Mergers and Acquisitions
Item 1001 — Summary term sheet.
Item 1002 — Subject company information.
Item 1003 — Identity and background of filing person.
Item 1004 — Terms of the transaction.
Item 1005 — Past contacts, transactions, negotiations and agreements.
Item 1006 — Purposes of the transaction and plans or proposals.
Item 1007 — Source and amount of funds or other consideration.
Item 1008 — Interest in securities of the subject company.
Item 1009 — Persons/assets, retained, employed, compensated or used.
Item 1010 — Financial statements.
Item 1011 — Additional information.
Item 1012 — The solicitation or recommendation.
Item 1013 — Purposes, alternatives, reasons and effects in a going-private transaction.
Item 1014 — Fairness of the going-private transaction.