrative powers, executory contracts, avoiding powers, preferences and exceptions, strong-arm powers, fraudulent transfers, recovery of avoided transfers, discharge and dischargeability, exemptions, means-testing, redemption, reaffirmation, reorganization plans in both chapter 11 and chapter 13, plan confirmation, advanced issues in chapter 11, non-discrimination, lien avoidance, and revocation of plan confirmation.
Conflict of Laws
Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Conflict of Laws
Conflict of Laws: Examples & Explanations
Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this text explores all topics covered in Conflicts courses, including personal jurisdiction and the Erie doctrine. It covers traditional and modern approaches to choice of law, proof of law, and enforcement of foreign country and sister state judgments. It provides up-to-date coverage of constitutional limits on personal jurisdiction, choice of law, and actions against sister states.New to the Fourth Edition: substantially revised personal jurisdiction chapters to add latest Supreme Court cases; new material on full faith and credit and immunity of state governments to sue in sister states in response to recent Supreme Court decisions; new material on proof of foreign country law in response to recent Supreme Court decision Additional material on state law proof of law that refers to new developments in state law; new examples and explanations that apply most recent changes in law such as coverage of same-sex marriage rights after Obergefell.
Selected Study Aids for Conflict of Laws Exam Review and Preparation
Black Letter Outline on Conflict of Laws
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this outline covers: overview of litigational matters; domestic relations; problems of what law applies in particular types of cases; and issues of federalism.
Gilbert Law Summaries on Conflict of Laws
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, the topics covered in this outline include domicile, jurisdiction (including notice and opportunity to be heard, minimum contacts, and types of jurisdiction), choice of law (including vested rights approach, most significant relationship approach, and governmental interest analysis), and choice of law in specific substantive areas. Also included are traditional defenses against application of foreign law, constitutional limitations and overriding federal law (including Due Process Clause, Full Faith and Credit Clause, and conflict between state and federal law), and recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments.
Sum and Substance Quick Review of Conflict of Laws
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, this product provides clear and concise explanations of the issues surrounding the conflict of laws. The text provides an analytical and exam approach accompanied by typical questions found on a conflict of laws exam. It includes multiple-choice questions and answers, practice essay questions and model answers, and Case Squibs.
Selected Study Aids for Help Understanding Sales
Selected Study Aids for Sales Exam Review and Preparation
Available via the Aspen Learning Library, Friedman’s Practice Series helps you develop the skills for spotting issues and preparing answers for your next exam. Real laws school exams test your knowledge of the key concepts and rules with a collection of essay and multiple-choice questions. Set up to mirror actual exams, the series features long essay questions as well as some that are relatively short and medium-length.
Gilbert Law Summaries on Sale and Lease of Goods
Available via the West Academic study aid subscription, the topics discussed in the Sale and Lease of Goods outline are Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Article 2, sales contract (including offer and acceptance, parol evidence rule, statute of frauds, assignment and delegation, and revision of contract terms). Also covered are types of sales, including cash sale transactions, auctions, “sale or return”, and “sale on approval” transactions, express and implied warranties, and privity.
Available via the Aspen Learning Library, this text includes an introduction to working with the uniform commercial code; discusses the the scope of article 2; formation; the parol evidence rule; interpretation and modification; the statute of frauds; warranties; disclaimer of warranties; third-party beneficiaries; the code scheme for performance; delivery and shipment; excuse of performance; assurances and reclamation; Seller’s remedies; Buyer’s remedies; limitation of remedies; assignment and delegation; the statute of limitations. Coverage of Article 2a looks at leases of goods; software transactions; and International sales.