Kenneth J. Hirsh / Summer 2018

On July 15, Law Library Director and Professor Hirsh was a panelist on the program “Imposter Syndrome: The Plague (or Good Fortune) of the Smart Professional” at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Law Libraries (AALL) in Baltimore.

Professor Hirsh edited and co-authored with Randy J. Diamond, Darin Fox, Heidi Frostestad Kuehl, and Michael Robak, “Let’s Teach Our Students Legal Technology… But What Should We Include?,” which will be published as 23 AALL Spectrum (September/October 2018) at 23.

Kristin Kalsem / Summer 2018

Professor Kalsem was the recipient of an Award for Faculty Excellence, awarded by the Provost of the University of Cincinnati.

In July, Professor Kalsem taught a course at the University of Durham in Durham, England on “Participatory Action Research: Theories, Methods, and Challenges–A Course for Doctoral Students and Members of Community Organizations.”

Professor Kalsem’s article, “Judicial Education, Private Violence, and Community Action: A Case Study in Legal Participatory Action Research,” was accepted for publication in the Journal of Gender, Race, and Justice.

Stephanie Hunter McMahon/ Summer 2018

Professor McMahon contributed to retired Judge Marianna Bettman’s Legally Speaking Ohio Blog. The article, titled “What’s On Their Minds: Must the Cincinnati Reds Pay Tax on Bobbleheads? Cincinnati Reds, L.L.C. v. Testa” can be found at

The second edition of Professor McMahon’s book Principles of Tax Policy was published by West Academic.

On August 7, Professor McMahon’s article, “The Perfect Process is the Enemy of the Good Tax: Tax’s Exceptional Regulatory Process” was reviewed by Sonya Watson found at:

Professor McMahon will present a Constitution Day lecture on the history of the role of the Vice Presidency and the 25th Amendment at the historic Betts House in Cincinnati on September 15, 2018.

Janet Moore / Summer 2018

Professor Moore received the University of Cincinnati 2018 Cohen Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Professor Moore received the 2018 University of Cincinnati College of Law Faculty Excellence Award.

Professor Moore’s article, “Tipping the Outhouse or Storming the Mansionhouse? New Developments in Securing Early Access to Criminal Defense Counsel,” has been accepted for publication as an invited contribution to a symposium volume of Loyola University-Chicago Law Review (2019).

Professor Moore and her co-authors’ (Ellen Yaroshefsky and Andrew Davies) paper, “Privileging Public Defense Research,” was accepted for publication by Mercer Law Review as an invited symposium piece.

Professor Moore’s article, “The Antidemocratic Sixth Amendment,” 91 Wash. L. Rev. 1705 (2016), was cited and discussed by Judge James O. Browning in U.S. v. DeLeon, 291 F.Supp.3d 1283 (D. N.M. 2017), and U.S. v. Baca, 2018 WL 2422053 (D. N.M. May 29, 2018).

Professor Moore’s paper, “Empirical Research on Attorney-Client Communication in Public Defense,” was accepted for presentation at the Annual Conference of the American Society of Criminology in Atlanta, Georgia (November 2018).

Professor Moore’s work-in-progress, “Community-Partnered Research, Isonomy, and the Carceral State,” was accepted for presentation at the ClassCrits Conference in Morgantown, West Virginia (November 2018), and was presented at the Law & Society Conference in Toronto, Canada (June 2018).

Professor Moore presented her paper, “Tipping the Outhouse or Storming the Mansionhouse? New Developments in Securing Early Access to Criminal Defense Counsel,” as an invited speaker at the annual Criminal Justice Ethics Schmooze in New York City, New York (June 2018) and as an invited participant in the discussion group Judging 50 Years After the Chicago 7 Trial at the Southeastern Association of Law Schools Annual Conference, Ft. Lauderdale, Florida (August 2018).

Professor Moore filed an amicus brief as counsel for the National Association for Public Defense in the capital post-conviction appeal involving North Carolina’s Racial Justice Act, State v. Robinson, North Carolina Supreme Court Docket No. 411A94-6 (13 July 2018). Rising 3Ls Kristi Murphy and Caitlyn Idoine assisted in researching and drafting the brief.

Professor Moore accepted an invitation to serve as an expert for the National Center for State Courts on a quasi-experimental research project funded by the United States Department of Justice National Institute of Justice, Examining the Effectiveness of Indigent Defense Team Services: A Multisite Evaluation of Holistic Defense in Practice.

Professor Moore agreed to serve as a mentor for the University of Cincinnati’s 2018-2019 Transdisciplinary Research Leadership Group at the request of the University’s Office of Research.

Nancy Oliver / Summer 2018

Professor Nancy Oliver and Christian Lillis have published an op-ed arguing in favor of the STAAR Act related to antibiotic resistant bacteria introduced by Sen. Sherrod Brown. The article can be found at:

Professor Oliver and Professor Bradley’s article, “The Complete Professional: How Our New Professional Ideals for Law Students Help Us in the Legal Research and Writing Classroom,” has been published at 26 Perspectives: Teaching Legal Research and Writing 14 (Spring 2018).

On August 10, Professors Oliver and Professors Chris Bryant and Rachel Smith presented “Introducing Mind-Body Skills to Students” with Jarrod Reich of Georgetown Law at the SEALS annual conference.

Rachel Jay Smith / Summer 2018

Professor Smith won the “Partnership Award” for her work as a University Appeals Administrator (“UAA”). As a UAA, she reviewed every student misconduct appeal for academic and nonacademic misconduct, including Title IX appeals.

On August 10, Professor Smith and Professors Chris Bryant and Nancy Oliver presented “Introducing Mind-Body Skills to Students” with Jarrod Reich of Georgetown Law at the SEALS annual conference.

Michael E. Solimine / Summer 2018

Professor Solimine and recent graduate Kristen Elia ’18 wrote a blogpost on the standing requirement in Ohio state courts. The blogpost can be found at:

Professor Solimine presented his paper, “Are Interlocutory Qualified Immunity Appeals Lawful?”, at the Summer Scholarship Series. It will be published in 94 Notre Dame Law Review Online (forthcoming 2019).

Sandra F. Sperino / Summer 2018

Professor Sperino submitted her treatise McDonnell Douglas: The Most Important Case in Employment Discrimination Law to Bloomberg.  The treatise, which is the first of its kind, explores in-depth, the case of McDonnell Douglas v. Green, its progeny, and its tremendous influence on many aspects of employment discrimination law.  It is expected to be in print in August.

She also submitted the next edition of her casebook, Employment Discrimination: Context and Practice (w/ Gonzalez) to Carolina Academic Press.  The book is expected in print by the spring of 2019.

Professor Sperino is giving the Constitution Day Lecture at Xavier University in September.  Her lecture will discuss the intersection of the Constitution and the #metoo movement.

Professor Sperino will present one of her articles at Notre Dame Law School as part of its colloquium series in March 2019.

Professor Sperino’s work was, for the fourth time, cited in the Iowa Supreme Court (Mormann v. Iowa Workforce Development, 913 N.W.2d 554 (Iowa 2018)).

Joseph P. Tomain / Summer 2018

Professor Tomain contributed a chapter, “Energy Infrastructure: Beyond Repair,” to Disaster Resilience (forthcoming 2018).

Professor Tomain published “A Treatise for Energy Law,” in the Journal of World Energy Law and Business, volume 11, page 17 (2018), with his co-authors Raphael Heffron, Anita Ronne, Adrian Bradbrook, and Kim Talus.

Professor Tomain wrote the editorial, “Kavanaugh’s Political Leanings Likely Will Be Written Into Law,” for the Cincinnati Enquirer, which was published August 6, available at

Professor Tomain wrote the blog, “Brett Kavanaugh: Environmental Policymaker,” for CRPBlog (July 26, 2018) available at